"Dream offers"


Feb 25, 2007
Why do recruits say stuff like that, then get the offer and nothing happens? What could be deemed more than a "Dream offer"...a "double super dream offer"? I mean if a coach offers I'm pretty sure u can accept right on the spot, the coach wouldn't offer if he isn't willing to accept the pledge of a recruit.
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A dream offer and a dream school are two different things. A dream offer confirms what every athlete wants to here; that their hard work is noticed by a name brand. A dream school is a place that they've always wanted to be.
i think a lot can change with a kid in their last year or 2 before college. When D'Angelo Russell was in-between his sophomore and junior years of high school he said he had 2 dream schools UK and Ohio St. one offered one didn't he went to the one that did and didn't really consider anyone else a whole lot. Cliff Alexander at the same event said UK and Michigan St. were his 2 dream schools got offers from both early on and ended up at Kansas.(where he allegedly got hand outs of lots of cash) Beyond that for a kid to say x school is his dream school his whole life and then his interaction with x school isn't what he would always dream it to be x dream school can change.
Allison Brie is my dream wife. I'd still date her a couple weeks before I pop the question.

Some of these recruits have never stepped on campus. Does it upset you that they get hyperbolic describing a school they've never seen as their dream school? Well, that's on you.
Allison Brie is my dream wife. I'd still date her a couple weeks before I pop the question.

Some of these recruits have never stepped on campus. Does it upset you that they get hyperbolic describing a school they've never seen as their dream school? Well, that's on you.
Cool. Thanks for answering my question.
I don't see how it could be a dream offer it isn't your dream school.

A lot of players want a Kentucky offer and never get it. Really good players. It kinda confirms their achievements in their minds if they get one. A dream school could simply be a school that they're huge fans of, and a place they always wanted to go.