College sports are dead.

Being able to transfer to the highest bidder every year is just pure lunacy. There should be 4 year contracts with the only out being the NBA or quitting sports. No jumping from team to team. Thoughts?
Just go back to the old standard of transferring and sitting out a year before playing. Most would rather stay and play, but if a player finds that they had made the wrong choice or the situation is toxic, they would be willing to sit out a year. That would weed out most of this crap we see now.
I agree with you 100%.
As someone who has been around sports most of my life having coached for over 25 years in AAU ball and high school, this what we have now goes against most of what we taught.

Goal setting...long term, short term. How do you teach this in this environment? There is no way you can use the tools we used when players jump around like this. way you can get players to buy into being part of a teams legacy; it is now all about how much you paying me, where's my check.
Sacrifice...what player is sacrificing something these days. Only one I can think of is Dilly and Shep. Those two sacrificed for the good of the team only due to their coach being an idiot.

I would take my new kids to a cemetery and have them walk around to find what everyone one of those buried there have in common (besides being dead of course) .
What they have in common is the "dash" between the day they were born and passed away. It is that dash what we live for and what others speak about our time here.
I would have them write their softball obituary thinking about what they wanted others say about them when they graduate.
Who graduates these days?

My point in all this; how do coaches tie sports into life experiences?
Lastly, I would always tell my kids this; Get you head and heart in the right place, your feet will follow.
Where is these players heart? Their heads? We all know their feet are one foot out the door when they get here.
Sad to an old man like me who loved coaching kids how to play the game through fundamentals, loyalty, team work, heart and sacrifice.
Just go back to the old standard of transferring and sitting out a year before playing. Most would rather stay and play, but if a player finds that they had made the wrong choice or the situation is toxic, they would be willing to sit out a year. That would weed out most of this crap we see now.
Can't the courts have took over. It's a temporary injunction at the moment.

The NCAA wasted millions of dollars fighting every change in court instead of getting ahead of the curve now we have this mess. The whole world knew change was coming but Mark Emmert was hell bent it wouldn't be on his watch.
I agree, we need to get back to limiting individuals freedoms for the sake of our entertainment.
Yeah, there's no place for competitive balance. This is America!

They really shouldn't have to do anything to earn NIL money - cause who are we to say they HAVE to actually do something to earn money? That's dumb.

LeBron should be making $200M - that's probably what he's worth. Stupid NBA only allowing max contracts - that's unfair.
You can't take away players freedom of movement and freedom to make a living just because its better for your fandom.

Should you have to sit out a year if you want to change jobs? See how absurd that concept is?
I don't think they should have to sit out. How about 2 year contracts? Not happy, you can move on?
Can't the courts have took over. It's a temporary injunction at the moment.

The NCAA wasted millions of dollars fighting every change in court instead of getting ahead of the curve now we have this mess. The whole world knew change was coming but Mark Emmert was hell bent it wouldn't be on his watch.
Yeah, I don't know. Something will definitely have to give. This is chaotic. The NBA one and done era is taking a back seat to the revolving door of players that we now have. It could be seen as pro basketball light with the NIL in the mix.
Just go back to the old standard of transferring and sitting out a year before playing. Most would rather stay and play, but if a player finds that they had made the wrong choice or the situation is toxic, they would be willing to sit out a year. That would weed out most of this crap we see now.
I like this idea. Or maybe include some academic incentive if you don’t want to sit out, i.e., maintain a 3.0 GPA and pass at least 24 hours in a given year.
The current model isn't sustainable. This may be the last year or college sports may lumber on zombie-like into the indefinite future. There is just too much existing infrastructure to easily let sports transmute into something better. And the way NIL is progressing is obscene. Colleges should not have a Pig Trough of money to dispense. If a commercial entity wants to put a players face on their shirts or have players endorse a brand of gruel, that should be between the players and the business. Instead, we have the Pig Trough model.
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You can't take away players freedom of movement and freedom to make a living just because its better for your fandom.

Should you have to sit out a year if you want to change jobs? See how absurd that concept is?
An acute observation.
I would dare say that the way things are being done. nil, portal are the biggest threat to relevance and tradition as we've known it.
But it's not going to go away anytime soon.
Life as we've known it is becoming a distant memory.
But your point about job change is excellent.
Yeah, I don't know. Something will definitely have to give. This is chaotic. The NBA one and done era is taking a back seat to the revolving door of players that we now have. It could be seen as pro basketball light with the NIL in the mix.
I think there is a chance the NCAA gets control over this back from the courts but it may be too late by the time they do. The NCAA is looking to add APR type graduation tracking to the transfers portal guys going forward.

Mark Emmert was the last guy you wanted overseeing this transition I blame him not the courts.

It's not sustainable the way it is so somebody needs to find answers in the coming years before interest (ratings) falls of a cliff.
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Being able to transfer to the highest bidder every year is just pure lunacy. There should be 4 year contracts with the only out being the NBA or quitting sports. No jumping from team to team. Thoughts?
LOL. Start with coaches first. Think about it, you have a 17 year old kid headed off to college and play on a full ride. Keep in mind MOST of these kids, it is a beginning of a job interview for them. Kid puts his faith in a grown adult who came to HIM and promised to make sure his dreams come true, tells his mother he will look after her son. Mom / son take a leap of faith and decide to believe in the grown adult who promised this kid all this in the living room of their home. Kid did not seek out adult, adult traveled miles to try to lure the kid to come help make him millions. The young kid packs up his few belongings, moves away from home with NO family or friends to confide to. Coach suddenly has a change of heart, packs up and moves miles away to promise other young kids he will do the exact same thing he had promised the kid before him. Coach gone, kid is really by himself and has no idea what his future brings,,,, at the young age of 17-18 years old.

Long story short, make the coaches who make millions off these kids honor THEIR contract before trying to enforce one on a kid who only went where he THOUGHT he was being guided.

I am glad these kids are getting paid, they come from NOTHING, and for many, basketball / football whatever sport, is their only way out. For years these coaches and universities leached off of these young kids talents to make BILLIONS selling them, their jerseys, video games, ticket revenue, you name it. Not to mention they expect these kids to go to class, but first they have to travel all over the US and other countries to perform to make the leaches rich, then oh by the way, keep your grades up, get in the books, practice is at 6AM tomorrow.
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Being able to transfer to the highest bidder every year is just pure lunacy. There should be 4 year contracts with the only out being the NBA or quitting sports. No jumping from team to team. Thoughts?
It's sure starting to look that way.
Do we really need another thread for the old guys on here complaining about college sports.

If you don't like it anymore, go find another hobby.

The games are still fun to watch.

If it bothers you that these kids can bargain each year for better pay, that's a you problem not a college basketball problem.

It sounds like you are only a fan if the kids are restricted in a way that makes you happy. That is sad and selfish.

They are the workers. It is their lives. Let them get all the benefits they can from all the hard work they put in. Stop being so selfish.
It won't be dead, but some teams that normally don't compete will now start to . The NCAA and the schools shouldn't have been selfish and shared some of the money with the people that were making it for them.
Only 25 schools make a profit. The rest of 40 power 5 schools lose $17M annually. When student athlete start getting paid from TV revenues, various sports will be cut from the budget and scholarship limits will be cut. Football could go fro 83 to 60. Can’t wait to hear the howling over that
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I agree, we need to get back to limiting individuals freedoms for the sake of our entertainment.
It's not that, but surely there is a framework that stops the kids from killing their own meal ticket, let's them make some money, and keeps the fans invested.

If they want to canabalize the entire concept of college sports to profit some now but kill the allure of the game for fans then so be it. But it's a short sighted view.
Do we really need another thread for the old guys on here complaining about college sports.

If you don't like it anymore, go find another hobby.

The games are still fun to watch.

If it bothers you that these kids can bargain each year for better pay, that's a you problem not a college basketball problem.

It sounds like you are only a fan if the kids are restricted in a way that makes you happy. That is sad and selfish.

They are the workers. It is their lives. Let them get all the benefits they can from all the hard work they put in. Stop being so selfish.
Did you even bother to read the op?
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College sports aren't dead, What is dead are the days of the adults leaching off the kids getting rich while the kid gets a very minimum compensation for doing all of heavy lifting. Now the rabbit has a gun and the hunter is not very happy they do not have complete control over their prey. I do not like the moving, moving, moving, but at the same time, I get why a kid would want to try and better his situation. There is a middle ground in all this, it will just have to take a concerted effort for ALL involved to meet there. Maybe the answer is the players have some type of representation for ALL the players to negotiate a fair deal for both sides.
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And there it is. Only took a couple posts for the jackasses to come out.
Why is he a jackass for asserting a counter-view? In principle, he's not wrong.

Going backwards is not a solution. NIL is not going anywhere. One year sit out is gone.

And the truth is that college sports were never really stable. There is a huge elephant in the room that no one wants to address, which is that the actual intent of college is education. Our entire post-high school professional sports system is an inefficient mess and it always has been.

It's not all bad either. The transfer window, while intense, is actually a pretty fun window that extends interest in sports past the season. Now, there are obvious downsides to that, but it's not all doom and gloom.
I'm okay with a transfer.

Shit happens. Staff changes, playing time, etc...

I think it should a one-time transfer rule. A kid might not know until his second year whether that's true sophomore or redshirt freshman season, that he most likely isn't at the right spot.

Contracts are inevitable now that players are getting paid. Two year makes a lot of sense, 3 years if you redshirt. That's enough time to figure things out in terms of whether or not you fit the system/team, are going to play, but still be able to move and have plenty of opportunity left.

The one good thing about the portal is it alleviates talent just log jamming at certain programs in general but even specific positions at programs.

Think of all the talent that never really got to play and reach full potential at the big programs over the years because they got buried, but couldn't really transfer because it was taboo, or they just didn't meet the qualifications to allow transfer. This is especially the case with football.

Good 4- and 5-star players just sitting and/or playing minor roles. That isn't right.

The other side of that coin is true too. Think of all the kids who couldn't play and took up a spot. Kids who committed too early and or were improperly evaluated. Stud looked good as a man amongst boys on a stacked city school team playing rural high schools who don't have the talent pool. Get's to the SEC and it's uh oh sphaghetti oh we're not in kansas anymore dorothy.

There's actually probably way more of the latter. Kids just committ way too early to P5s when they're really mid major or DII talent.

Ultimately, I think it's not so much the portal as it is the insane recruiting season and what's allowed. Coaches should not be able to offer kids before their senior season. Asking a 16–17-year-old kid to make a pretty big life choice and stay committed to it is silly.
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Everyone is for a free market and says socialism is evil… until it’s time for the boys and the common man to get paid. No one said this about coaches making millions or Universities selling out arenas, getting TV deals, and making hundreds of millions off of the players.

The truth is this is absolutely sustainable and it’s how the free market works. The schools aka NCAA will be for this as long as they don’t have to make them employees and share revenues.
It is def the Wild West right now. There will be some form of legislation that reigns some of this craziness at some point. Until then UK has to embrace it and play the game.

I am of the opinion that kids should be allowed to transfer and not sit out. I also think they should be able to get paid. Although their needs to be limits. I do believe in a couple years things will settle down and it will end up being a net positive for the sport and parity.
Why is he a jackass for asserting a counter-view? In principle, he's not wrong.

Going backwards is not a solution. NIL is not going anywhere. One year sit out is gone.

And the truth is that college sports were never really stable. There is a huge elephant in the room that no one wants to address, which is that the actual intent of college is education. Our entire post-high school professional sports system is an inefficient mess and it always has been.

It's not all bad either. The transfer window, while intense, is actually a pretty fun window that extends interest in sports past the season. Now, there are obvious downsides to that, but it's not all doom and gloom.
He's a jackass because he made up something totally out of the blue and ran with it. No one has said the kids don't deserve to be paid.
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It’s only basketball and football dealing with this.

But we went from one extreme to the other in basketball and football and it’s 100% due to the NCAA’s greed. Now the pendulum has swung way too far. All of this could’ve been avoided with the NCAA just compromising on some before getting the government involved.

There’s also a giant elephant in the room here. Major college athletics has been dirty as hell for decades. It hasn’t been a pure sport since the gamblers and the shoe companies got involved long ago.
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Boosters will eventually stop giving money.... imagine you are Fedex and that $25 million over 5 years turns into $100 Million over 20 years and all you have to show for it is a sweet 16.

Maybe it's a tax write off for them but still... the amount of money being thrown out there for a chance in a 1 n done tournament is insanity.
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Did you even bother to read the op?

He is a fan that wants the players to sign 4 year contracts.

An observer that wants to dictate the lives of the workers the he likes to observe.


Let the workers get as many benefits as possible.

They are the ones making all the sacrifices. They are the ones that get injured. They are the ones who may suffer from chronic pain and disabilities later in life cause of all the wear and tear they put on their bodies, so that you as a fan can have an enjoyable product to watch.

He is a fan that wants the players to sign 4 year contracts.

An observer that wants to dictate the lives of the workers the he likes to observe.


Let the workers get as many benefits as possible.

They are the ones making all the sacrifices. They are the ones that get injured. They are the ones who may suffer from chronic pain and disabilities later in life cause of all the wear and tear they put on their bodies, so that you as a fan can have an enjoyable product to watch.
Do the NBA players work on an at will basis?
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