
Squirrel season opened on August 19 up in KY. It appears cuz enjoyed himself.

Good morning D-League.

Austin, glad your wife got help in time. A burst appendix can be scary.

I think I picked up some kind of infection during my brief trip ti Kentucky. Spiking fever. A little light headed. Headache. Etc. My wife the RN thinks I can go to the Urgent Care clinic and get some antibodies to knock it out. I hope so. Need to get through a few things at work, then I'm going to run up there.

Very nice visit to Kentucky. Too short. I kn ew getting back to work would be a drag, and so it is.

Have a good day folks.
Good morning D-League.

Austin, glad your wife got help in time. A burst appendix can be scary.

I think I picked up some kind of infection during my brief trip ti Kentucky. Spiking fever. A little light headed. Headache. Etc. My wife the RN thinks I can go to the Urgent Care clinic and get some antibodies to knock it out. I hope so. Need to get through a few things at work, then I'm going to run up there.

Very nice visit to Kentucky. Too short. I kn ew getting back to work would be a drag, and so it is.

Have a good day folks.

Hope you feel better soon and without needing to see the urgent care.


Got busy with family situations, estates, funerals, and funeral prep and forgot several of you were visiting the area. Was hoping to drop off some little tokens to you on your visits if possible.

Sorry to miss yall. Hope you really enjoyed your visits and got to spend meaningful time with those you love.

May God bless the D-League!

Morning Legionnaires!

80° this morning with light winds and a high of 105° expected.

Hurry up football, the Reds are fading.

Light day ahead with only normal monster walk, exercise, and a little house cleaning this morning. Couch potato afternoon with a martial arts class to teach tonight.

Hope it is not a manic Monday, but if it is, here is a little eye candy to start you off.

God Bless.


Had a brief but intense encounter with a young Italian woman when I was in college. Reminded me of the Bangles lead singer. Anyway that was so long ago...
Hope you feel better soon and without needing to see the urgent care.


Got busy with family situations, estates, funerals, and funeral prep and forgot several of you were visiting the area. Was hoping to drop off some little tokens to you on your visits if possible.

Sorry to miss yall. Hope you really enjoyed your visits and got to spend meaningful time with those you love.

May God bless the D-League!
Thanks Girt. Turns out I did go to urgent care, and I do have a urinary tract infection (I thought only women got them.) Apparently it's related to my old man's swollen prostate. Anyway, a week of antibiotics and all should be well.
Thanks Girt. Turns out I did go to urgent care, and I do have a urinary tract infection (I thought only women got them.) Apparently it's related to my old man's swollen prostate. Anyway, a week of antibiotics and all should be well.

Sorry to hear that. A pleasant surprise for me in college was that they run in my family on the male side as well. Had to drink 100% unsweetened cranberry juice in filtered water and take saw palmetto with thistle or nettle (in college and occasionally for about 7 years after) to keep both the UTI and prostate issues under control. I was misdiagnosed several times back then til I went to a naturopathic practitioners office.

Always sprang up if I had to drive a long time and/or distance on poor seating, though I never associated the two til later. Delivered pizzas in college and drove a 2 seater truck with a crappy bench seat for a long time after I graduated.

Hope that visit takes care of it, MdWildcat! I know you're pain
Good morning from ATX. Currently 82°F and clear. Red Flag (fire weather) warning in effect. Slight chance for rain. Today's high may reach 101°F.

Wife staying in hospital until at least tomorrow, possibly longer. Apparently aftereffects from perforated appendix more serious than originally thought.

Wishing all a great day.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 82°F and clear. Red Flag (fire weather) warning in effect. Slight chance for rain. Today's high may reach 101°F.

Wife staying in hospital until at least tomorrow, possibly longer. Apparently aftereffects from perforated appendix more serious than originally thought.

Wishing all a great day.


Sorry to hear ATXC... God's comfort to your wife and you.
Good morning D-League. Overslept today. I believe that was from the antibiotic fighting my infection. I woke upon a pool of sweat from which I could have wrung oily my sheets. I want to think that means I’m getting better.

Sorry about your wife Austin. May she improve rapidly.

Catch you all later.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 82°F and clear. Red Flag (fire weather) warning in effect. Slight chance for rain. Today's high may reach 101°F.

Wife staying in hospital until at least tomorrow, possibly longer. Apparently aftereffects from perforated appendix more serious than originally thought.

Wishing all a great day.

Hoping all goes well.
Finally got a picture of the students that competed this past Saturday. The two smaller ones in Ghis up front are brother and sister who were adopted by the older lady in the back on the far left as you look at the picture. They were abused and taken away from their father a couple of years ago and now live with Paula (the lady mentioned) and her daughter standing next to her and her two teenagers (the taller girl and boy in the back next to the lady next to me). It's a good thing she (Paula) has her daughter and her kids helping out because those two little ones are a handful.

Good morning folks.

Loving the talk of navy beans and cornbread. My mammaw (dad’s mom) who lived way down in the holler in Bracken County always had beans going in a big pot, maybe some green beans cooked in bacon fat and made the best salty, crisp at the edges cornbread I’ve had to this day.

Long long hike yesterday. I’d registered nearly 30,000 step by end of day. Taking it easier today.

Go Reds. Another day with a chance to take over first place.
Grandparents were also from a holler in Bracken County. Did the green beans have sugar in them? She put creamed corn in her cornbread. Tasted like cake. Loved it!
Speaking of the Quiet Man I thought I would report in. Doing OK for an old guy approaching 80. I don't post much anywhere anymore. I do read many of the posts here. I don't see any posts by my fellow octogenerians, Don and Sawnee. Anyone know how they are doing? If anyone knows you can email me at starchief1943@gmail,com.
Good to see you StarChief
Random tidbits:
- Tree trimmer/remover came by to estimate today - $3500 Yikes!! - and told me of his recent fishing trip off Pine Island in Gulf. Caught 51"/100# grouper. Guide said that just doesn't happen & said he should make a trophy of it. So he is. I'm not a fisherman/lady/trans, but I was impressed. Anyone know anything about something like this?
- Friend's son is starting at UC this year & got tripled up in dorm at last minute. UC surpassed 50K enrollment for first time. I know there are way bigger, but it surprised me living around here most all my life. UK is 31K.
My wife turns 65 this November. Researching Medicare. Not fun but important. Newbie to the process because I still have 2 more years before I go down that road.

It is NOT fun attempting to TRY to figure it out. My Darling is 66, I am 62, still working, have health benefits I can keep after retirement. Trying to compute with the SS department is ridiculous... They sure get their $164.00 a month though...
Hello, we have a couples bible study every other Tuesday night now. I am the only one still working. A couple retired Colonel's, both also retired civil servants as well, a retired E-9, a medically retired soldier, and me plus our wives. Actually enjoyable. Been playing the guitar again for the music. Just got back. Had a statement made to me that if I heard it before I do not remember it but one Colonel was talking about a three star he worked for and the aid he picked that the GO decided he didn't want to be traveling with a fine looking woman all the time as it would give a bad appearance.

The GO stated he needed a woman that was "cosmetically acceptable" he could travel with. I just about lost it. Listening to these Ole boys "war" stories has been good. I have my own but not in that arena. Ate some decent food too. (They all enjoy coming to our home though as they have all had My Darlings cooking. We are hosting the 3rd of October it seems. I told them I was going to buy a few Costco pizza's. Thought I'd have to do push-ups.

Have a peaceful sleep and God Bless you of the D-League, one and all...
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and partly cloudy. We received some beautiful, precious rain yesterday. Today's high may hit 101°F.

Welcome back, @starchief5 . Good seeing you again.

Wife may come home from hospital tomorrow if she's feeling better.

I visited Oncologist yesterday afternoon. Blood clot disappeared in legs.

Happy Hump Day.


Morning Legionnaires!

79° this morning with a high in the triple digits expected.

I have a dentist appointment this morning at 0800 to make impressions for the teeth that will go on the abutments for three missing teeth on the upper right side. Once completed will start again for two on the other side.

Mike, Mike, Mike! Well, you know...

Be careful out there folks and God Bless.
Good morning everyone.

Spent the day yesterday on the hunting property (first time since mid April). We had to do a lot of tree/brush cutting to get to the end. Autumn Olive trees are horrible. I'm a little sore this morning and wish I had been keeping up the workouts. Usually in the summer I just hike/walk and let my work be the workouts.

Car shopping again (wife's) and studying on whether to move some money around. I'm a little younger than most here (be 59 next month) but look forward to getting your all's input/experiences with SS and Medicare.

Wildlife Wednesday....These (11 pt and 7 pt) were just above the house where my wife sometimes hunts. Got the trail cams up on the lease yesterday so hopefully will have some interesting pictures in a few weeks.

Good morning folks. Hope everyone is doing well.

I’m finally starting to feel more like myself after that infection/fever hit me hard. Antibiotics are kicking in.

Had an odd thing happen while I was in Kentucky and my wife in NYC this weekend -a package stolen from my mailbox. Or so USPS says when I asked them to look for it. I still believe it was mis—delivered. I’ve lived in that neighborhood 23 years and never heard of any theft or vandalism. But it’s gone.

BBUK - Maybe that 3-star was wise. Petraeus certainly ruined his reputation with that affair with the woman he was traveling with -- she was supposed to be writing his book "All In." He was All In alright. I wasn't sorry to see that. I was around his HQ in Mosul in April, 2003, reporting on the 101st Airborne, but also on his efforts to control that space. I saw him daily for awhile. I just got the vibe he was phony -- a politician. I later found out he had someone put him in for the Bronze Star with a V for Valor and the combat action badge because he landed his helicopter in an area where there had been some very light enemy fire -- a mortar round -- certainly not direct fire at him. That was distasteful.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Thinking about Petraeus (see above) sent me down a rabbit hole about that Bronze Star with a V for Valor he was awarded. The citation, which you can find on line, makes it sound like he was under sustained enemy gunfire and yet cooly kept directing actions against the enemy.

BUT -- There were reporters with him every second of those days -- he made sure of it. Pulitzer Prize winner David Atkinson who wrote that terrific three-volume set of the US Army in Europe in WW2 was with him every day and wrote a day-by-day account. Steve Komorow, who was a good friend of mine, was with him for USA Today. They both wrote exactly the same thing: There was never any enemy fire around Petraeus, he was well away from any of that. Except, one day he flew to a meeting with the Corps Commander, and while they were looking at a map, a random mortar round fell about 50-60 yards away. Nobody reacted, and the meeting continued. Certainly none of the dozens of other junior officers or the Corps Commander put in for an award for valor based on that.

Okay. Obsessive moment has passed. But the 'Stolen Valor' thing has always irritated me.
My wife turns 65 this November. Researching Medicare. Not fun but important. Newbie to the process because I still have 2 more years before I go down that road.
I am different because I worked under the "old" railroad retirement. I get Palmetto instead of Medicare; however, it was seamless when I went to their coverage. The railroad gives me a set amount of money a year to help pay the supplemental insurances and when I turned 65 they gave me the plan that would be best for me. I have not changed it because it works.

l think that if anything Medicare is too good and cost us too much.
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Good morning folks. Hope everyone is doing well.

I’m finally starting to feel more like myself after that infection/fever hit me hard. Antibiotics are kicking in.

Had an odd thing happen while I was in Kentucky and my wife in NYC this weekend -a package stolen from my mailbox. Or so USPS says when I asked them to look for it. I still believe it was mis—delivered. I’ve lived in that neighborhood 23 years and never heard of any theft or vandalism. But it’s gone.

BBUK - Maybe that 3-star was wise. Petraeus certainly ruined his reputation with that affair with the woman he was traveling with -- she was supposed to be writing his book "All In." He was All In alright. I wasn't sorry to see that. I was around his HQ in Mosul in April, 2003, reporting on the 101st Airborne, but also on his efforts to control that space. I saw him daily for awhile. I just got the vibe he was phony -- a politician. I later found out he had someone put him in for the Bronze Star with a V for Valor and the combat action badge because he landed his helicopter in an area where there had been some very light enemy fire -- a mortar round -- certainly not direct fire at him. That was distasteful.

Hope everyone has a good day.


I enjoy your insight(s). In my instances it was banter from this Colonel well after the fact but my initial perception of this person was not correct. (That is not normal for me., I watch people.) This person (About your age MdW.) was a ranger training operations officer (Not using the correct terminology.) I'd have "assumed" he was administrative in nature but he is and was far from it. Da brudder was Airborne, a Ranger, a training officer for other assault forces. I'd have never saw that in him but listening to him, he is as true blue (Army Green.) as true blue can get. He was at the Pentagon during 9/11.