Dennis DeYoung has a message for everyone

Tastes vary, I suppose. His voice makes me cringe. Always has. Would rather just listen to him play the piano, which is quite good. Beautiful arrangement. Seems as if it could support an almost entirely different song (singing) melody, and should.
He went through a very weird period. Tommy Shaw was frustrated.
always just assumed the weird period version was the "real" him, and the previous version was him acting/doing as he was told for commercial reasons.....

Makes me think of the old VH1 Behind the Music series. Every episode dealing with any old rock/pop band was the same: lead singer is delusional and has a monstrous ego, alienates rest of band, they get back together. Same next week.
Not my cup of tea, but would be received well at karaoke. Then again karaoke and bars may be a thing of the past.