Direct tv issues

These providers have a habit of pulling this at times when people really want their service and are willing to pay a few dollars more. I am on Spectrum who pulled this not long ago, brother on Dish who did it last year and now Direct.

Who remembers antennas and rotor, or going out and turning pole until a good picture showed?
The ONLY issue I have with streaming services (I have YTTV) is there is a little lag behind in actual game time. This sucks when trying to live bet while watching the game. Most of the time I have to wait for a stoppage in play like a timeout. The TV guide could be better and more user friendly, but overall I am very satisfied with YTTV. Maybe in the future they will add some channels, but I have plenty for me.

Sort of like the Disney BS, I hate having to have Peacock or Amazon to watch certain games. Luckily my youngest son is a huge wrestling fan and has Peacock, so I can watch the Eagles / Packers game in Brazil Friday which is a Peacock exclusive, and we have Amazon Prime, so no issues, but for people who don't have those 2 services, it is BS.
i did the rearranging of the guide via computer and that is better.
sometimes i would like to go directly to a channel without having to scroll through the list.
the samsung remote for the TV kind of sucks with some very tiny buttons; any recommendations for replacement?
I see. I would like that as well, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do it.
You have extensive knowledge of the issues, and I applaud your explanation of them. You may be a retired employee of DirecTV or you’re just a detail-oriented person. Either way, it’s all good.
Nah! I did 30 mins of research trying to figure out when/if the deal will get settled.

Looks like my post was a rant against Disney/ESPN.

Top issue is I want to watch the game without changing carriers!