Do you frequent other team's boards?


Dec 18, 2013
I've only been on this board for the last two seasons, but it seems this summer there has been a lot of rival fans coming on here and posting. Some bring good discussion while others just act butthurt. I know it's the summer and I'm sure most teams boards are sparse with conversation, but I find it interesting we've had a good deal of Duke, UNC, and KU fans coming here. Has it always been like it here?

I've never ventured onto another teams board (except for peegs for some good laughs). Do UK fans frequently post on other teams boards like it seems our rivals do here? I don't mind opposing fans coming in and talking, as long as they keep it peaceful. This is a UK board and everyone here is naturally going defend UK, and usually we have the stats to back it up.
I'll look at other teams boards for fun every once in a while. UofL's boards can be great fun. Especially back in 2014 when we knocked them out in the Sweet-16. That was the greatest meltdown in the history of message board meltdowns. The entire place lost their collective minds (or whatever it was they started with).
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I've only been on this board for the last two seasons, but it seems this summer there has been a lot of rival fans coming on here and posting. Some bring good discussion while others just act butthurt. I know it's the summer and I'm sure most teams boards are sparse with conversation, but I find it interesting we've had a good deal of Duke, UNC, and KU fans coming here. Has it always been like it here?

I've never ventured onto another teams board (except for peegs for some good laughs). Do UK fans frequently post on other teams boards like it seems our rivals do here? I don't mind opposing fans coming in and talking, as long as they keep it peaceful. This is a UK board and everyone here is naturally going defend UK, and usually we have the stats to back it up.

I would say no it wasn't always like that to the extreme it is now. When the format conversion happened it unleashed every poster from their caves who had ever been banned from this or any other forums. (Think Ghostbusters when all the spirits broke free LOL) Since that time it's been much more of a zoo than it ever has been. Names are showing up that you've never seen before, many with hefty post counts so they have been around a while. (Perhaps just previously banned from here?)
I frequented Kansas and UNC's scout boards for more than a decade...before getting banned. I like hearing what opposing fans have to say about college basketball and UK, and I respect huge fanbases of fellow blue bloods. UNC and Kansas are pretty much the only ones who apply.

Kansas fans have gotten very toxic the last 5-6 years toward UK- some real Lil Bro stuff. With that said, they do talk basketball all year round and there's some decent discussion (when UK isn't involved).

UNC's fans are all right for the most part. They hate us and are holier-than-thou, but there's some good discussion there, too. They know basketball. I actually still enjoy reading IC. They may not like us at all, but they don't have the inferiority complex.

I'm a college basketball junkie- what can I say.
No. Got banned by heelbent, so I can't see their discussions anymore. Plus I don't really care enough to log out to see them, only to log back in and post here.

Although I did enjoy that time the UL fan created a 23 page document with screenshots of how UK cheated UL in our '14 run to the title game. Those were good times.
No. Got banned by heelbent, so I can't see their discussions anymore. Plus I don't really care enough to log out to see them, only to log back in and post here.

Although I did enjoy that time the UL fan created a 23 page document with screenshots of how UK cheated UL in our '14 run to the title game. Those were good times.

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I like the national boards. If you want to talk/read discussions relating to other teams, there's good discourse there. Couldn't care less to go to another fan base's free boards though. They're going to be fanboys just like we're all UK fanboys here. Wouldn't do anything by rile me up.
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Maybe 3 times in my life. And it's usually too a neutral board for the scoop on something, like NCST speaking on UNC's BS.

IDK why we have a handful of Kansas and Duke fans that like to frequent this board. Not a single one adds anything of value.
I frequented Kansas and UNC's scout boards for more than a decade...before getting banned. I like hearing what opposing fans have to say about college basketball and UK, and I respect huge fanbases of fellow blue bloods. UNC and Kansas are pretty much the only ones who apply.

Kansas fans have gotten very toxic the last 5-6 years toward UK- some real Lil Bro stuff. With that said, they do talk basketball all year round and there's some decent discussion (when UK isn't involved).

UNC's fans are all right for the most part. They hate us and are holier-than-thou, but there's some good discussion there, too. They know basketball. I actually still enjoy reading IC. They may not like us at all, but they don't have the inferiority complex.

I'm a college basketball junkie- what can I say.

There are toxic fans on each board. But, I am sorry that you were banned on the Kansas boards. I like the different points of views. Come back when you can. Sorry in advance for some of the attitudes that you will face when you post again. When I have posted in the past on other boards (including UK), I am usually met with some toxic fans too. I have been banned on other boards too just for being a Kansas fan.
I'll look at other teams boards for fun every once in a while. UofL's boards can be great fun. Especially back in 2014 when we knocked them out in the Sweet-16. That was the greatest meltdown in the history of message board meltdowns. The entire place lost their collective minds (or whatever it was they started with).
i used to like to check in on that board pretty often for chuckles but just found out today i can no longer post anything there because i have "insufficent priveleges." pretty thin-skinned bunch over there. i guess they didn't approve of all the 'likes' i gave uk posters or maybe it was the L1C27 i posted when one of the tards commented that they hope Cal stays at uk for 20 more years, because he's such a terrible coach.
Once to IU, once to Lewisville, and once to uncheat. That was three strikes. I'm out. :)
Seems like we have many UK fans who visit other boards just to boast about being banned.
Guess it's their official passage into manhood.....:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I'm not tough enough, I posted 10 times on another board last week and didn't get banned, (or maybe I'm not man enough):scream: (even got 6 "likes", very friendly people over there.)[cheers]
Seems like we have many UK fans who visit other boards just to boast about being banned.
Guess it's their official passage into manhood.....:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I'm not tough enough, I posted 10 times on another board last week and didn't get banned, (or maybe I'm not man enough):scream: (even got 6 "likes", very friendly people over there.)[cheers]

Sounds like you need to head back over and stay until the cows come home.
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Couldn't care less to go to another fan base's free boards though. They're going to be fanboys just like we're all UK fanboys here.
Actually, they're a lot worse, imo. When people on here get accused of being "homers", "drinking blue kool-aid", etc, I really wish they would check out the other boards sometime. RR has more posters critical of their own program than any others I've seen, with the possible exception of Indiana (with Crean complaints).
Sounds like you need to head back over and stay until the cows come home.

No way! Not on your advice:
I visited a board when our fans were complaining (boasting) about being banned there without even posting. Out of curiosity, I went there for the first time. I think I proved a point normally believed by "normal" people. Namely, if you look for a fight, you can find one.
If you want a friend, be one. Good neighbors have good neighbors. Just my opinion.....been wrong before.:grimace:
I've only been on this board for the last two seasons, but it seems this summer there has been a lot of rival fans coming on here and posting. Some bring good discussion while others just act butthurt. I know it's the summer and I'm sure most teams boards are sparse with conversation, but I find it interesting we've had a good deal of Duke, UNC, and KU fans coming here. Has it always been like it here?

I've never ventured onto another teams board (except for peegs for some good laughs). Do UK fans frequently post on other teams boards like it seems our rivals do here? I don't mind opposing fans coming in and talking, as long as they keep it peaceful. This is a UK board and everyone here is naturally going defend UK, and usually we have the stats to back it up.

Nope. I could care less what they have to say....period.

I obviously do. Not a ton, but I visit this board frequently.

Lots of basketball talk here and really informed fans for the most part.

I have found that if you are respectful, even if you disagree, folks here respond in kind.

Sorry if you are not treated with equal respect on KU board if you come in peace.
Like a few others, I'll go to the UL boards when they lose to hear them blame it on the refs. That '14 meltdown was truly epic. I couldn't believe anyone would go to the trouble of making a 20 page post with frame by frame pictures explaining how they were duped.
For years I was on the Florida Scout board "nuttinbutnet". Year before last I was banned for saying that some of the UF players liked weed.

I still read it but I can't post.

They hate Kentucky
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I stick almost exclusively to this board.

About the only time I go to another board is if someone links from this board.

I never post on other boards because I don't want to "seem" disrespectful with my often blue tinted views.
Absolutely not. This board is plenty interesting enough, even in the dog days of summer. Now, if I'm being totally honest I did go to the UL board last week to troll and get banned since I remembered that they reset the bans and I could post there again. I ended up getting a warning and subsequently, a one month ban. I then requested to be banned permanently; the moderator there was very helpful and he happily accommodated.
I was never much of a trash talker and I can't think of any other reason to visit another board to discuss basketball. For example, when I call out INC for academic corruption, I'm pretty much convinced they aren't worthy of playing the Cats or any other D1 team anymore than an AAU team or team from a foreign country. They lack the academic standard and the ethical foundation needed to compete in the NCAA. Of course, I make a occasional tongue in cheek quip about UL or IU and I absolutely despise Puke. Given this why would I ever waste my time on one of their boards? Most fan bases aren't particularly knowledgeable about basketball so their board offers no opportunity to learn. Contrast that with our board and we have JP Scott, for example. Also, I look at it sort like reading a Tipton article. I hate to see him get even a single hit. Why kick the counters of some scum bucket board like INC?
Extremely rare for me to visit another board , about once a year I will pick a random board to start a thread just because . Once or twice a year I will check out other boards to laugh at them for being so upset with UK . No reason to go anywhere with all the rival fans posting or pretending here .
I'll look at other teams boards for fun every once in a while. UofL's boards can be great fun. Especially back in 2014 when we knocked them out in the Sweet-16. That was the greatest meltdown in the history of message board meltdowns. The entire place lost their collective minds (or whatever it was they started with).
Yes, yes it was. I've said the same thing numerous times on here.
Like a few others, I'll go to the UL boards when they lose to hear them blame it on the refs. That '14 meltdown was truly epic. I couldn't believe anyone would go to the trouble of making a 20 page post with frame by frame pictures explaining how they were duped.

I also go to the Louisville board when they lose because they try to make reasons why they lost.
only when we land a top recruit, just to watch other boards implode. especially the 2013-14 season when we were almost a laughing stock, and then had that awesome run to the championship. talk about rival message board implosions.
I go to the dirty birds board ever once in a while to read all the nice things they say about us. [winking]
There are toxic fans on each board. But, I am sorry that you were banned on the Kansas boards. I like the different points of views. Come back when you can. Sorry in advance for some of the attitudes that you will face when you post again. When I have posted in the past on other boards (including UK), I am usually met with some toxic fans too. I have been banned on other boards too just for being a Kansas fan.

I probably deserved it on the Kansas boards. Got tired of the constant BS toward UK and called them out. I posted there for 10+ years.

I didn't deserve to be banned on IC, though. That was weak.
Only UL, and I typically don't contribute to the discussion, I only read and watch the ridiculousness that takes place.
There are toxic fans on each board. But, I am sorry that you were banned on the Kansas boards. I like the different points of views. Come back when you can. Sorry in advance for some of the attitudes that you will face when you post again. When I have posted in the past on other boards (including UK), I am usually met with some toxic fans too. I have been banned on other boards too just for being a Kansas fan.

Kansas boards are pure trash. Matt at the shiver is a complete liar and tool. You won't be banned here because I'm boards all over are fair. Way more than I can say for Kansas.
Only if someone posts a link to a the when Pack-Pride is bringing the hammer down on UNC.