ESPN fires woman on maternity leave

  • Thread starter anon_9qtxg60vqzy0y
  • Start date
Would it have been better if they fired her the first day back? She was getting canned regardless.....
Damn, didn't know that about Walsh, knew they let Jade McCarthy go and she's pregnant also. They laid off all these people and still went out and hired Rex Foot Freak Ryan for their NFL Studio shows... go figure.

It's all about ratings and who will make the company money. Ryan may, these sportscenter anchors were not doing so. They can eventually be replaced by some younger, hotter girl, who demands a much lesser salary.

And the thread is misleading if they waited until she is back.
I can't believe she still has a job.
I would put a muzzle on her and be her dirty white bread secret. She's cold blooded. I think she's smoking hot. I'm not listening to her mouth just her body talking. They have dolled her up as she looked like the butch when she first started on around the horn