With all the Dook love, we mustn't forget just how crooked Coach K's program has been, and how crooked the ncaa was at looking the other way.
While Duke has not had a lot of off-the-court scandal looming around the program, there have been some incidents that have raised an eyebrow or two.
Former Duke player Corey Maggette admitted taking cash from a booster Despite fears they would have to give back over $200,000 in NCAA Tournament revenue and stripped of their Final Four appearance in 2000, Duke was never punished by the NCAA after an investigation determined Duke coaches were unaware of the payments.--> any other program would be stripped of wins for ineligible player, probation
A 2003 New Orleans Times-Picayune investigation (article not available online) revealed that former Duke guard Chris Duhon's mother “landed a job working for a Duke booster; co-workers say the job opening was never posted and that Harper was overpaid and lacked qualifications.”-->
any other program would be stripped of wins for ineligible player, probation
In 2010, former Duke player Lance Thomas was sued for failing to repay an alleged $67,800 credit to a jeweler. The NCAA did not find any violations after an investigation -->. any other program would be stripped of wins for ineligible player, probation
Zion was given a house.
List the rest here.
10 reasons why Duke is hated: They are not as clean as you think (No. 4)
Is Duke really as "clean" a program as it is made out to be?
While Duke has not had a lot of off-the-court scandal looming around the program, there have been some incidents that have raised an eyebrow or two.
Former Duke player Corey Maggette admitted taking cash from a booster Despite fears they would have to give back over $200,000 in NCAA Tournament revenue and stripped of their Final Four appearance in 2000, Duke was never punished by the NCAA after an investigation determined Duke coaches were unaware of the payments.--> any other program would be stripped of wins for ineligible player, probation
A 2003 New Orleans Times-Picayune investigation (article not available online) revealed that former Duke guard Chris Duhon's mother “landed a job working for a Duke booster; co-workers say the job opening was never posted and that Harper was overpaid and lacked qualifications.”-->
any other program would be stripped of wins for ineligible player, probation
In 2010, former Duke player Lance Thomas was sued for failing to repay an alleged $67,800 credit to a jeweler. The NCAA did not find any violations after an investigation -->. any other program would be stripped of wins for ineligible player, probation
Zion was given a house.
List the rest here.