The lost 14 games last year including to the juggernaut Eastern Washington at home. Clappy is always going to be clappy and IU will forever be IU. Im ok with that, but i don not buy the IU hype.Many like myself are skeptical the man can get it done, but IU isn't just preseason top 25, but top 10 even 5. Crean has a real opportunity here to have enough success with this team to contain his critic's, and assure his viability as coach at IU. I'm hoping they have the kind of season that's just good enough for that to happen. I have seen it noted they have a very favorable B10 schedule this year, and with what I'm sure is an anemic preseason one hopefully he's back at IU the following year.
The lost 14 games last year including to the juggernaut Eastern Washington at home. Clappy is always going to be clappy and IU will forever be IU. Im ok with that, but i don not buy the IU hype.
There will be a banner for that.At least their number 1 in something.