Duke basketball warns to be careful about what you say of them.

Whatever you can say about Duke, and I'm hardly a Duke lover, Duke didn't make a complete mockery of college basketball for nearly two decades. Duke didn't put together a championship team in which nobody did any legitimate work, and one of the stars, Dean's List honoree Rashad McCants, admitted he was given grades without going to any classes or doing any papers. Duke didn't have a Final Four team on which Julius Peppers played -- someone who wouldn't have been eligible in any high school in America without bogus AF-AM grades to buttress his transcript. Those are just two examples among scores of disgraceful episodes of malfeasance.

With schools like Duke and Indiana and Kansas one can have these biting, sometimes sarcastic and sharp-edged rivalries. With North Carolina, until there is an admission of guilt and imposed sanctions, I consider the coaches and administrators associated with the basketball program complete outlaws and hold them in contempt.
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