Darryn peterson dream school kentucky

Having a kid name us his dream school almost feels like the kiss of death...I can't begin to name all the past recruits who ended up elsewhere after naming UK their dream school
I bet it would stop if coaches starting saying "cool", shaking the kid's hand, and wishing them luck.
Having a kid name us his dream school almost feels like the kiss of death...I can't begin to name all the past recruits who ended up elsewhere after naming UK their dream school
I know exactly if it’s such a dream school let’s go ahead and see that commitment young fella! I mean should’ve committed as soon as he was offered if this is true.
Having a kid name us his dream school almost feels like the kiss of death...I can't begin to name all the past recruits who ended up elsewhere after naming UK their dream school
That was under Cal with a lot more highly ranked competition in their classes. We could prioritize certain guys like we should and hope that may help us when they compare offers and what they want. It can’t hurt at least.
It certainly can be a nightmare comment, but if his other choices are Louisville, Washington and USC, I feel pretty good about our chances.

I assume you were just saying that hypothetically?

In Peterson’s case, those aren’t the only other schools…his dad spoke pretty well of Bill Self and Kansas as well.
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Whenever I hear this from a recruit, they are basically dead to me. They aren’t coming to UK.
Except for everyone who actually played here! Most all have said at one time that Kentucky was definitely the dream school growing up. Can’t get them all my friend. lol. I definitely understand what you’re getting at though, we have had a lot we missed on say that before picking another school. Love this kid and hope we land him. He’s the real deal I do believe and can become a superstar. Thanks
Except for everyone who actually played here! Most all have said at one time that Kentucky was definitely the dream school growing up. Can’t get them all my friend. lol. I definitely understand what you’re getting at though, we have had a lot we missed on say that before picking another school. Love this kid and hope we land him. He’s the real deal I do believe and can become a superstar. Thanks
Hunting Prep is about 20 minutes from Ashland KY so he has a lot of interactions with UK fans
Hunting Prep is about 20 minutes from Ashland KY so he has a lot of interactions with UK fans
Yes sir. Hope they show up big for them this season. They should be really good. I don’t know if we’ll have the room but I really think Magwood could end up as one of the best players in college by his senior year. Actually there’s ten plus I’d love to have and of course we can only take a few. Haha.
Huntington itself has more UK fans than a lot would think. Then factor in all the people from KY that’s moved there for work or college. Most stores sell UK gear being so close to KY as well.
Huntington has a lot of Marshall and UK fans, they normally are fans of both
once you start getting closer to Charleston it changes to mainly WVU fans
Joe Holland (rip) who owned Joe Holland Chevrolet in Charleston was a UK basketball player
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By all accounts this kid is an awesome scoring 2g. Great. But, he and his dad want him to play pg in college. It is a big risk for UK to play him at pg, isn't it? Pope has to make decisions for the betterment of the team. This kind of stuff is why he's the big dog and has to make the call.
Well, I don't doubt UK was his dream school but it's pay for play now and he also probably dreamed of being rich.
Because that's worked out so well for us in the past. We can't be falling for that one again, right? We have a modicum of intelligence, don't we?
He'll join these other "Kentucky is my dream school" UK recruits who never came here:

Miles Bridges
Markel Fultz
Jaden McDaniels
Jalen Johnson
Jaden Hardy

He's not coming to Kentucky.