Does Louisville media now reflect on its refusal to do its job?

DrH. Lecter

Apr 5, 2007
What I mean is that the Louisville media has turned a blind eye to scandal after scandal at the local University. As UK fans we have noted for a very long time that the Louisville media is afraid of Tom Jurich and for some reason allows Jurich to function as an editor for anything that they are allowed to report about it.

So I would state clearly that this latest ugly scandal that could likely bring down Pitino, and Jurich, had the media been doing its job might never have happened. They have become part of the culture of corruption surrounding the University and this latest scandal "Forni-gate" should be laid in some part at the feet of the willing Louisville media. If anyone feared being discovered or outed by a reporter sniffing around campus....maybe they would not act so openly callously and without fear of being caught.

Not once have they held the university accountable for its bad behavior countless time in the Athletics Dept or most recently in Dr. Ramsey himself. There is so much here for a struggling news paper to sink its teeth into even without this latest story. Had they actually done their job as journalists rather than cheerleaders it is possible that they could be thriving rather than dying on the vine as they are.

But history has shown that the Louisville media will sadly not do its job. They will however do the job that they have decided to do and act as a shield for the University. Fortunately this latest story is big enough that the National outlets will swoop in to take over the job that the CJ and others will refuse to do. And maybe one of them will point out the cozy relationship between U of L and the local media that allowed this latest scandal to metastasize.
No. I'm afraid not.

Admitting one is wrong is one of the harder things to do.

Keeping these allegations doubtful is in their best interest. They don't want to be scooped on this being true. Look for lots of distracting stories. Not even stories that prove false, just confusing facts.

It's not good for business. Louisville fans want to be lied to. Anything they read that casts doubt will be bought. Anything that backs up these allegations will lead to threats. Would you want a bunch of angry linebeards out for you? They're all just stupid enough and worthless enough to do something.
What I mean is that the Louisville media has turned a blind eye to scandal after scandal at the local University. As UK fans we have noted for a very long time that the Louisville media is afraid of Tom Jurich and for some reason allows Jurich to function as an editor for anything that they are allowed to report about it.

So I would state clearly that this latest ugly scandal that could likely bring down Pitino, and Jurich, had the media been doing its job might never have happened. They have become part of the culture of corruption surrounding the University and this latest scandal "Forni-gate" should be laid in some part at the feet of the willing Louisville media. If anyone feared being discovered or outed by a reporter sniffing around campus....maybe they would not act so openly callously and without fear of being caught.

Not once have they held the university accountable for its bad behavior countless time in the Athletics Dept or most recently in Dr. Ramsey himself. There is so much here for a struggling news paper to sink its teeth into even without this latest story. Had they actually done their job as journalists rather than cheerleaders it is possible that they could be thriving rather than dying on the vine as they are.

But history has shown that the Louisville media will sadly not do its job. They will however do the job that they have decided to do and act as a shield for the University. Fortunately this latest story is big enough that the National outlets will swoop in to take over the job that the CJ and others will refuse to do. And maybe one of them will point out the cozy relationship between U of L and the local media that allowed this latest scandal to metastasize.

If you think UL will get rid of Jurich and Petino, you're kidding yourself. No way that happens. Remember, UL is all about winning, at all costs. Why do you think they kept Pitino after the Karen S episode? Any reputable universary would have fired him. Same thing with all of the troubled transfers they continue to accept. They're getting exactly what they deserve.
Good question and very appropriate. IMO the answer will depend on what happens when all the smoke clears. If what has come out is found to be true and UL gets punished severely by the NCAA, forcing UL to make changes in their AD and President, then yes I think the media will change their stance with UL. However, if this is just blown off as no big deal, then it will continue to be business as usual in Louisville.
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Unfortunately the once revered CJ which was considered a major regional mid-western paper, read and sold throughout Kentucky, with the demise of all newspapers, has become a daily local rag whose survival is dependent upon the advertising dollars controlled by the UL machine. Expect nothing else.
Good question and very appropriate. IMO the answer will depend on what happens when all the smoke clears. If what has come out is found to be true and UL gets punished severely by the NCAA, forcing UL to make changes in their AD and President, then yes I think the media will change their stance with UL. However, if this is just blown off as no big deal, then it will continue to be business as usual in Louisville.

That is why this story being larger than just a local story may get its legs from the national sports media. They will go over the head of the CJ and to that degree, this could force the CJ's hand. With Dr. Ramsey bonusing himself a million bucks from the Foundation...that is basically a local story that very few really follow or care about. Fortunately there is a little local online site that pushed that one a bit and gave the State a reason to investigate. That story alone and the potential mismanagement of the Foundation could bring down Ramsey. Pile on the continuous drip drip drip of sexual scandals since Pitino has been here that have been "tisk-tisked" by the locals....nothing to see here, lets move on....its simply stunning that no one is held accountable. If you compiled a list of all the garbage that has happened there it was enough to bring down several programs in other cities with a news media comprised of journalists and not cheer leaders. Maybe this is the final disgusting straw. But if there is to be change forced on LilBro it will have to come from within. The actual academic side saying enough is enough. Their academic reputation stinks as it their moral integrity is further exposed as bankrupt.
They've already started. Releasing bad news late on Fri has been a common tactic by politicians for decades, UL just borrowed it. This story didn't "just happen" onto the scene last night, it was be design. That means Forde had to be part of the scheme. And I guarantee the UL controlled media was clued in hours before the release.
They've already started. Releasing bad news late on Fri has been a common tactic by politicians for decades, UL just borrowed it. This story didn't "just happen" onto the scene last night, it was be design. That means Forde had to be part of the scheme. And I guarantee the UL controlled media was clued in hours before the release.

Forde was likely fed the story by Jurich with the agreement that he dump it late on Friday and to create a talking point that Pitino didnt know anything about it. The facts are what they are....but Forde will at least provide cover for Pitino and Jurich and the program. Forde will do his best to throw McGee under the bus as a rogue employee...all while reporting that Pitino was pristine and how his heart is broken. He will change the subject.

That is how the local media works wrt these LilBro stories. Deflect deflect deflect.
If someone had some balls they could create a firestorm. Sexual misconduct is one those juicy things the media loves, and UL is full of it. I remember the thread, started here a few weeks back, about UL settling with a former athletic employee bc she claimed sexual harassment and misconduct took place. Factor that in with the three top heads (Jurich, Pitino, and Petrino) have had their own cases of sexual misconduct, and you have yourself a story. There's just too many of these stories where if someone starts connecting the dots they'd have a crazy story.

It's going be hard for anyone to just sweep this under the rug. It's national news now, front page on a lot of sites and ESPN gave it a good deal of coverage last night. UL will have to throw some people under the bus, now who those people are I don't know but it'll be fun to watch play out.
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Forde was likely fed the story by Jurich with the agreement that he dump it late on Friday and to create a talking point that Pitino didnt know anything about it. The facts are what they are....but Forde will at least provide cover for Pitino and Jurich and the program. Forde will do his best to throw McGee under the bus as a rogue employee...all while reporting that Pitino was pristine and how his heart is broken. He will change the subject.

That is how the local media works wrt these LilBro stories. Deflect deflect deflect.
That is a great point. UL knew this was coming out, they allowed Forde to run with this as long as it was done on their terms, somewhat. Probably called him in office and said there is a book and it is coming out within next week. We will allow you to report this if you do it later Friday afternoon. Too much coincidence and the fact that RP and Jurich have always been fed stories and leaks. UL knew this was going public this weekend and they let Forde have a cookie as long as he announced it on Friday PM.

It is an indictment on the UL administration and the local media, they control the message. The problem with all of these guys is they all have Skeletons in their closets, Juich-RP, Petrino, President of Univ, Yum center, Forde all have their issues.

Tipton would have run with this, this has been going on since August. Every body at IU knew this was going to come out, there have been lawyers galore hired. Are you kidding me that this just went public and these media idiots only knew yesterday. No way.

UL gave Forde the story but in return he had to run when they wanted to.
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Most media members today are weak-willed.

They serve as the propaganda arm of their corporate masters or they starve.

There is more real journalism going on today among bloggers than at newspapers or tv stations.
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Name another ncaa Div 1 program that has two known adulterers in their biggest sports. Crickets. Nothing will come of this. If the coaches can cheat, who, at that cesspool will care if the recruits are treated this way. Louisville fan, " every other school does it, even BYU."
Sort of related: will this latest revelation cause anyone in the media (including obvious sycophants like Forde but also others who have a pretend veneer of objectivity) to engage in some reflection and question previously held opinions and assumptions? I'm talking about the one who cheer for Rick, who they regard as "clean", and openly or secretively jeer Cal, who they know is "dirty." Will they begin to wonder if they've had it wrong all this time?

Or will they instead lament the injustice of it all, as in "it's a crying shame that Rick has to suffer through this, and that guy down the road gets off scott-free".

Rhetorical, the answer is obvious......
The local louisville media is a joke. They're afraid if they report anything, Jurich wont allow them to attend all the UL golf outings.
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Pitino will not survive. Louisville fans will force him out by the end of this, or he will be fired due to the scope of the NCAA findings.
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Pitino will not survive. Louisville fans will force him out by the end of this, or he will be fired due to the scope of the NCAA findings.
logical thinkers might think so, but i'm beginning to think ul has absolutely no shame, or r3stacks would've been gone after the sypher antepasto, and what about neckbrace bob would have never been rehired. rationalize to legitimize.
Pitino has a better chance of getting an extension and another raise as losing his job. This is UL folks. The school where their 2 major coaches embarrassed their respective schools with immorality and impropriety and got NOTHING but hero worship and raises.

Dead addicts found in athletic dorms and NOTHING. Assistant football coaches on show cause elsewhere and lifted up as a great addition.

Stuff disappears there and the media is controlled by a gangster athletic administration. It's amazing to witness.

They have no shame and beyond maybe some sanctions, NOTHING will happen to them. Some in the national media (except for Forde)will report them. But the local boys will soften it up. They will write a few words but you can bet they will shield Pitino and his boss at every turn,.

I have seen it happen too often to believe any different.
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logical thinkers might think so, but i'm beginning to think ul has absolutely no shame, or r3stacks would've been gone after the sypher antepasto, and what about neckbrace bob would have never been rehired. rationalize to legitimize.

But it will come to an end at this scandal. Louisville at some point will have to care about their image, or what's left of it. I look for moves to be made by the end of the information coming out. Fans will want Pitino fired before christmans, or maybe even Halloween.

Book it.
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Pitino has a better chance of getting an extension and another raise as losing his job. This is UL folks. The school where their 2 major coaches embarrassed their respective schools with immorality and impropriety and got NOYHING but hero worship and raises.

Dead addicts found in athletic dorms and NOTHING. Assistant football coaches on show cause elsewhere and lifted up as a great addition.

Stuff disappears there and the media is controlled by a gangster athletic administration. It's amazing to witness.

They have no shame and beyond maybe some sanctions, NOTHING will happen to them. Some in the national media (except for Forde)will chaise them. But the local boys will soften it up. They will write a few words but you can bet they will shield Pitino and his boss at every turn,.

I have seen it happen too often to believe any different.

It's all going to spill over.
Sad to say...the national media will move on to another topic as soon as another headline event happens.
Pitino has a better chance of getting an extension and another raise as losing his job. This is UL folks. The school where their 2 major coaches embarrassed their respective schools with immorality and impropriety and got NOYHING but hero worship and raises.

Dead addicts found in athletic dorms and NOTHING. Assistant football coaches on show cause elsewhere and lifted up as a great addition.

Stuff disappears there and the media is controlled by a gangster athletic administration. It's amazing to witness.

They have no shame and beyond maybe some sanctions, NOTHING will happen to them. Some in the national media (except for Forde)will chaise them. But the local boys will soften it up. They will write a few words but you can bet they will shield Pitino and his boss at every turn,.

I have seen it happen too often to believe any different.

Sadly I agree. My guess that the first thing the CJ will do is to investigate Katina. They will not go investigate the charges by simply walking around campus and interviewing students. There is a post on KSR stating that this has been widely known around campus for a long time. But my guess is that the strategy will be to discredit Katina in as many ways as possible. I'm not going to get political here but the template for discrediting "that woman" has already been set back in the late 90's. That was used successfully on Karen Sypher. She became the villain in that story, maybe rightfully so, but the facts of the initial meeting that night were never disputed. The issue here is that they will go after Katina to make her the villain...but the NCAA has violations to investigate whether she is a devil-woman or not. If there was money for sex involving recruits....then the demonization will just make them feel better about destroying her and a warning to anyone else who dare talk.
I think that UofL will try to fend this stuff off, but ultimately they're going to have to sacrifice some people to take responsibility for this stuff.

They'll start with McGee but as more proof comes out and the layers are removed, people on up the chain could start falling.

I'd say that they'll ultimately let Pitino go if they need to because he's castrated [winking] as a recruiter at this point anyways.
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Jurich already on the line with the CJ and local media for the game plan.
We will never know, but I would bet the farm that local media types are getting foundation cash and other benefits to toe the line.
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Lewisville is not worthy of national media attention, they are a suitcase community college. That aside, what a shit bucket. Pitino has a broken heart, don't you all care? I don't, but shame on you all. Pitino, sex on the side(with an ugly chick). Petrino, same story (girlwas his daughter's age). The "L" sign thrown up by classy ville players and fans must be a sign for loose women, ladies for hire U, lay lady lay...
Pitino will not survive. Louisville fans will force him out by the end of this, or he will be fired due to the scope of the NCAA findings.
No they won't, because they know they can't get another coach remotely as good as him. That's the same reason Jurich and combover Ramsey didn't fire him over the Sypher scandal, and it's why they won't fire him over this. Now, if the NCAA finds that he knew about it, then that's a different story.
I think that UofL will try to fend this stuff off, but ultimately they're going to have to sacrifice some people to take responsibility for this stuff.

They'll start with McGee but as more proof comes out and the layers are removed, people on up the chain could start falling.

I'd say that they'll ultimately let Pitino go if they need to because he's castrated [winking] as a recruiter at this point anyways.

It's telling how they knew about it since August (If not before), and they just suspended McGee today. Tells me all I need to know about them.
Nothing will happen to Pitino and Jurich. Remember this is the same university that not even 3 years ago re-hired a football coach that literally nobody else in the country would take. Pitino will play the victim and the power of he and Jurich controlling the Louisville media will be key in how this all plays out. The dominoes have already started to fall. Rick is a courageous coach who is soldiering on and getting ready for the season while this women who wrote the book is a prostitute with no standards, looking to cash in big. This is going to be a long and ugly process but the guess here when the smoke clear is Jurich and three stacks will still be operating business as usual.