Courier Ranks the UL Schedule (I see some debate here)


Jan 26, 2004
I have no idea where UK should rank. What I know is that we were about as good as UL last year so I don't really care where the CJ ranks us on their schedule. What I do know is that if the CJ ranked UK's schedule they would probably put UL third or fourth and talk glowingly about the program.

Never in all history has there been a media set so delusional over a program that has literally done nothing....nothing.

Rank UL's schedule
Bet the house that Lulzville loses more than 3 games.
I will bet $500 right now with any Louisville fan that Kentucky beats U of Smell next year. We can set up an escrow account with the wiining better to collect the money. I am not allowed to post on the UL message boards, as I was banned years ago. If any UK fan could go the to their board and let the likes of Zipp and Kerryrhoades or any of their other Birdbrain posters know that Shadowman4 would like to wager, that would be great. The UL fans can always talk the talk but can they walk the walk. I seriously doubt it.
Originally posted by shadowman4:
I will bet $500 right now with any Louisville fan that Kentucky beats U of Smell next year. We can set up an escrow account with the wiining better to collect the money. I am not allowed to post on the UL message boards, as I was banned years ago. If any UK fan could go the to their board and let the likes of Zipp and Kerryrhoades or any of their other Birdbrain posters know that Shadowman4 would like to wager, that would be great. The UL fans can always talk the talk but can they walk the walk. I seriously doubt it.
I am sure Steelers2012 would take that bet. That guy has a gambling problem. He is always trying to bet people on this board.
If UK is truly the 8th most difficult game on their schedule, then I expect they will have a losing record next year.
Originally posted by shadowman4:
I will bet $500 right now with any Louisville fan that Kentucky beats U of Smell next year. We can set up an escrow account with the wiining better to collect the money. I am not allowed to post on the UL message boards, as I was banned years ago. If any UK fan could go the to their board and let the likes of Zipp and Kerryrhoades or any of their other Birdbrain posters know that Shadowman4 would like to wager, that would be great. The UL fans can always talk the talk but can they walk the walk. I seriously doubt it.
they know, they always read what is on every UK message board
Originally posted by gossie21:
If UK is truly the 8th most difficult game on their schedule, then I expect they will have a losing record next year.
Whoomp there it is. Agreed

This post was edited on 1/30 3:12 PM by Mills_for_Three
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Surely there is a UL fan out there that is willing to take me up on my bet.. Please, some one go to their board and let the Louisville fans know I am looking for a wager, especially loud mouth ZIPP and Kerryrhoades , so I am challenging them to put their money where their mouth is. I mean really, according to them, U of Smell, their program is this vaunted football power and Kentucky is a bottom feeder in the SEC. Do any UK fans think I will get any takers?
Well, you just said there were a lot of birdbrains over there, and I tend to agree.

But I don't think internet bets are a good bet, the honest guys pay up and then you have others like RQ or Fuzz or whoever it was. How much does It cost to set up an escrow, and if they hire jurich as a consultant he will probably find some loophole to try to put you in jail if you try to collect the bet, LOL.

Just pick your spots and bet against them most games like I do and realize that you are taking money from one of their fans or from someone that has bought into all the hype jurich has bought with his Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and an occasional Saturday game, LOL
Originally posted by shadowman4:
Surely there is a UL fan out there that is willing to take me up on my bet.. Please, some one go to their board and let the Louisville fans know I am looking for a wager, especially loud mouth ZIPP and Kerryrhoades , so I am challenging them to put their money where their mouth is. I mean really, according to them, U of Smell, their program is this vaunted football power and Kentucky is a bottom feeder in the SEC. Do any UK fans think I will get any takers?
I don't take or offer wagers until at least closer to the first game of the season. Too many relevant variables that can change in the off season. But, I am confident I will have a wager for you closer to the season. When the tIme comes, I would be okay with UKErik holding the money. I know he is an trustworthy gambler.
Originally posted by shadowman4:
I will bet $500 right now with any Louisville fan that Kentucky beats U of Smell next year.
Didn't someone on this board say the same thing this past year before the season began?

Anyone who would wager $500 on a game that is months away shouldn't be gambling.
Ok Steelers2012 it sounds like maybe we have a bet. We will look each other up before or during the football season starts. We will have to communicate on this boar as I was banned from yours. I agree UKErik is very honest so if he would agree to hold the money, then the winner would collect the bet from him. Look forward to getting to know you.