I went back and watched several videos in which Diallo discusses his overall post secondary plans. In every instance the young man showed himself to be an intelligent and dignified individual. He's been respectful of others, himself and the opportunity that his GOD given talents have afforded him. Unfortunately, a large portion of the media and BBN in all their ignorance have failed to do the same. With that said, I don't think he owes anyone an announcement or an explanation of why he's come to the decision that he has in regards to providing for his family and where he will lace up his shoes next season. Whatever he decides, in this 12th hour I would like to wish him nothing but the best, thank him for providing our guards a level of defensive intensity that they hadn't faced in practice until he came to U.K. and most of all for being a well spoken, dignified representative for the University of Kentucky Men's Basketball team.
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