Diablo 4


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2013
Anyone playing this or getting it? I want to get it on PC, but wanna make sure I’m not making a mistake. I played 3 but not much. I did like it, but didn’t have anyone to play with. Seeing what people think of the game.
Got it for xbox one with my group of friends.

I like it.. but there's just something missing about it compared to Diablo 2 and how addicting that game was. Can't put my finger on it. Feels a little TOO much of a mindless button masher and it seems all the damage I do is the same, no matter what weapons/spells I choose.
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Got it for xbox one with my group of friends.

I like it.. but there's just something missing about it compared to Diablo 2 and how addicting that game was. Can't put my finger on it. Feels a little TOO much of a mindless button masher and it seems all the damage I do is the same, no matter what weapons/spells I choose.
Sounds perfect for me 😂😂
I'm loving it. Far superior to D3. The amount of content is staggering and blizzard will be supporting this game regularly for years.
I have mixed feelings on it. The graphics look great and there is so much content (almost to much). Took to much from games like Path of Exile and made it more difficult than it needed to be. Plays slower than I like. That's what we get when they screwed up the travel skills. Being able to teleport/leap/charge/etc only once or twice every 5 seconds sucks. I was used to flying around using teleport in D2/D2R.

I hate that you are forced to use basic skills or you struggle even more with your resource. Once I unlocked the better skills in D2R, I never touched the starter skills again. I also hate that there is no rune system in this game. I am at level 57 and can't find anything better than what gear I've had for like the past 6 levels or more. That's with me doing the nightmare dungeons in World Tier 3.

They also left out one of the most popular characters (Paladin). I'm expecting them to force us to buy an expansion pack to get that one. This game feels like an even worse grind than D2R was. At least you don't have to do the campaign 3 times for each character. You also can skip the campaign on all of your future characters once you beat it with one of them. That can be good, but also you have to watch what areas you go to. It doesn't seem to scale the difficulty to match your level in all areas. I'm guessing you still have to level up in approximately the same order as the acts took place in those areas.

If I made it, I would have taken D2R and basically used it as a guide. Leave D3 and PoE out of it. Give it graphics like they did but with more of a D2R style. They could have changed up/expanded the skill trees but not to the point that they did. A new campaign with updated graphics, extra farming content for after the campaign, all new runewords, and some different skills would have been enough for me.
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