Court Orders UL to Pay Big $ Because of Jurich's Illegal Behavior

I'm thinking that Petj is just goofing on us. I did the same thing to him in another thread where he said that Rozier wore the NBA Combine Jersey rather than the UofL jersey because he'd heard on LilBro's radio show from Deiner that only the Nike school players wore their school jerseys. That it was a shoe company decision. That was what he says LilBro radio said.

So I posted the actual video from the draft along with the min:sec spots in the video where draftees from UA and Adidas schools were drafted and all wore their school jerseys. Rozier was the ONLY PLAYER IN THE DRAFT that did not wear their school jersey.

He said he didnt have time to watch the video and of course why should he believe some random poster on the internet over Deiner and LilBro radio.

So with that thread and now this....I am convinced that he is actually is a fraud. Sorry to say. Not even one of their could be so unintentionally stupid.

This.^. Petjurino is clearly a parody account intended to mock UofL fans, but Petjurino's moronic responses are so closely aligned with those from actual UofL fans that it is often difficult to tell.
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Petjurino ever going to come back and acknowledge getting owned in this thread? It's crazy how much Louisville fans are denying any wrongdoing despite continued evidence.
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Kind of glad this thread popped up again, given some of the articles and happenings going on.......
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Kind of glad this thread popped up again, given some of the articles and happenings going on.......
We've known for 40 years that UCLA is the cesspool of the West. That about has it covered. Oh, I guess we could add SMU to the cesspool of the South.
I hope petjurino never gets banned so we can all see him get burned day in and day out. Petjurino I believe must have sort of weird juvenile crush on all three of those immoral scumbags. He reminds me of a girl that has a crush on a guy and when the guy does something that is asinine the girl (petjurino) still defends him.
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Hardly. Pardon me if I don't get my info from Insider Louisville. I don't even know what that is. You guys are scrapping the bottom of the barrel at this point. When it's in the CJ or on the local news or ESPN, we can have a discussion. Until then, I am done with this thread.

To confess one's unintelligence more flatly in this forum, I cannot imagine how. For one to state that his cornerstone of morality and accountability shall come from media / entertainment sources instead of from one's own self or, more to the point here, from the higher courts of public justice is to speak very, very poorly of one's own existence, indeed. That is to state preference for the sensationalized process over the civilized process, to state a belief in a process of wants and feelings and no confidence in the system of principles, standards and facts.
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Don't hold your breath waiting for Petjurino to reply in this thread again. He opened his mouth (so to speak) and was quick to dismiss and defame others, but he is wrong in a huge way.

I think the real answer to this Kentucky Supreme Court Ruling is that it is symptomatic of the same environment that led to the prostitution for recruits.

And the other thing that it clearly demonstrates is the large number of people who were complicit in this circus. It's clear they wanted this woman to flirt and butter up the recruits. It's also clear Jurich believed himself to be above the law. Pitino has had that same attitude on display for years and has been getting away with anything he wants.
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I think the real answer to this Kentucky Supreme Court Ruling is that it is symptomatic of the same environment that led to the prostitution for recruits. .

Symptomatic of environment, indeed. I'll be digressing here a little, but I really like how you paired the two together - that is so very spot on. I had a brief discussion with poster BigBlueInsanity the other day - found myself disagreeing with his observation that (I will be loosely paraphrasing) "that the views of society shape morality". I quickly found myself tempting to take the opposite viewpoint, and did, by stating man's morals exist naturally and from that society is formed.

However, after reflecting and thinking about the topic being discussed (UofL sex scandal), the possibility that BBinsanity wasn't necessarily sharing his own views but rather observing the modern human scene, a few random examples along the way such as this stupid Petjurino post above, and your illustration I think that maybe the observation is, in modern terms, tragically correct - that the modern way of thinking is that as long as the society does not react negatively, in a popular and public sense (e.g. media, sensationalism), then the conditions are moral. A very, very sad statement of the current human landscape.
To me this is top down culture that has been created by Mr Jurich himself. He needs to go along with half the athletic department.
Just wow - it's on every single legal site there is for Kentucky. I threw the Insider on there as some of your fellow fans have quoted it often enough. But hey - you want to display obtuseness that's your business.

Have a nice day, sir.
He knows the truth. He is a UK fan IRL. Petjurino is his parody account. He is comedic gold because he nails it everytime
No wonder Ramsey,Jurich,Pitino,and Petrino get away with all the crooked and sexual shenanigans they pull,The Louisville Fanbase is full of mentally retarded morons like Petjurino,the Wrongful Firing and Sexual Discrimination lawsuit against Jurich was posted on Ky Supreme Courts website,but the Jurich ran Louisville Media kept it hidden from the UL Linebeard Mentally Challenged
Hardly. Pardon me if I don't get my info from Insider Louisville. I don't even know what that is. You guys are scrapping the bottom of the barrel at this point. When it's in the CJ or on the local news or ESPN, we can have a discussion. Until then, I am done with this thread.
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UL is very close to going away for a long while...they'd already be gone if they had a media halfway interested journalistic standards and ethics...
Exactly and the answer is no. This is a bogus thread. I believe I heard this one a couple of years ago and yet no story was ever done proving what this board was saying. If it had happened, it would have been news. Nice try OP.

You kill me petjurichcrotch.....
Yeah...found that out lol
He knows the truth. He is a UK fan IRL. Petjurino is his parody account. He is comedic gold because he nails it everytime

yeah, found that out after this thread first started back in August. There ARE some fans like him though. While kinda funny, it's also kinda scary.
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There was an interesting Order entered this week by the Kentucky Supreme Court. The case involved a lawsuit filed by a young lady that was formerly a track coach at the University of Louisville. While working at Louisville, the lady claimed that she was subjected to certain vulgar language and comments. The young lady also said that while working for the Louisville athletic department she was told that she needed to flirt with compliance officers to get approval for certain recruiting visits. When she asked for the improper behavior to stop, Jurich responded by firing her. The lady got an attorney and sued both Louisville and Jurich for gender discrimination, retaliation, and hostile work environment. The jury awarded the lady $300,000 for damages and $71,875 for lost wages. In addition, the University of Louisville was ordered to pay the lady's attorney fees in the amount of $149,325.

Here is a link to the Order entered by the Kentucky Supreme Court:
This story is very significant on its own. But combined with the allegations in Powell's book, it provides more material for the NCAA investigation. Something new comes out every day. The more I see, the more I think Jurich's career is over. It is a foregone conclusion now that Pitino is finished. Just waiting for the last shoe to drop in the case, which would be some kind of evidence linking prostitution to football recruiting. Probably only a matter of time now.
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How come, I believe its title 9 or 12 or whatever its called isnt on UofLs campus? I mean they spent months on Winston and FSU, and imo this is a hell alot worst now..cause there is more evidence