The point is, what does Gonzo want? Awesome man, you are happy for Booker. So is everyone else thats a UK fan. We're all happy for him. Are fans who said "man I wish Booker would have come back" supposed to feel guilty or something? Or even fans who said "Booker should have come back" supposed to feel guilty? (for the record I knew very early he would not be back and thought he would jump on the opportunity due to the Thompson success in GS).
There's quite the group on here that go around and blast anyone who doesn't toe the company line of whatever Cal thinks is best is indeed best. They think that every move Cal makes is calculated. Cal could stop at McDonalds for a cup of coffee and this group would spin it into some stroke of brilliance by Cal with some deeper meaning that will have positive implications on recruiting etc. Give me a break guys. Its like anyone who takes a subjective approach to Cal and UK basketball is "miserable, hater, troll, trash, not a UK fan, etc".
In 2014, given all the talent, that team was terrible until the famous tweak in the SEC tournament. Is it fair to say that Cal simply didn't know what the hell to do with that team all season? I honestly think he just couldn't figure out what to do with them until the SEC tournament. The Harrisons driving wildly to the basket and throwing up shots off the backboard with 3 defenders on them all season long in an effort to score, get fouled, or both and Cal finally figured out "damn this isn't working, maybe Ill have them pass". Is it bad to say that its kind of surprising that it took all season long to figure out what was wrong with that team? You come on here and say something like that and the masses descend with the usuals leading the charge and wearing a mask of righteousness "Cal knew the whole time" or "Cal's got this" or my all time favorite "Cal is around the team way more than you etc" Hell Pete Carrol was around the Seahawks way more than me too yet even I could tell you that Lynch has to get the ball with the Super Bowl on the line.