Dan Kane: Accreditation Agency Wants More Proof UNCheat Fixing Its Issues

I can understand that you'd want more proof. But if the institution in North Caroline formerly considered a university were to provide it, why would you believe anything coming from a ethically bankrupt pit like that?

I'd insist on periodic audits from someone like PWC or another such independent firm to validate that the mess has finally been cleared away. In fact, the institution in question should have already done so, but then that action would have implied some ethical foundation exists, though well hidden. As we all know, the evidence of that is nonexistent.
I can understand that you'd want more proof. But if the institution in North Caroline formerly considered a university were to provide it, why would you believe anything coming from a ethically bankrupt pit like that?

I'd insist on periodic audits from someone like PWC or another such independent firm to validate that the mess has finally been cleared away. In fact, the institution in question should have already done so, but then that action would have implied some ethical foundation exists, though well hidden. As we all know, the evidence of that is nonexistent.

I agree with what you said but I also think this is VERY good news to all of us who have been following this scandal. SACS isn't about to let UNC off the hook like Greece has been repeatedly over the years.

Just the fact that SACS is taking this step is going to force some changes at UNC. Players may actually have to start attending class for a change, for example.
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I agree with what you said but I also think this is VERY good news to all of us who have been following this scandal. SACS isn't about to let UNC off the hook like Greece has been repeatedly over the years.

Just the fact that SACS is taking this step is going to force some changes at UNC. Players may actually have to start attending class for a change, for example.

BTW, I would strongly urge everyone to click on the link above. WOWSERS! This is good stuff!!!!
I agree with what you said but I also think this is VERY good news to all of us who have been following this scandal. SACS isn't about to let UNC off the hook like Greece has been repeatedly over the years.

Just the fact that SACS is taking this step is going to force some changes at UNC. Players may actually have to start attending class for a change, for example.

Good point. I certainly agree that this was a justified and necessary action on the part of SACS. I was very happy to see that they're going to keep pulling at the thread. Interestingly enough, one can also infer that the responsible parties at the institution in question have not stepped up to the line after all the time since the last SACS report.

As you know, I have been shocked at the lack of contrition on the part of North Carolina as an academic institution. This latest news leaves me utterly dumbfounded. I don't consider myself either stupid or naïve but it remains beyond my comprehension how this can take place and how arrogant the guilty institution appears in their petty response.

Greece is a good analogy. That is precisely what happens with lack of oversight and accountability.
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As you know, I have been shocked at the lack of contrition on the part of North Carolina as an academic institution. This latest news leaves me utterly dumbfounded. I don't consider myself either stupid or naïve but it remains beyond my comprehension how this can take place and how arrogant the guilty institution appears in their petty response..

You said EXACTLY what I am thinking. I, too, am dumbfounded. The ONLY thing I can figure is that the boosters are in total control of the institution. Folt is either completely unethical or too stupid to be chancellor.
You said EXACTLY what I am thinking. I, too, am dumbfounded. The ONLY thing I can figure is that the boosters are in total control of the institution. Folt is either completely unethical or too stupid to be chancellor.

Good theory on what may be happening. Generally a school's regents will at least appear to stay arms length from the athletic boosters. Apparently that's not the North Carolina way, however. Auburn University had a case of too much oversight from their boosters a few years back. The governor eventually had to step in and he decimated the leadership there. They got the message after that and have either done much better or at least got their lies straight.
My question is will this make the NCAA wait longer on a decision ? IMO
the longer this draws out the better. UNC*** cheaters are going to have a hard time getting recruits.
Sorry for the back to back posts, but I thought you guys might enjoy this: Note in particular the following quote:

"Although we are disappointed and surprised by SACS' action and will continue to work earnestly to address any legitimate concerns, it should be noted that Auburn remains a fully accredited institution. The action taken today -- which relates to the past -- does not impair Auburn's or its students' eligibility for federal aid. Auburn University will continue its strong pattern of progress and growth witnessed in recent years."

It is strikingly similar to North Carolina's statement when they got slammed. First order of business was to make sure the student knew that they still had money for North Carolina to take.
Here's what I think is more likely to happen; the NCAA will punish UNC and take away their championships.

With the money being made by that university or even Auburn, anyone who thinks accreditation will be taken away doesn't see the reality of it all. UNC is getting away with fake classes from all governing bodies; that includes the ACC, who won't do squat to one of their revenue babies.

What university that makes millions each year and has millions given to them has ever lost their accreditation? You'd see Obama step in and make things go away.

Double secret probation won't hurt the UNC brand either. It's all a conspiracy.

UNC will never be held to higher standards; Bubba & Folt are simply laughing at all of this.
Good theory on what may be happening. Generally a school's regents will at least appear to stay arms length from the athletic boosters. Apparently that's not the North Carolina way, however. Auburn University had a case of too much oversight from their boosters a few years back. The governor eventually had to step in and he decimated the leadership there. They got the message after that and have either done much better or at least got their lies straight.

SACS is doing their job the way the NCAA should. And it is SUPREMELY embarassing for the UNC (if they have any sense) to be called out by their accreditation agency. I'm afraid they think they're above accreditation. If I'm the Governor of NC, I make sure heads roll.
SACS is doing their job the way the NCAA should. And it is SUPREMELY embarassing for the UNC (if they have any sense) to be called out by their accreditation agency. I'm afraid they think they're above accreditation. If I'm the Governor of NC, I make sure heads roll.

Some years back, that's exactly what happened with Auburn, as I mentioned earlier. That got down right messy. SACS even called out boosters by name. Since, Auburn kept their nose clean and had no problems. UNC just seems oblivious. I can't explain it.
Some years back, that's exactly what happened with Auburn, as I mentioned earlier. That got down right messy. SACS even called out boosters by name. Since, Auburn kept their nose clean and had no problems. UNC just seems oblivious. I can't explain it.
Bubba & Folt are simply laughing at all of this.

Bubba doesn't even know what accreditation is. Folt isn't laughing at all right now. She is feeling the heat from the academic side of the university and that side isn't happy. She has been able to hold on to her position for now but any more missteps and I think she will be shown the exit. She still has the boosters as her supporters but they are a fickle bunch and if the NCAA hammers them, she is going to be hung out to dry by both sides.
If I'm the Governor of NC, I make sure heads roll.

They've already trotted out a former North Carolina governor to rubber stamp their cheating , governors down there will make heads roll if they don't weasel out of this mess .
Bubba doesn't even know what accreditation is. Folt isn't laughing at all right now. She is feeling the heat from the academic side of the university and that side isn't happy. She has been able to hold on to her position for now but any more missteps and I think she will be shown the exit. She still has the boosters as her supporters but they are a fickle bunch and if the NCAA hammers them, she is going to be hung out to dry by both sides.

Of course, everyone but Roy takes the heat for what has gone on...........and anyone hear anything from Swofford? He, of course is silent and will not take any action even though his history is to punish non-UNC schools as commissioner:

ex: there are claims that when Clemson was punished by the NCAA back in the early 80's, Mr. Swofford pushed to have the ACC impose additional penalties.

ex: the treatment of the FSU soccer team when they decided to leave a few starters out of the ACC tournament, in an effort to have them rested for an NCAA title run. In the end, the Commissioner: 1) Suspended the FSU coach for 1 game, 2) Removed FSU's expense reimbursement for the ACCT($15,000), 3) Fined FSU $25,000, 4) A letter of reprimand to the FSU Athletic Director and Women's Soccer Head Coach, 5) Demanded a letter of apology from FSU

The corrupt environment will continue through the Carolina family.
Bubba doesn't even know what accreditation is. Folt isn't laughing at all right now. She is feeling the heat from the academic side of the university and that side isn't happy. She has been able to hold on to her position for now but any more missteps and I think she will be shown the exit. She still has the boosters as her supporters but they are a fickle bunch and if the NCAA hammers them, she is going to be hung out to dry by both sides.

It would be really easy to have another academic sellout in the position she's in now. I won't be surprised to see the more competent faculty start looking for employment at a university to preserve their reputations and avoid further professional embarrassment. Essentially, all she has left are boosters as she has missed the bus taking the high road. I agree that the boosters will turn on her like rabid dogs if the NCAA so much as touches a banner. I'm surprised the politicians haven't already started feeding. Gal would make a helluva used car salesman.

Least she's got career choices.
How pathetic is it that UNC has to prove they are holding actual classes now , fine university .

They now have a classroom with a video professor teaching on the screen, it's 24/7, it's better than what they had in the past. lol
UNC** fans still feel like the atrocious cheating at UNC** never happened...

Just occurred to me that if you are correct, and I have no reason to doubt you, then I stand in awe of that fan base.

I would never have thought you could put so much stupid in such a small space.

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