My brother talked with our cousin whose daughter is graduating HS in Louisville. She's narrowed her choices down to Notre Dame and Wake Forest. She's leaning, right now, towards Wake. From their website, expected cost of attendance (before aid) - that's tuition, books, room & board, fees, etc. - is a bit more than $87k. Notre Dame's expected cost is $83+k. I looked up Stanford, Harvard, Dartmouth, Univ of Richmond - all >$80k first year.
While Notre Dame has a nationwide recognition factor, outside of the the old Confederacy, would a degree from Wake be significant for an employer west of the Mississippi River and/or north of the Mason-Dixon line? $87k + inevitable escalation each year and you're looking at >$350k for a 4-year degree. That's criminal, imo.
Even after aid, according to Wake's site, the avg first year cost is about $30k. So, figure about $125-130k for a 4-year degree and who knows how many 10s of 1,000s in student loans. My cousin does pretty well, but that's a lot to ask of almost anyone.
I know the statistics that say college graduates make so much more and end up so much better financially than non-graduates. I believe the ease of obtaining federal loan money has allowed universities to just about charge anything they want as they know they'll get it and, if their graduates eventually drown under the tsunami of debt, who cares? Underwriting student loans would be the first change I'd make. If your kid attends a university as expensive as Wake and many others and doesn't get a degree that prepares them for a very well paying career, the federal government should not underwrite that loan. $350k for an undergrad in History is an invitation to defaulting on the loan and sticking the taxpayers with the bad debt. Allowing an individual who let's say majors in social work to borrow $200+k is predatory lending, imo. No way that individual will be able to pay back that loan - so why make it?
There is no such thing as 'free' college and, if the federal government does go through with 'free' college, then a bachelor's degree will mean very little. 50 years ago a HS diploma was valuable. Now, it's negligible. If everyone can go to college and get a bachelor's degree, the same will happen to them.
The cost of higher education has completely gotten out of control. Universities are overstaffed, bloated bureaucracies. Surely there is a huge, untapped market for higher education that trains specifically for a particular career that might take only 2.5 years. I'm thinking Accounting, Engineering, Pre-Med/Law, sciences/mathematics, finance, etc. When I attended UK and received a BS in Elec Engineering, I took a few English Lit classes, a Music Appreciation class, a Psych 101, Anthropology, etc. Why? Because I had to. Was I interested in any of those (besides music, which I didn't learn much of anything in that class I didn't already know)? Not one bit. At least 1-2 semesters of classes that had nothing to do with Engineering. At today's rates at some of these colleges, cutting out that much superfluous coursework could save nearly $100k. When college was reasonably priced, having a 'well rounded' education might be defensible. Not anymore, in my book. You want to be an accountant? Don't waste your time on Humanities that you're only taking because of the requirement. If you're interested in Anthropology, the library is full of books that you can read on your own for free.
While Notre Dame has a nationwide recognition factor, outside of the the old Confederacy, would a degree from Wake be significant for an employer west of the Mississippi River and/or north of the Mason-Dixon line? $87k + inevitable escalation each year and you're looking at >$350k for a 4-year degree. That's criminal, imo.
Even after aid, according to Wake's site, the avg first year cost is about $30k. So, figure about $125-130k for a 4-year degree and who knows how many 10s of 1,000s in student loans. My cousin does pretty well, but that's a lot to ask of almost anyone.
I know the statistics that say college graduates make so much more and end up so much better financially than non-graduates. I believe the ease of obtaining federal loan money has allowed universities to just about charge anything they want as they know they'll get it and, if their graduates eventually drown under the tsunami of debt, who cares? Underwriting student loans would be the first change I'd make. If your kid attends a university as expensive as Wake and many others and doesn't get a degree that prepares them for a very well paying career, the federal government should not underwrite that loan. $350k for an undergrad in History is an invitation to defaulting on the loan and sticking the taxpayers with the bad debt. Allowing an individual who let's say majors in social work to borrow $200+k is predatory lending, imo. No way that individual will be able to pay back that loan - so why make it?
There is no such thing as 'free' college and, if the federal government does go through with 'free' college, then a bachelor's degree will mean very little. 50 years ago a HS diploma was valuable. Now, it's negligible. If everyone can go to college and get a bachelor's degree, the same will happen to them.
The cost of higher education has completely gotten out of control. Universities are overstaffed, bloated bureaucracies. Surely there is a huge, untapped market for higher education that trains specifically for a particular career that might take only 2.5 years. I'm thinking Accounting, Engineering, Pre-Med/Law, sciences/mathematics, finance, etc. When I attended UK and received a BS in Elec Engineering, I took a few English Lit classes, a Music Appreciation class, a Psych 101, Anthropology, etc. Why? Because I had to. Was I interested in any of those (besides music, which I didn't learn much of anything in that class I didn't already know)? Not one bit. At least 1-2 semesters of classes that had nothing to do with Engineering. At today's rates at some of these colleges, cutting out that much superfluous coursework could save nearly $100k. When college was reasonably priced, having a 'well rounded' education might be defensible. Not anymore, in my book. You want to be an accountant? Don't waste your time on Humanities that you're only taking because of the requirement. If you're interested in Anthropology, the library is full of books that you can read on your own for free.