Daniel Orton playing for Portland in summer league

Kind of how things work on a message board. If someone says something controversial as a fact that no one else has ever heard before it is usually confirmed with a link.

Otherwise you are just throwing out opinion, which is fine as well, just don't state is a fact unless you preface it as "I am not sure where i heard this" but I did.

Replying so defensively shows bad form and could cause others to deem your argument unbelievable.
Guy, I'm a prik.. It sounds like I'm always defensive.. Just my nature.. I could probably find it somewhere,, but I'm not wasting my time looking for it as I don't have to sell you on anything I say.. But carry on.. :)
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Guy, I'm a prik.. It sounds like I'm always defensive.. Just my nature.. I could probably find it somewhere,, but I'm not wasting my time looking for it as I don't have to sell you on anything I say.. But carry on.. :)

Fair enough man. I never accused you of being a prick or asked you to prove anything to me brother.

Let's get back to smacking around the UNC, Duke, and Kansas fans that seem to be festering around here...
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Hey,, there's this little option to block me.. Feel free..

It's a 2 way street.

Guy, I'm a prik.. It sounds like I'm always defensive.. Just my nature.. I could probably find it somewhere,, but I'm not wasting my time looking for it as I don't have to sell you on anything I say.. But carry on.. :)

I give you points for being honest.

Fair enough man. I never accused you of being a prick or asked you to prove anything to me brother.

Let's get back to smacking around the UNC, Duke, and Kansas fans that seem to be festering around here...

I can get behind this.
Fair enough man. I never accused you of being a prick or asked you to prove anything to me brother.

Let's get back to smacking around the UNC, Duke, and Kansas fans that seem to be festering around here...
Oh,, nobody has to accuse me of being that, lol.. I'll straight up tell you.. Should see me around a bunch of Loserville or KU fans.. I'm one of those guys that probably does give the UK fan base a worse name than it actually has.. I live to make those jagoffs hate us even more.. It's what I'm really really good at..
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Oh,, nobody has to accuse me of being that, lol.. I'll straight up tell you.. Should see me around a bunch of Loserville or KU fans.. I'm one of those guys that probably does give the UK fan base a worse name than it actually has.. I live to make those jagoffs hate us even more.. It's what I'm really really good at..

Please stop. You are making me like you.
I took a crap this morning,, want a link for it also? As I said somewhere way above,, I couldn't care less who thinks it's bs.. In my life,, I don't answer to anyone or have to back anything up.. I did hear it this year though.. Next time I see it,, I'll be sure to let you know.. :)

Doesn't answer to anyone, yet answers someone to tell them that. Nice.

And yes, if you're going to win an argument, you should support it with facts. That is how life works.
Well,, I never was trying to win any argument.. So run along little tike.. My life doesn't work as that.. It's,, well,, my life..

Maybe you should graduate high school, attend a few years of college and see how you feel about "I was never trying to win any argument" argument when you're arguing with folks.

It's logic. You'll have that class in college when you get there. We won't judge you if you decide to drop out.
Maybe you should graduate high school, attend a few years of college and see how you feel about "I was never trying to win any argument" argument when you're arguing with folks.

It's logic. You'll have that class in college when you get there. We won't judge you if you decide to drop out.
Tried college,, stayed drunk and high.. Dropped out.. Still make plenty of money.. :)
Fair enough man. I never accused you of being a prick or asked you to prove anything to me brother.

Let's get back to smacking around the UNC, Duke, and Kansas fans that seem to be festering around here...

But it seems you're an honest prick...
Well,, google has a search engine.. It's free for everyone to use..

He's not the one making the claim. You are. Which means you're the one who needs to produce the link to back up your claims about what Cal has supposedly said, not him. If you can't, then it's safe for the rest of to assume you're full of shit.
He's not the one making the claim. You are. Which means you're the one who needs to produce the link to back up your claims about what Cal has supposedly said, not him. If you can't, then it's safe for the rest of to assume you're full of shit.
Well,, call me full of shit,, jagoff,, lol.. I'm not looking for it.. I don't have to.. As I've said,, I couldn't care less who believes me.. I'm not into the whole proving anything to anyone,, especially you..