Yeah... you had to beat Notre Dame, who Duke had already beaten by 30 points and had lost to in another game by a few lucky bounces, and Wisconsin, who Duke had already beaten by 10, at home.
I am not so blown away to think that that is some sort of murderers row. Hell, Duke beat five of the seven other teams in the Elite Eight, and came a ND missed three away from being in a Final Four where we had already beaten every other team in the Final Four, THIS YEAR.
Duke didn't have a super-tough bracket (although a look at any stats-based assessment shows that Duke faced some TOUGH teams... a lot of fans scoff at teams that don't have big names, without understanding how good they are at basketball) but the teams you are touting are not some great proof that Duke was protected. I mean... has any #1 seed in HISTORY ever had a #2 in their region that they beat that year by like 40 points? Come on now.