Curt Schilling exposes internet Dbags

Hacksaw Cat

Blue Chip Prospect
May 6, 2004

This is from his blog, he shares some of the disgusting comments from "keyboard coyboys" as he calls them, that were making vulgar and criminal statements to him about his daughter. She is only 17, so hope they get prosecuted!
Originally posted by Hacksaw Cat:

This is from his blog, he shares some of the disgusting comments from "keyboard coyboys" as he calls them, that were making vulgar and criminal statements to him about his daughter. She is only 17, so hope they get prosecuted!
Didn't read the article, but, yeah, people shouldn't talk about an innocent kid. However, Schilling is a self-righteous, self-important and ketchup-planting prick.
On the one hand, it sucks what they were saying. On the other, having posted on a forum with him, he's just as big an internet dbag. Think of this like you would the Republicans who go to great lengths to hate on "the gays".
While I agree they are losers, who actually gets mad about what someone you don't know says about you on the Internet? Is it the same people who would get *legit* angry when someone said their mom was a fat whore.
There are some pretty deplorable people online. Just take a look at the local hick town's topix. Those are some miserable people slandering people.

Still can't believe people would joke about rape.
It's not much different then what happens here or any other forum. He took offense, and that's blood in the water for some.
Originally posted by HeismanCatNole85:
There are some pretty deplorable people online. Just take a look at the local hick town's topix. Those are some miserable people slandering people.

Still can't believe people would joke about rape.
Agreed. And whether you like him or not, the rape and sodomy comments about his 17 year old daughter are the ones that should be taken seriously. I hope those two that got exposed get prosecuted.
Originally posted by Hacksaw Cat:
Originally posted by HeismanCatNole85:
There are some pretty deplorable people online. Just take a look at the local hick town's topix. Those are some miserable people slandering people.

Still can't believe people would joke about rape.
Agreed. And whether you like him or not, the rape and sodomy comments about his 17 year old daughter are the ones that should be taken seriously. I hope those two that got exposed get prosecuted.
One of them already got suspended from his community college and the other got fired from his part-time ticket sells job at Yankees Stadium.
Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
It's not much different then what happens here or any other forum. He took offense, and that's blood in the water for some.
I know some like to have fun but they're not threatening to meet children to rape them here or any other message board I read. That is serious crap and more than a little different.
Originally posted by Hacksaw Cat:
Originally posted by HeismanCatNole85:
There are some pretty deplorable people online. Just take a look at the local hick town's topix. Those are some miserable people slandering people.

Still can't believe people would joke about rape.
Agreed. And whether you like him or not, the rape and sodomy comments about his 17 year old daughter are the ones that should be taken seriously. I hope those two that got exposed get prosecuted.
Of what charges do you hope they get prosecuted?

They will lose jobs and possibly receive discipline from schools, but I would be surprised if anybody is convicted of anything in a court. Schilling acts like he is going to get sex offender tags put on these people. I think a reasonable person who is not allowing their emotions to be involved would see their acts as idiotic but not criminal.
Maybe an attorney could clear this issue up but isn't threatening bodily harm to someone assault? The vivid and extremely violent language and imagery used in some of these tweets, I would think, could rise to the level of assault, if Schilling wanted to pursue it. Not much defense since he copied their tweets. Hard to claim they were misquoted or misunderstood. And, "I was only joking" is not much of a defense when the language is this overtly threatening and violent.

I'm no fan of Schilling but I absolutely applaud his actions and wish more people would do what he did. In what universe is anything some of these idiots said considered 'funny' or 'a joke'? Too many blowhards on the internet who feel like their bulletproof and can say anything they want to anyone they want online without consequences. Well, for these two, they learned differently.

And, no, it's not harmless fun when it gets to this level.
There is a law that deals with Telecommunications Harassment if people are making comments via email, social media, or texting about other folks. If it can be proven you can be arrested. In this case Schilling took screen shots of what was being said online.
One of the assholes Schilling named works part time for the Yankees. Correction, he worked for the Yankees! He was a ticket taker but not anymore

No link because Rivals mobile sucks.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
No problem with him reporting the guys to the appropriate authorities, but I heard he used his "influence" to cause the guy that worked with the yankeys to lose his job. IMO, he overstepped his bounds. If that had happened to my daughter, I'd have reported to law enforcement. Had I reported it to his employers, they likely wouldn't have done anything because I didn't have any collateral with his employer.

The way he handled it, according to how I heard the story, went from taking appropriate action to getting revenge...which IMO is not right.
Must be a lot of you guys in this thread who are not parents. I can tell you this, I have no doubt that my daughter will be the reason I end up in prison one of these days. Almost my expected retirement plan.

Like Schilling or not, if I was in his shoes and saw tweets about raping my 17 year old daughter with specifics about blood in her panties, I would do everything in my power to find the POS who posted that. Whether he dealt with me, his employers, or the authorities, who knows, but I assure you I would not sit idly by and say, "oh its just the internet."

Lots of idiots on the internet that think they can post whatever they want in the form of threats. Most of them are just coward internet tough guys, but some are legitimate threats. I would rather err on the side of caution and deal with that threat, than to blow it off and maybe my daughter pays the price later.

Don't say something about a fathers kid online you wouldn't say to a father's face. That's the safest policy.

This post was edited on 3/6 1:38 PM by Catman100
Originally posted by Catman100:
Must be a lot of you guys in this thread who are not parents. I can tell you this, I have no doubt that my daughter will be the reason I end up in prison one of these days. Almost my expected retirement plan.

Like Schilling or not, if I was in his shoes and saw tweets about raping my 17 year old daughter with specifics about blood in her panties, I would do everything in my power to find the POS who posted that. Whether he dealt with me, his employers, or the authorities, who knows, but I assure you I would not sit idly by and say, "oh its just the internet."

Lots of idiots on the internet that think they can post whatever they want in the form of threats. Most of them are just coward internet tough guys, but some are legitimate threats. I would rather err on the side of caution and deal with that threat, than to blow it off any maybe my daughter pays the price later.

Don't say something about a fathers kid online you wouldn't say to a father's face. That's the safest policy.
Originally posted by ram1955:

No problem with him reporting the guys to the appropriate authorities, but I heard he used his "influence" to cause the guy that worked with the yankeys to lose his job. IMO, he overstepped his bounds. If that had happened to my daughter, I'd have reported to law enforcement. Had I reported it to his employers, they likely wouldn't have done anything because I didn't have any collateral with his employer.

The way he handled it, according to how I heard the story, went from taking appropriate action to getting revenge...which IMO is not right.
HE OVERSTEPPED HIS BOUNDS!? Are you serious? Not the guy who tweeted a man that he was going to rape his daughter and then was graphic about it? Ridiculous.

This isn't some guy posting political opinions on a message board. This guy showed he was a disgusting human being and that absolutely should play into his employer's decision to get rid of him.
Originally posted by Chico&TheMan:

Originally posted by Hacksaw Cat:
Originally posted by HeismanCatNole85:
There are some pretty deplorable people online. Just take a look at the local hick town's topix. Those are some miserable people slandering people.

Still can't believe people would joke about rape.
Agreed. And whether you like him or not, the rape and sodomy comments about his 17 year old daughter are the ones that should be taken seriously. I hope those two that got exposed get prosecuted.
Of what charges do you hope they get prosecuted?

They will lose jobs and possibly receive discipline from schools, but I would be surprised if anybody is convicted of anything in a court. Schilling acts like he is going to get sex offender tags put on these people. I think a reasonable person who is not allowing their emotions to be involved would see their acts as idiotic but not criminal.
I would think some sort of threatening charge. Did you read some of the stuff they said? Blood in her panties, sticking stuff up her butt? That is effed up and in my opinion, criminal and I bet there are at least 12 others that would agree.

A good lawyer would conduct voir dire, select a bunch of Dads on the jury and those Dbags go to convict city.

This post was edited on 3/6 4:50 PM by Hacksaw Cat
Originally posted by Catman100:
Must be a lot of you guys in this thread who are not parents. I can tell you this, I have no doubt that my daughter will be the reason I end up in prison one of these days. Almost my expected retirement plan.

Like Schilling or not, if I was in his shoes and saw tweets about raping my 17 year old daughter with specifics about blood in her panties, I would do everything in my power to find the POS who posted that. Whether he dealt with me, his employers, or the authorities, who knows, but I assure you I would not sit idly by and say, "oh its just the internet."

Lots of idiots on the internet that think they can post whatever they want in the form of threats. Most of them are just coward internet tough guys, but some are legitimate threats. I would rather err on the side of caution and deal with that threat, than to blow it off and maybe my daughter pays the price later.

Don't say something about a fathers kid online you wouldn't say to a father's face. That's the safest policy.

This post was edited on 3/6 1:38 PM by Catman100
I have a 9 (almost 10 year old) daughter, and know what you mean.
Originally posted by Hacksaw Cat:

Originally posted by Chico&TheMan:

Of what charges do you hope they get prosecuted?

They will lose jobs and possibly receive discipline from schools, but I would be surprised if anybody is convicted of anything in a court. Schilling acts like he is going to get sex offender tags put on these people. I think a reasonable person who is not allowing their emotions to be involved would see their acts as idiotic but not criminal.
I would think some sort of threatening charge. Did you read some of the stuff they said? Blood in her panties, sticking stuff up her butt? That is effed up and in my opinion, criminal and I bet there are at least 12 others that would agree.

A good lawyer would conduct voir dire, select a bunch of Dads on the jury and those Dbags go to convict city.

This post was edited on 3/6 4:50 PM by Hacksaw Cat
Having a biased jury is not justice.

The word "rape" is being thrown around, but the comments could also be interpreted as, "Your daughter is a whore" and will do these things willingly when she gets to college and will, presumably, be of age.

Women naturally bleed, and men and women both willingly participate in sodomy. The comments are absolutely crude and disturbing to many, but the ones that Curt posting are not criminal.
The way I read the article almost sounds like at first guys were just saying they wanted to date his daughter and not even real sexual messages. Schilling then "threatens" the boys with "special forces" then when the boys react to his taunts he goes to get them fired....Interesting...
Originally posted by Lightbringer123:
The way I read the article almost sounds like at first guys were just saying they wanted to date his daughter and not even real sexual messages. Schilling then "threatens" the boys with "special forces" then when the boys react to his taunts he goes to get them fired....Interesting...
Incredibly typical for him. He loves being a troll but as soon as it doesn't go his way he flips out and acts offended, despite usually starting it himself. That's why he got banned from the forum I post at.