

Morning Legionnaires!

55° this morning with 35mph winds gusting to mid 40's and sometimes above. More wind, got to get some Beano. 🤪 Only going down in temp for the day from here. North winds I guess.

Mike, Mike, Mike, What day... Never mind, AustinTXCat already hit on it.

Hey, you grinders get it done today and be safe out there.

God Bless.
Good morning folks.

March Madness begins in earnest today. Bring it on.

Very busy day at work, then I hope to ease into watching games through Sunday.

It is my dad’s birthday. Sadly he’s in the hospital still but I hope out soon. 94 today.

My daughter’s birthday tomorrow. She was born under the intense glow of Hale Bopp comet in 1997. I watched Pitino’s Cats best St. Joseph’s during the labor pains in the delivery room.

Life rolls on. Have a great day.

Morning Legionnaires!

Mid 30's this morning with moderate winds. Wind chill factor is 22°. High to be in the mid 60's. Waiting for the mid to upper 70's to hit the water again. That starts this weekend.

Guess I will just have to find something to keep me busy for the next few days. Going to look at the matchups this morning to see what might be good games. Have not looked at the matchups yet so...

Tomorrow is trip to OKC for Bass Pro Shop, Asian Market, and whatever else wife wants to do. She took tomorrow and Monday off.

Doing taxes this weekend so we have something there to look forward to. ☹️ Used to get money back, but last couple of years had to pay.

Enough of that, you folks enjoy the day and God Bless.
Brendon Donavon's barn.

Had to post this, just enjoyed watch Ali work. Had a darn chance to interact with him once and was to young and stupid to do it. (Met his mother in law at an insurance session in Louisville years ago and she gave my his Michigan address and told me if I'd write to him he'd answer me.).. I didn't, how stupid of me.... I have very few regrets in life but that is one of them.


Morning Legionnaires!

Mid 30's this morning with moderate winds. Wind chill factor is 22°. High to be in the mid 60's. Waiting for the mid to upper 70's to hit the water again. That starts this weekend.

Guess I will just have to find something to keep me busy for the next few days. Going to look at the matchups this morning to see what might be good games. Have not looked at the matchups yet so...

Tomorrow is trip to OKC for Bass Pro Shop, Asian Market, and whatever else wife wants to do. She took tomorrow and Monday off.

Doing taxes this weekend so we have something there to look forward to. ☹️ Used to get money back, but last couple of years had to pay.

Enough of that, you folks enjoy the day and God Bless.

Enjoyed the picture. I have fond memories of my Drill Sergeant. SFC Henson. Fort Lost in the Woods... C-4-3.... Dude was hard but fair. Cannot ask for more... I am thankful!
Made me want to share pics of my most prized possessions. My time with USAREC for two different commands USAREC HQ and the 5th Brigade... They knew I liked John Wayne back then and gave me this too...




I worked 11 years for them but ended up having to go where the promotions were though i did rise through the ranks there as well. I am thankful... (I clouded my name out but several of you know my name if you remember it.)
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Most people remember their DI's. I remember all 3 of mine Atchley, Paul, and Hawkins.

You were a hard head Sir. (Took three of them to get through to you huh???) 😁

I had a Drill Sergeant Wertz as well. He was okay but he ended up dating and marrying a recruit. (I found that out at another duty station after the fact. (He was focused it seems but I let him.....slide. ;) Ole girl was nice but darn... He was bit to state the least.
The thing I recall most about basic is on the first day, the DI asked if anybody had any college. One guy got all excited. He was kind of short, so he was jumping and waving his raised hand so he would be noticed, while hollering, "me. I do." The DI said, "Good, you are my latrine queen."