Does America have a weight issue?

Idk about America but I most certainly do. Started gaining about 1995 and it’s been a yo yo ever since. Up down. Up down.
Over Thanksgiving I looked through a photo album of pictures taken by my parents in the 60s and 70s. It was shocking to see how thin everyone seemed but they were just a healthy weight. They were all smoking in every picture, but they weren’t overweight.
It really is a different time for this. Some of the old videos from the 30s and 40s people simply weren’t fat and very few were even overweight.
People used to have worms too
They still do, but they used to too.

Although I commend folks for trying to improve their health, going to the gym and seeing the poor health conditions folks allow themselves to get in is rather eye opening. It’s def gotten worse over the past 30+ years and especially with younger folks. Shocking how many overweight teens are out there now.
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Intermittent fasting is effective: Eat only twice a day, both meals within a six-hour window. My recommendation is a light breakfast and then eat pretty much anything you want in less than six hours after that. Then, do not eat again until breakfast the following day. Of course, calorie burn is the key, so daily exercise is a must. GLTA !!
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I have read several articles over the past few years written by dieticians that attribute at least part of the obesity of Americans is their diet, specifically, the RDA of a ton of carbs. So many servings of whole grains, fruits, etc. that lead to blood sugar issues (diabetes is quite a bit higher now than it was years ago). Especially seeing so many kids carrying way too much weight makes you wonder. An old bodybuilder saying is 'More champions are made in the kitchen than in the gym'. Personally, when I upped my exercise regime AND cut way back on carbs (not eliminated and I did eat 'good' carbs such as fresh veggies and fruits), I lost 25+ pounds in a few months and have maintained the new weight for several years now.

As to the OP's original question: without a doubt, yes.
I have read several articles over the past few years written by dieticians that attribute at least part of the obesity of Americans is their diet, specifically, the RDA of a ton of carbs. So many servings of whole grains, fruits, etc. that lead to blood sugar issues (diabetes is quite a bit higher now than it was years ago). Especially seeing so many kids carrying way too much weight makes you wonder. An old bodybuilder saying is 'More champions are made in the kitchen than in the gym'. Personally, when I upped my exercise regime AND cut way back on carbs (not eliminated and I did eat 'good' carbs such as fresh veggies and fruits), I lost 25+ pounds in a few months and have maintained the new weight for several years now.

As to the OP's original question: without a doubt, yes.
America's lack of regulation, relative to the levels of other industrialized countries, on food has been vastly detrimental to the health of Americans.
Idk about America but I most certainly do. Started gaining about 1995 and it’s been a yo yo ever since. Up down. Up down.
use those last two words as motivation when doing pushups to help lose weight. I used to say those when I put privates in the pushup (aka front leaning rest) position.
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Intermittent fasting is effective: Eat only twice a day, both meals within a six-hour window. My recommendation is a light breakfast and then eat pretty much anything you want in less than six hours after that. Then, do not eat again until breakfast the following day. Of course, calorie burn is the key, so daily exercise is a must. GLTA !!
I think that the going one now is the 16-8 eating/fasting plan. That is my New Years resolution for this year. Last year at this time I was up to about 230lbs. Got down to 200lbs by end of August but holidays are killers for me. Up to 207lbs this morning, but not as bad as last year so, under 200 here I come. I have always worked out 6 days a week at least one hour a day but my eating habits need some work. If it were not for the working out, playing ball twice a week I would have probably been 250 or more pounds.
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I would call it a health crisis. The numbers of morbidly obese people I see on a daily basis is kinda sad.

Having said that, I need to drop 20 pounds myself. I’m 5-9 and a recent visit to the bathroom scale was at 195. Need to trim down the dad bod.
Ok fat boy, lay off the twinkies. ;)
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It really is a different time for this. Some of the old videos from the 30s and 40s people simply weren’t fat and very few were even overweight.
I think a lot of it comes from processed foods. I’ve always been overweight, some times more than others. Yet I have always eaten less than most men, probably less than many fit men. I’ve also always been active. But I think what gets me is the types of food I eat .
People were more active in the 30s and 40s for one thing. The majority of the country worked in farming or some type of manual labor. Desk jobs were not plentiful. And people drove far less.
I would call it a health crisis. The numbers of morbidly obese people I see on a daily basis is kinda sad.

Having said that, I need to drop 20 pounds myself. I’m 5-9 and a recent visit to the bathroom scale was at 195. Need to trim down the dad bod.

Not directed at you personally but the whole dad bod term is misused all the time. Someone that’s fat and out of shape doesn’t have a dad bod. “Dad bod” is someone that used to be fit but now with kids has let himself go a little bit but is still fit. Basically if he lost 10/15 lbs he would look really good again.
I think a lot of it comes from processed foods. I’ve always been overweight, some times more than others. Yet I have always eaten less than most men, probably less than many fit men. I’ve also always been active. But I think what gets me is the types of food I eat .
I work out 6 mornings a week between 1 to 1 1/2 hours each (moderate to light heavy). Walk the monster every day at least 30 minutes, clean the house twice a week, teach a Karate class at least once a week (evenings), play softball twice a week (Tuesday evenings and Sunday afternoons) during the spring, summer and fall, cut the grass once a week during the spring, summer, and fall, and work the honey do list, (wife works) shopping, fix things in house etc..., but still struggle to keep the weight off because, I eat whatever I want. But I managed not to go over 210lbs for the holidays this year (in the past 220 to 230 each year).

New Years resolution is to still eat what I want, but in moderation. 2400 calories a day max. We shall see how that goes. Weighed in just minutes ago at 206lbs.
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Not directed at you personally but the whole dad bod term is misused all the time. Someone that’s fat and out of shape doesn’t have a dad bod. “Dad bod” is someone that used to be fit but now with kids has let himself go a little bit but is still fit. Basically if he lost 10/15 lbs he would look really good again.
20 or so pounds for me would do it, but your point here is correct imo.
I think a lot of it comes from processed foods. I’ve always been overweight, some times more than others. Yet I have always eaten less than most men, probably less than many fit men. I’ve also always been active. But I think what gets me is the types of food I eat .

Most people have not actually kept a true calorie diary. Good for you. Counting what you eat is a good way to begin to attempt a change. I know dietitians who counsel people. Most people with weight problems don’t stick to a good plan. That said, genetics definitely can be a factor.
I work out 6 mornings a week between 1 to 1 1/2 hours each (moderate to light heavy). Walk the monster every day at least 30 minutes, clean the house twice a week, teach a Karate class at least once a week (evenings), play softball twice a week (Tuesday evenings and Sunday afternoons) during the spring, summer and fall, cut the grass once a week during the spring, summer, and fall, and work the honey do list, (wife works) shopping, fix things in house etc..., but still struggle to keep the weight off because, I eat whatever I want. But I managed not to go over 210lbs for the holidays this year (in the past 220 to 230 each year).

New Years resolution is to still eat what I want, but in moderation. 2400 calories a day max. We shall see how that goes. Weighed in just minutes ago at 206lbs.
I weighed in as well. Wasn’t pretty. Time to find that inner discipline.
Addicted to food. Try to go 24 without eating if you dont think you are. Ive started at least a 24 hour fast once a week. May not see as much progress on the scale but it feels good winning over your brain
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People were more active in the 30s and 40s for one thing.
Into the 60’s and 70’s as well. Take a look at these Woodstock Festival pictures (some NSFW), 400K+ attendees and you won’t find a single chub. Everyone is leaned out like they daily yoga and Pilates.

Was 11 then and can attest most home meals consisted of little to no processed foods. Our parents continued their “natural, from scratch” diets from prior decades and it showed. Graduated HS in ’77 and you could start seeing a few more chubs as processed and fast foods were making their way into daily diets.

Then blammo! Cable TV combined with 18 gallons of soda hanging over grocery carts full of chips and Ho Ho’s.
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Addicted to food. Try to go 24 without eating if you dont think you are. Ive started at least a 24 hour fast once a week. May not see as much progress on the scale but it feels good winning over your brain
16-8 intermittent eating and fasting is supposed to work if you get your food within the 8-hour period. I am trying the 10:00 am to 6 pm eating and am now limiting my calorie intake to 2400 in a day. A month of this and we shall see.
5'9 about 167 for the last 50 plus years. Never really ate a lot and am active. Always heard you should not eat for at least 3 hours prior to bed and have stuck by that pretty good.
When people did actual physical work they could get away with a traditional big fat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Can't do that if you sit on your ass in an office all day long.

Kids don't play outside much anymore. Physical education has been cut back in the schools. When video games are considered a sport there is a problem.

The food itself has been tampered with generically to produce more. Milk and meat have hormones. Soy. Seed oils. Everything is processed and full of chemical preservatives. The body uses fat to store toxins and chemicals.

So, not sure if it's a weight problem, a gluteny problem, a diet problem, a lazy ass problem, or a combination of all of those.
Yeah, man, for like 40-50 years.

But of course, there’s women right now on Facebook gassing up the local obese monster and telling her she’s beautiful all while she has Little Debbie’s falling out of her pockets.
Freaking cannibals, they have been around since Biden's uncle got eaten in WWII
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