OK, this is patently false. While it is true that our retirement (17 years a teacher here) was criminally underfunded by the dem's, even at full funding we'd be running a huge deficit. That's because our system was designed in the 1920's, before people understood the unsustainability of pyramid schemes. It takes about 5 working teachers to food the bill for one retired teacher. So, to work, our system must have a 5 to 1 teacher to retiree ratio. Today, that ratio is 1 to 1. So, the current system is around 66 billion on the whole in a state that nets about 63 billion in revenue a year. The system, as is, WILL NOT WORK. Period. Full stop. Every private business in the world that had our system dumped it or went bankrupt.
Worst case scenario is that I'm 75 years old one day and the Commonwealth of Kentucky declares bankruptcy under the weight of it's debt. Better to fix it now while we still have some semblance of solvency.