Edwards in Summer League

People forget that many 19/20 year old kids are still developing. Don't let your hate for Cal result in hating and/or rooting against some of these kids that played for him. Edwards still has some time to develop into the player that many think he can turn into. Personally, I hope he proves the naysayers wrong.

I just don't think he has the drive to get better. From the untrained eye again I'm not there in the gym with him but it didn't seem to me that he improved during his 1 year at UK.

If he figures it out with unlimited time to train then good for him. But to me it' just another player that could of benefited himself and UK for staying another 2-3 years in a UK jersey.
It seems that Edwards is his own worst enemy. 50% of the battle is in your head, and seemed that he got in his own head. Also, the kid's confidence was crushed during the first part of the season that he has clearly not overcome. Thankfully, this can all be fixed and hoping that he will.
He did play better the second game, had like 14 and 5 boards I think.
I just don't think he has the drive to get better. From the untrained eye again I'm not there in the gym with him but it didn't seem to me that he improved during his 1 year at UK.

If he figures it out with unlimited time to train then good for him. But to me it' just another player that could have benefited himself and UK for staying another 2-3 years in a UK jersey.
I just don’t think he has the physical tools many thought and as you said he doesn’t do any one thing at an elite level, and didn’t really improve all that much. He has time but he should be in college perfecting his game giving him the best chance to make it IMO.
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The big problem with bringing Reed and Rob off the bench was because Cal waited too long to bring them in. How many times were the Cats down by 8-10 points before he brought them in?
It wasn’t as many people thought, despite what the narrative was. I did some research immediately after the season was over and it was only around 5 times. That’s still too many, but a far cry from the “every game” narrative that is pushed in these parts.
Edwards could have transferred anywhere he wanted too for college ball, he was not forced into the nba. I’m in no way taking up for cal here, he misused Edwards all year long but Edwards going and staying in the draft is not on cal but edwards himself. Bradshaw had enough sense to stay in college and to get away from cal.
I didn't suggest that Cal or anyone physically forced him to do anything; however, the culture under Cal clearly inferred that players who hung around for another season were second tier players.
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It wasn’t as many people thought, despite what the narrative was. I did some research immediately after the season was over and it was only around 5 times. That’s still too many, but a far cry from the “every game” narrative that is pushed in these parts.
I agree but the bigger issue IMO was it wasn’t just the start of the game it was also the 2nd half too. That is minimally 6-8 minutes of automatic game time with your best players on the bench and also not a part of the combo including reeves. Reeves typically came out within a few minutes a reed and Rob checking in, and that’s if he didn’t come out when they checked in. Not sure there’s not many coaches that wouldn’t have had that trio in the game together for minimally 20 minutes/game and some games possibly 25-30. Honestly no clue how many minutes cal played them together but seems he almost went out of his way to avoid them playing together for very long at all. Those three along with Theiro/mitchell/big Z would have made a formidable lineup with token help from the others.
I agree but the bigger issue IMO was it wasn’t just the start of the game it was also the 2nd half too. That is minimally 6-8 minutes of automatic game time with your best players on the bench and also not a part of the combo including reeves. Reeves typically came out within a few minutes a reed and Rob checking in, and that’s if he didn’t come out when they checked in. Not sure there’s not many coaches that wouldn’t have had that trio in the game together for minimally 20 minutes/game and some games possibly 25-30. Honestly no clue how many minutes cal played them together but seems he almost went out of his way to avoid them playing together for very long at all. Those three along with Theiro/mitchell/big Z would have made a formidable lineup with token help from the others.

He didn’t do it correctly because the last thing he was going to do is show up Wagner and Edwards. It was all about the draft 100%. They were handed the keys during recruitment as he didn’t realize how good the 3 R’s were gonna be. It’s another reason that, as we learned, Reeves almost didn’t come back.

People literally admit, when they say the nonsense about starting doesn’t matter, that they know very little about the sport. Our momentum was thrown constantly by Wagner and Edwards in the games at the wrong times. We’d constantly start slow and begin the second half slow. We’d be up by a certain margin and here comes Wagner to take shots when he should have been on the bench. The administration actually made their move because of this screw up by Calipari and tried get back control of the team, and force him to stop with all the freshman. His defenders now cannot deny it, Calipari didn’t care about winning he cared about recruiting. Instead of being a coach he was recruiting 24/7 even during games it’s pathetic.

The media began to hit him on it and he ended up with a job demotion. You cannot do that crap here winning must come first. And the nonsense about “getting Edward ready for march” and “we can’t be our best without Wagner” is some of the dumbest logic I’ve ever seen from a base. It was purely rationalizing nonsense and to this day I hope many of them don’t forget it and knock it off. You start and play the vast majority of minutes with your best players, period. It’s okay to have a 6th man capable of starting but they need to be comfortable in that role and come in fast. The rest of the time your best play by a certain week and that’s it. If others need to get better to have a more realistic chance by the end of the year they learn that from the bench you don’t start them and cost yourself team rhythm and harmony all year. This is ELEMENTARY 101 basketball that everyone is supposed to know by now.
I just don’t think he has the physical tools many thought and as you said he doesn’t do any one thing at an elite level, and didn’t really improve all that much. He has time but he should be in college perfecting his game giving him the best chance to make it IMO.
His testing #s in the combine were really bad in many areas, behind the centers in some. His only sliver of NBA hope is to get in great shape and concentrate on being a 3 &D guy.
Edwards had a nice bounce back game focusing on spot up shooting. That will literally be the only way he has a chance. 6'6" with a 32" vertical has no other option.

People forget that many 19/20 year old kids are still developing. Don't let your hate for Cal result in hating and/or rooting against some of these kids that played for him. Edwards still has some time to develop into the player that many think he can turn into. Personally, I hope he proves the naysayers wrong.

Despite being a freshman, he was 21 while here. Iirc maybe even an old 21. So all his work in hs that got his ranking was literally a man vs boys. No clue why that never factored in his massive overrating.
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His testing #s in the combine were really bad in many areas, behind the centers in some. His only sliver of NBA hope is to get in great shape and concentrate on being a 3 &D guy.
I know, I was shocked at how bad his numbers were for such a highly rated prospect. Makes plenty of sense the issues he had in college and I agree 3 and D is his main route to a career.
Despite being a freshman, he was 21 while here. Iirc maybe even an old 21. So all his work in hs that got his ranking was literally a man vs boys. No clue why that never factored in his massive overrating.

Edwards turned 20 while here. His birthday is December of 2003. He will turn 21 this December. He was six months older than Sheppard. Both are a little old for their high school class.
From Killswitch: “I don’t know man, Edwards is pretty bad. Not to mention he’s got a very low court IQ and personally I don’t think he’s that bright. Always seems to have no idea where to be, misjudges his angles, eyes always appear to me a little dazed like he’s thinkin “wut I do?” When he screws something up. I think he’s just a bust who was older than his competition and it got him the higher rating.”

I’ve often thought this myself, but I do not know Edwards’ SAT/ACT scores. But, it does look like he has a lot of room for improvement on the basketball court.
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People still bashing the kid after his second game? Kind of ironic they will post his bad number games, but he has a really solid game and they keep talking shit about him or not even mention his second game he had ??? Kind of lets you see behind the mask of SOME of these posters. They are only here for the train wreck. If you are going to shit on the kid for a bad game (his 1st game), at least be man enough to acknowledge it when he has a good game. But MOST of you can't do that, it doesn't fit in with your agenda.

What about Dalton Knecht ? He is struggling BIG TME (30% FG% and 26% on 3FG%). Yes he scored 20 the last game, but look at the number of shots he took to get it (7/18 - 2/8 on 3FG's). MAYBE these kids are a LITTLE bit nervous playing in their first pro game even if it is Summer League.

I will post his SECOND game stats :
14 points 5/7 3/3 3FG's
3 rebounds
2 steals
2 blocks.
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People still bashing the kid after his second game? Kind of ironic they will post his bad number games, but he has a really solid game and they keep talking shit about him or not even mention his second game he had ??? Kind of lets you see behind the mask of SOME of these posters. They are only here for the train wreck. If you are going to shit on the kid for a bad game (his 1st game), at least be man enough to acknowledge it when he has a good game. But MOST of you can't do that, it doesn't fit in with your agenda.

What about Dalton Knecht ? He is struggling BIG TME (30% FG% and 26% on 3FG%). Yes he scored 17 the last game, but look at the number of shots he took to get it. MAYBE these kids are a LITTLE bit nervous playing in their first pro game even if it is Summer League.

I will post his SECOND game stats :
14 points 5/7 3/3 3FG's
3 rebounds
2 steals
2 blocks.
He can make a shot when he’s open. That’s the only skill I see from Justin Edwards. Can’t dribble, can’t finish and was an overrated defender at UK. He’s a dime a dozen in the NBA and will be out of the league by the time he turns 25.
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Eh, so you don't think the assistant coaches should coach? Why they getting paid? I'm not defending Cal but assistant coaches all over America teach kids things the head coach doesnt
In Cal's case, every time he let an assistant like Robic or Payne take the reigns, the team immediately looks and does better. It's because they are better organized by ass coach and able to concentrate on the actual bball game instead of what Cow is screaming.
This one might really be more of Edwards just being one of the most overrated US high-school recruits of all time. Which makes it all the worse how Cal tried to force him into the rotation.

But man, what a fall from grace. He was seen as almost an automatic NBA mainstay. Still tons of time of course.
Yup plenty of time. To be fair he played really well the next 2 games. I still believe summer league doesn’t mean anything and that he will really struggle to even get PT especially with Philly. The only thing he has going for him is that they have 3 max guys and will need cheap depth. He will however be fighting with a lot of guys for those spots. I think his measurements and overall athleticism tells a lot of why he struggled In college. Plus he doesn’t do any one thing outstanding.
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In Cal's case, every time he let an assistant like Robic or Payne take the reigns, the team immediately looks and does better. It's because they are better organized by ass coach and able to concentrate on the actual bball game instead of what Cow is screaming.
Maybe I'm wrong but assistant has coach in the name for a reason Robic scouted the other team and set up a plan, no doubt Cal missed him when he left but Cal was kinda busy on gMe Nights. If Brooks teaches kids defense are you gonna say, glad Pope let Brooks take the reigns? It's a team sport
Edwards ended up with 28 points in their game versus the Grizzlies. The kid is talented, he just can't get his head in the way while keeping his confidence up.
No he did not. he had 14 points against the Grizzlies. He didn't score 28 in the 3 games combined. He struggled in games 1/3, had a very solid game in the second game. Utah was the last game and he struggled big time after showing real promise. He is a rookie, he is going to have a roller coaster of games. Kind of hard to take posters serious when they are not even close to knowing what a player did. Where did you get he scored 28 points ? Maybe in college, but Summer League, it didn't happen. I could understand if you was off a couple points / rebounds or whatever, but off 14 points ? Did you give him double credit for points scored ? LOL.
I don’t know man, Edwards is pretty bad. Not to
mention he’s got a very low court IQ and personally I don’t think he’s that bright. Always seems to have no idea where to be, misjudges his angles, eyes always appear to me a little dazed like he’s thinkin “wut I do?” When he screws something up. I think he’s just a bust who was older than his competition and it got him the higher rating.

But you’re right that Cals biggest mistake with Edwards was overplaying him instead of allowing him to find his way from the bench. It’s the perfect player (at the time) to work in from the bench. Plus you hide some of his flaws and he’s not as bad in reduced minutes and his confidence could have slowly built over time. Also plus, being on the court some in a “second team” environment probably would have helped some at the time.

But then, Calipari. Who starts him and plays him in lineups with Wagner Theiro and Bradshaw while
convincing some that benching your best players and starting this guy is the smart move lol. Creates sparks!

Sometimes I’d think to myself, is Cal intentionally trying to screw this up to get at the boosters? And i still think yup, that’s who the guy is and he’s done it before at his last stop and now that I know how bad the relationship is with some of the brass a lot of things make sense to me now. He was shopping for new teams too, this guy didn’t give a damn about winning basketball games.
"personally I don't think he's that bright"??????????

Oh wow, I didn't know that you knew him personally......critique his play all you want but that crap is a garbage fan and garbage person's take.

"Personally" I think you're the worst.
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If you’re going to try and make the argument that any coach in America would have started games and halftime with Reed and Dilly both sitting the bench then save your time. It’s stupid, nobody would do it, and if you got sold on that then I feel for you for real.
I guess that's why you not getting paid millions! You don't know what coaching is!
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"personally I don't think he's that bright"??????????

Oh wow, I didn't know that you knew him personally......critique his play all you want but that crap is a garbage fan and garbage person's take.

"Personally" I think you're the worst.

Edwards just doesn’t seem to have it between the ears. Lots of reasons why I don’t think he does. He seems to have a way of confusing himself easily and doesn’t make smart decisions. Not everyone is gonna be Kobe Bryant or Jordan, some don’t have it like that. While the measurable sand athleticism was there I think he’s just not that smart. Part of it anyway. He’s not young either and he’s been playing a long time so it just adds to it.

maybe this isn’t for you man, be a teacher maybe? Follow something less competitive? Race goldfish? I don’t know.
No he did not. he had 14 points against the Grizzlies. He didn't score 28 in the 3 games combined. He struggled in games 1/3, had a very solid game in the second game. Utah was the last game and he struggled big time after showing real promise. He is a rookie, he is going to have a roller coaster of games. Kind of hard to take posters serious when they are not even close to knowing what a player did. Where did you get he scored 28 points ? Maybe in college, but Summer League, it didn't happen. I could understand if you was off a couple points / rebounds or whatever, but off 14 points ? Did you give him double credit for points scored ? LOL.
My bad, you are right, he did have 14 points. I could have swore the article I had read said that. But anyways, yes he struggled mightily the first game against Utah, but seemed to find a groove against Memphis.
Edwards was misused here, shouldn't have started, and clearly isn't ready for the NBA - and may never be. But it seems like some people are gloating over it and eagerly anticipating his failure, and that's a really bad look...
Cal F'd him up. Filled him full of false dreams and BS. Should have been honest with him and brought him along slowly.
Cost him millions.
Maybe I'm wrong but assistant has coach in the name for a reason Robic scouted the other team and set up a plan, no doubt Cal missed him when he left but Cal was kinda busy on gMe Nights. If Brooks teaches kids defense are you gonna say, glad Pope let Brooks take the reigns? It's a team sport
When the assistant coach is deciding what type of defense to use, where the players are in the floor and what plays to run with what lineup and it looks ALOT better than normal, it's a dead giveaway.
I totally agree about the team sport perspective, and I love how Pope emphasizes that instead of getting the ball to "THAT" guy, instead of using all the parts together. Cow was so focused on certain players!!
He's not even showing up on ROY bets.. but man, that's kind of a nice juicy long shot.

Guys like Bronny James and Baylor Schierman are getting +20000. That means a $10 bet on either of them would get you $2,000. But lets be real, neither of them have a chance in hell (Except for the media with Bronny).. and in all honesty, only maybe 10-12 guys realistically have that chance to win ROY. After that, the talent falls off and/or the playing time of the rest of the guys just won't be there.

But, we know that at least from a talent perspective, Justin Edwards was highly recruited for a reason. Now he's on Philly, who we know is going to compete. Yes, he has some talent in front of him like Paul George. But that's all Philly has. They are lacking in forwards, and there's no one else outside of Embiid/Maxey/PG13 who is really worth a starter spot.

But as the season gets closer, Justin Edwards might show up on the very bottom of the odds. $100 to make $20,000? On a guy who some say was hampered by Cal? Highly unlikely? Absolutely. But, I would take that all day.
When the assistant coach is deciding what type of defense to use, where the players are in the floor and what plays to run with what lineup and it looks ALOT better than normal, it's a dead giveaway.
I totally agree about the team sport perspective, and I love how Pope emphasizes that instead of getting the ball to "THAT" guy, instead of using all the parts together. Cow was so focused on certain players!!
Robic made Cal. It proved true
I think Edwards could have become a good college player - and also transitioned from a PF to a SF (I mean a good/credible SF, not a SF in name only). Kansas and UConn seem to regularly have guys like him that develop into really good players by their JR year. But to me Edwards is a guy who will have to rely on skill and basketball IQ, rather than athleticism, if he's going to make it as a Pro. And he hasn't yet developed either category enough to warrant any confidence in my mind that he'll make it.

I don't understand why he was ranked so highly coming out of high school. I think those rankings are often just future projections about what kind of player a guy might end up being in 3-4 years. So, the fact that a highly ranked recruit doesn't do much his freshman year is no surprise to me (in fact I'm surprised when they do). But in Edwards case, I can't even see why he would be projected to have so much upside. For example, I thought Thiero was not only a better player, but also had more upside in almost every category (while also being younger). I'm trying to figure out whether there is a skill level/upside we couldn't see in a whole season at UK (high-level athleticism certainly wasn't there) or is he just living off a reputation based on a high school recruiting ranking.
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People still bashing the kid after his second game? Kind of ironic they will post his bad number games, but he has a really solid game and they keep talking shit about him or not even mention his second game he had ??? Kind of lets you see behind the mask of SOME of these posters. They are only here for the train wreck. If you are going to shit on the kid for a bad game (his 1st game), at least be man enough to acknowledge it when he has a good game. But MOST of you can't do that, it doesn't fit in with your agenda.

What about Dalton Knecht ? He is struggling BIG TME (30% FG% and 26% on 3FG%). Yes he scored 20 the last game, but look at the number of shots he took to get it (7/18 - 2/8 on 3FG's). MAYBE these kids are a LITTLE bit nervous playing in their first pro game even if it is Summer League.

I will post his SECOND game stats :
14 points 5/7 3/3 3FG's
3 rebounds
2 steals
2 blocks.
I personally have no "agenda" against Justin Edwards, I just don't see the guy as a solid, long time NBA player. He kind of reminds me of Tyty in that he just doesn't do any one thing at what I would call an elite or "NBA" level. He's not a great shooter, great defender, or great athlete. And there are 100 guys out there that are 6'6" with Justin Edwards athleticism and skill level. Maybe he'll prove me wrong, we'll see. I wish him well.
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When the assistant coach is deciding what type of defense to use, where the players are in the floor and what plays to run with what lineup and it looks ALOT better than normal, it's a dead giveaway.
I totally agree about the team sport perspective, and I love how Pope emphasizes that instead of getting the ball to "THAT" guy, instead of using all the parts together. Cow was so focused on certain players!!
I was only co.menting on assistant coaches coaching. I said nothing about Cals defense, or he is a great basketball mind, I said it's not fair to criticize assistant coaches coaching, that's what they are paid to do. I want t my coach surrounded y great recruiters and coaches