Current Player Being Offered $1 Million

Apr 18, 2009

Most of what this guy is saying was touched upon in the other thread. So to those questioning the honesty @bradyjames I think this definitely verifies his side of the story.

Question is, who the million dollar player? I’m guessing it’s Reed. Is that enough to get him to come back? I’m not sure…

Also, full disclosure- this is a Matt Jones/KSR video so if you don’t want to hear it don’t click it. Not the biggest fan of Jones myself but I thought this was interesting.

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Reed will not stay imo even with a $1 million dollar NIL deal.

That’s a fraction of what he is set to make on his rookie contract alone. I could understand or maybe even see him coming back if he was closer to mid- late 1st round (sorta how WCS did)… but top 7? Top 10? Nah, he’s going.

His draft stock will only get WORSE under Calipari for another year so he needs to go as much as I’d love to see him stay.

Yes I understand the folks who are saying “he’s got Kentucky in his blood! He may wanna come back and win a title”. I don’t think that’s the case. At least as much as we think. Not to mention they will be even worse next year under Cal and he still probably wouldn’t start💀
Reed will not stay imo even with a $1 million dollar NIL deal.

That’s a fraction of what he is set to make on his rookie contract alone. I could understand or maybe even see him coming back if he was closer to mid- late 1st round (sorta how WCS did)… but top 7? Top 10? Nah, he’s going.

His draft stock will only get WORSE under Calipari for another year so he needs to go as much as I’d love to see him stay.

Yes I understand the folks who are saying “he’s got Kentucky in his blood! He may wanna come back and win a title”. I don’t think that’s the case. At least as much as we think. Not to mention they will be even worse next year under Cal and he still probably wouldn’t start💀
It’s only one deal. He’s gonna get several more. The Inter cranial shock therapy commercials are gonna be the tip of the iceberg. He’s gonna make bronny type. Nil money I believe
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It’s only one deal. He’s gonna get several more. The Inter cranial shock therapy commercials are gonna be the tip of the iceberg. He’s gonna make bronny type. Nil money I believe

Maybe but I don’t see him making anywhere near the amount worth it to him and his family to return.

I hope I’m wrong though.

Not to mention why would he come back to play for a terrible coach who we all want fired? Who wouldn’t start him? Who barely praised him compared to others? A coach who admitted he didn’t start Reed bc he didn’t want to hurt DJ’s feelings?

He will regress under Calipari for another year.
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Reed will not stay imo even with a $1 million dollar NIL deal.

That’s a fraction of what he is set to make on his rookie contract alone. I could understand or maybe even see him coming back if he was closer to mid- late 1st round (sorta how WCS did)… but top 7? Top 10? Nah, he’s going.

His draft stock will only get WORSE under Calipari for another year so he needs to go as much as I’d love to see him stay.

Yes I understand the folks who are saying “he’s got Kentucky in his blood! He may wanna come back and win a title”. I don’t think that’s the case. At least as much as we think. Not to mention they will be even worse next year under Cal and he still probably wouldn’t start💀
I agree with you, I think he’s gone. The only way he comes back is if playing for Kentucky was his end goal and the nba was always a cherry on top. But I think the days of players seeing it that way are long gone, unfortunately.

Hard to blame him though, if it was me, I would probably already be declared.
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How pissed about this is Reeves? He was never even told he had a 6 figure offer.
He should be pissed. I would be surprised if Cal heard about the offer and just didn’t pass it along. I do think an assistant heard it and just never shared it.

But idk. I just have a hard time believing Cal didn’t want a player to get paid. That’s his whole schtick. Then again, Reeves isn’t one of his chosen one five star recruits.
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Maybe but I don’t see him making anywhere near the amount worth it to him and his family to return.

I hope I’m wrong though.

Not to mention why would he come back to play for a terrible coach who we all want fired? Who wouldn’t start him? Who barely praised him compared to others? A coach who admitted he didn’t start Reed bc he didn’t want to hurt DJ’s feelings?

He will regress under Calipari for another year.
This is a point I’ve made and agree with that I don’t see brought up enough: why would Reed return to coach who refused to start him over an undeserving player?

All coach Cal’s talk about can’t take a guy’s heart or “what if it was your son?” goes both ways. If Reed was my son I’d tell him to support his coaches publicly but privately we are going to explore professional options. If finishing school first is super important to the Reeds then I would consider a transfer unless I was given the same deal DJ got this season and the NIL money was outrageous.

Taking away a starting spot from a player who deserves it is every bit as hurtful to that player, and damaging to your program, as giving that starting spot to a player who doesn’t deserve it. I mean what kind of kids are going to want to play for a guy who doesn’t reward starting spots based on merit? Not guys like Reed. This stunt will hurt recruiting with the kids you want at UK, just like the stunt with Sharpe did.

But it will certainly help you recruit guys like Sharpe, or guys who like getting starting spots they don’t deserve.
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