Did/ do you have good parents?

I have awesome parents. They've been married for 46 years and dating since early HS years. I'm an only child so was extremely close to my parents growing up and still am. We've had our challenges, Dad is a recovering alcoholic but it never impacted his parenting (for the most part- a few not so fond memories)...he wasn't abusive or anything. Worked his ass off and was full functioning; had a pretty rough childhood which I attribute a lot of his issues to. His Dad walked out on 3 kids and my Grandma when the kids were all 11 and younger. My Grandma also lost a baby about 6 months after she was born (only daughter).

I nearly lost both of my parents in a single car rollover accident when I was 9 years old. It has physically impacted my mom for her entire life as she was ejected through back windshield of vehicle.

Lot of info shared....but they are great. Amazing Grandparents and Dad has been sober for over a decade.
Mine are still alive and pushing 80. I couldn’t have asked for a better set of parents. I am an only child. My mom grew up working class and my dad grew up dirt poor. They worked their asses off to provide me with opportunities and experiences they never got to have. I took it for granted when I was young and now cherish the hell out of it as an adult.

They taught me right from wrong and instilled a solid work ethic in me. Dad and I have gotten along my entire life. He’s always supported me in hard times and gave me a kick in the ass when it was needed.

Mom was a bit of a helicopter parent and she and I didn’t get along at all from the time I was 13 to about 22. Now, I realize she was trying to look out for my best interests in the only way she knew how and we get along very well.

They’ve quickly started looking like old people and the health problems are creeping in. I am bracing for the inevitable, and also will have the task of making all decisions about their estate by myself.
I lost my dad in 2022 to dementia. My mom is doing great living in Margaritaville just outside Hilton's perfect for her driving her golf cart around, going to the pool and meeting up with friends for anything and everything.

My parents did a great job raising my brother and I. They met at UK in 1970 and married in 1971. Dad graduated and became a banker for 40 years and mom dropped out after her first year to marry my dad and stayed home to raise my brother and I until I was in 3rd grade. Went to work in a few different jobs, then decided to go back to college and get her degree in accounting. I graduated grad school the same year she graduated cool she did that and she became a successful CPA and helps me until this day on tax questions I have.

My dad could be a little short and impatient at times and this really came out when he started getting dementia over the last 5-10 years of his life. My mom was his caretaker until she couldn't handle it anymore and he went into memory care in February 2022 (hardest day of my life giving him a hug as he thought he was going to lunch with my mom, but I knew he wasn't coming back home) and passed shortly after in April. It was a blessing he passed so quickly as I watched him struggle for 10 years visiting his parents in the nursing home when they had dementia. I didn't want that burden on my mom.

My mom is still young (73) and she deserves this new life of hers. Doesn't have the burden of my dad's health weighing on her shoulders and can just enjoy her friends and grandkids. But yes, my parents did a great job raising my brother and I. We are both successful in our fields and have great spouses and kids. Overall, I'd give my parents an A!

BTW...that was kind of healing talking about this. I struggle at times with the loss of my dad...thanks all for an interesting thread.
It took me YEARS to realize that my parents weren't good parents. Growing up, I thought that good parents were those who took their kids on vacations and got them everything they asked for on birthdays and Christmas. I can sadly say that kids can be "bought off" without the parents really even knowing they're there.
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They tried. Pretty sure that’s all you can ask for. They didn’t do great at all of it but they taught me to believe in myself and how to do the basics. I give them a solid B.

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