It is strangeAlabama shooting almost 61% and only up 4. Weird.
I cannot wait until Duke gets upset.CBS just showed Cooper getting off the bus! This is like Elvis and the Beatles rolled into one!!!!
bama not exactly killing robert morris. yet.We better hold serve today, cause besides Bama and Florida , I don’t see any other SeC teams winning today….
Screw the conference. Love watching them loseAppears Mississippi State is done for, it's up to the remaining teams to represent the conference.
even for duke standards the flagg love has been over the top this season. can't wait for the boozers.CBS just showed Cooper getting off the bus! This is like Elvis and the Beatles rolled into one!!!!
We need Jans to stay in the conference.I don’t get this how you show up in your first ncaa game totally unprepared and play like you don’t care. I wonder if some players are in the portal or shaving points.
This is the tournment and game you prepared all year for and show up like this?
Even their coach was more animated in the sec regular season or sec torunment,
they could still win i guess, but i doubt it. between both teams hubbard is the only potential mismatch that could be presented. he’d probably have given duke headaches.watching Baylor they'll give duke a much better fight than state.
Agreed. Also he looks like he probably chews tobacco and doesn’t spit.Anyone else 🤔 Janz is at his pinnacle. If they ever gets past first round that might make 2nd only.