Come on people don't be foolish


Jan 27, 2003
I read threads saying cal may go after an undefeated season. This isn't happening. Uk may go 40-0 but that will be a step toward cal being the all time greatest college coach. After that he will want to eclipse ucla for championships on his way to becoming all time greatest. These stupid questions of what UL fans want or what we want are about as dumb as they come. Cal is a rock star not only in KY but nationwide. If he were to bolt for the NBA he becomes any other coach and winning in the nba is not like college. Please grow up and stop this bs!
Originally posted by GOING FOR #9:
I read threads saying cal may go after an undefeated season. This isn't happening. Uk may go 40-0 but that will be a step toward cal being the all time greatest college coach. After that he will want to eclipse ucla for championships on his way to becoming all time greatest. These stupid questions of what UL fans want or what we want are about as dumb as they come. Cal is a rock star not only in KY but nationwide. If he were to bolt for the NBA he becomes any other coach and winning in the nba is not like college. Please grow up and stop this bs!
Totally agree. Cal would be more than a living legend than he already is in Kentucky if he goes undefeated.

I think it would make him want to stay at UK longer to catch and pass UCLA.
I'd leave a juggernaut I created for a championship or bust franchise with little job security and less power than some of the players. Makes perfect sense.
This has been my thought for some time,Cal has been there,done that and has seen it attempted by Pitino.Cal is smarter than that.He and King james may be buddies but Cal isn't about to share the stage with him at this point(AD maybe but not likely)
Originally posted by GOING FOR #9:
I read threads saying cal may go after an undefeated season. This isn't happening. Uk may go 40-0 but that will be a step toward cal being the all time greatest college coach. After that he will want to eclipse ucla for championships on his way to becoming all time greatest. These stupid questions of what UL fans want or what we want are about as dumb as they come. Cal is a rock star not only in KY but nationwide. If he were to bolt for the NBA he becomes any other coach and winning in the nba is not like college. Please grow up and stop this bs!
You don't that. Cal doesn't even know at this time what he will do in the future.
Cal may be stupid if he were to leave UK but he may decide to do so regardless of what other people think. He may have a chance to coach one of the greatest basketball players to lace them up and that might be too much for him to turn down.

Don't dismiss that chance he leaves for LBJ and a chance to win at the highest level of his profession. That would be disregarding Cal's own known behavior.

Enjoy these years as THE #1 landing spot for the best of the best but dont expect it to last for a lifetime.
Originally posted by Dream Team 13:
Cal may be stupid if he were to leave UK but he may decide to do so regardless of what other people think. He may have a chance to coach one of the greatest basketball players to lace them up and that might be too much for him to turn down.

Don't dismiss that chance he leaves for LBJ and a chance to win at the highest level of his profession. That would be disregarding Cal's own known behavior.

Enjoy these years as THE #1 landing spot for the best of the best but dont expect it to last for a lifetime.
I think Cal retires at UK. It is plainly obviously the greatest basketball coaching job in the world if you can handle the pressure. I think Cal wants to surpass UCLA but that will probably take at least 6 or 7 years at a miraculous pace(and that's assuming we win one this year). 12 years to win 3 more titles might be more reasonable. The question is how long does Cal want to coach. He keeps saying he doesn't want to be coaching at 70, he's 56 this year. If we can hang onto him for those 6 or 7 years I think that might be about as much as we can expect. But you never know with Cal, he's a quixotic guy, could do anything.

This post was edited on 1/15 3:12 PM by Lob2Davis

This post was edited on 1/15 1:15 PM by Lob2Davis
I agree. He's as well loved by the BBN as a coach can be, is having great success, and is making tons of money. Plus he's already tried the NBA and it didn't work out as well as it has in college for him. Seems like a no-brainer for him to stay. But I also know people who succeed at his level are driven, and at times look for new challenges. I can't see him walking into the developing mess in Cleveland despite what he thinks of Lebron, but I just can't completely rule out that he might at some point in the future decide to give the NBA one last try. You know maybe after he's won a couple more titles at UK. Catching UCLA is a daunting task. We've been trying to do it since 1969 so while it's a nice goal to state I'm not sure he'll stay as long as that might take. As for what the UL and other fan's say, who cares. They've been saying it since his first year at UK only to look up 6 years later and see UK undefeated and ranked #1 with Cal on the bench.
Originally posted by Dream Team 13:
Cal may be stupid if he were to leave UK but he may decide to do so regardless of what other people think. He may have a chance to coach one of the greatest basketball players to lace them up and that might be too much for him to turn down.

Don't dismiss that chance he leaves for LBJ and a chance to win at the highest level of his profession. That would be disregarding Cal's own known behavior.

Enjoy these years as THE #1 landing spot for the best of the best but dont expect it to last for a lifetime.
Cleveland is no where near good. By the time Cal builds them up to title contenders Lebron will be headed down hill.

Not gonna happen.
It's all reliant on Cal's ambitions, and no matter what justification or line of reasoning you want to use as to why it would be a stupid move, it doesn't matter.

If he has a nagging desire to correct his NBA legacy, he's going to take steps to do that.

I don't think the dumpster fire that is Cleveland will be the job that he wants, but you're kidding yourself if you don't think a future scenario could lure him to another opening, especially with all of the free agents coming up in the next 2-4 years.

That said, I want him for life....a Coach K scenario.
Cal may stay as you say, however as long as he listens to offers then his staying is not even close to 100% certainty. Ignoring that is just as foolish as calling people out for thinking he may leave.
He failed once at it so I don't think he jump's on that boat again. Most of the time u can't teach old dog's new tricks and most NBA player's are set in their way, molding them the way he does college kid's is a whole different mind set. Why move from the best for a risky situation. Anyway he may want to stay and coach his son?
I have always though the thing that makes a great college coach (football or basketball) is their obsession with doing things the coach's way. Great collegiate coaches are control freaks on every aspect of their program. They can do that at the collegiate level because the players are 18 -22 year old kids and the ADs typically stay out of their way.

At the professional level, it is all about motivating and cajoling millionaires to do things the coaches way and dealing with team owners who have the last word. Greg Popovich is probably the greatest NBA of this generation and I don't think he would be a very good collegiate coach because of his relaxed demeanor.

In short, coaching collegiately and coaching professionals requires a completely different skill set. Very few have mastered both skills sets. Take Nick Saban - -great college coach - - lousy NFL coach. Look at Cal and Pitino, great college coaches but failed miserably in the NBA.
Originally posted by zwynn10:
I have always though the thing that makes a great college coach (football or basketball) is their obsession with doing things the coach's way. Great collegiate coaches are control freaks on every aspect of their program. They can do that at the collegiate level because the players are 18 -22 year old kids and the ADs typically stay out of their way.

At the professional level, it is all about motivating and cajoling millionaires to do things the coaches way and dealing with team owners who have the last word. Greg Popovich is probably the greatest NBA of this generation and I don't think he would be a very good collegiate coach because of his relaxed demeanor.

In short, coaching collegiately and coaching professionals requires a completely different skill set. Very few have mastered both skills sets. Take Nick Saban - -great college coach - - lousy NFL coach. Look at Cal and Pitino, great college coaches but failed miserably in the NBA.
You could make the argument that Cal does those things best, great at motivating players and gets all these 5* recruits to play for the team instead of for themselves. I like to think Cal will stick around here for another 10-15 years and retire at UK, but at the same time I wouldn't be shocked if he tried the NBA one more time.
Originally posted by GOING FOR #9:
I read threads saying cal may go after an undefeated season. This isn't happening. Uk may go 40-0 but that will be a step toward cal being the all time greatest college coach. After that he will want to eclipse ucla for championships on his way to becoming all time greatest. These stupid questions of what UL fans want or what we want are about as dumb as they come. Cal is a rock star not only in KY but nationwide. If he were to bolt for the NBA he becomes any other coach and winning in the nba is not like college. Please grow up and stop this bs!
Originally posted by zwynn10:
I have always though the thing that makes a great college coach (football or basketball) is their obsession with doing things the coach's way. Great collegiate coaches are control freaks on every aspect of their program. They can do that at the collegiate level because the players are 18 -22 year old kids and the ADs typically stay out of their way.

At the professional level, it is all about motivating and cajoling millionaires to do things the coaches way and dealing with team owners who have the last word. Greg Popovich is probably the greatest NBA of this generation and I don't think he would be a very good collegiate coach because of his relaxed demeanor.

In short, coaching collegiately and coaching professionals requires a completely different skill set. Very few have mastered both skills sets. Take Nick Saban - -great college coach - - lousy NFL coach. Look at Cal and Pitino, great college coaches but failed miserably in the NBA.
Nick Saban was a great coach in the nfl. In the nfl, a coaches amount of success depends on the quarterback. Look at Pete Carroll. Did not do anything until Russell Wilson came to town. Bill B. and Tom Brady. The coach and qb combo greatly determine one's success at the nfl level. The only exception to this rule was the NY Giants when their crazy defensive line went off in the playoffs twice. The Giants still had Eli but it was the d line that won it for them. The rest of your points are spot on though. Each job requires a different skill set for sure. Who did Saban have as a qb in Miami? GBB
I think he wants to leave a legacy here so to as when rupp arena becomes to outdated and they build a new on yrs and yrs from now it will be named after Cal.
Originally posted by UKBrassowTipIN:
I think he wants to leave a legacy here so to as when rupp arena becomes to outdated and they build a new on yrs and yrs from now it will be named after Cal.
If Cal leads the CATS to a 40-0 season and brings home 9, the floor will be named after him at Rupp. GBB
i literally have never for one second thought Cal wasn't retiring here so this doesn't even count as something i think about .He will end his career around the age of 65-68 IMO here. I do think he takes UK to the promise land enough times to have more titles then UCLA when it is all said and done.
Originally posted by reignof cats:

Originally posted by UKBrassowTipIN:
I think he wants to leave a legacy here so to as when rupp arena becomes to outdated and they build a new on yrs and yrs from now it will be named after Cal.
If Cal leads the CATS to a 40-0 season and brings home 9, the floor will be named after him at Rupp. GBB
Our arena will always be named after the Baron and rightfully so, he's the man who built the empire. The floor? Maybe, but I can't see the university disrespecting Cawood Ledford like that for a long, long time. But we'll find something to pin Cal's name to, maybe the next player's dorm(sorry, Coach Hall) or the Joe Craft Center.
Originally posted by Lob2Davis:

Originally posted by reignof cats:

Originally posted by UKBrassowTipIN:
I think he wants to leave a legacy here so to as when rupp arena becomes to outdated and they build a new on yrs and yrs from now it will be named after Cal.
If Cal leads the CATS to a 40-0 season and brings home 9, the floor will be named after him at Rupp. GBB
Our arena will always be named after the Baron and rightfully so, he's the man who built the empire. The floor? Maybe, but I can't see the university disrespecting Cawood Ledford like that for a long, long time. But we'll find something to pin Cal's name to, maybe the next player's dorm(sorry, Coach Hall) or the Joe Craft Center.
Doesn't Cawood and Mr. Wildcat have a banner hanging in Rupp? OK, maybe Cal has to win 3 more NC's and then we can name the floor after him. GBB
Egos drive people like Cal, and that's ok. What bigger way to boost his ego than to have an undefeated season and eventually pass UCLA in championships. This is where he would become an absolute LEGEND in the coaching fraternity. His mark would be left in a bolder fashion here if he could pull these things off than fading into the grind of the NBA where egotistical players with over inflated checks loom.
Unless Cal retires at UK he wont have anything named after him. However, if he wins 3 more national titles (giving him same number as rupp) and retires here then the university will honor him big time.