Coach Hurley’s Superstition’s


Nov 6, 2019
Just heard on Freddie and Harry by the way Harry Douglas ex Louisville WR bought some Oakland gear to wear to Keenland in a few months. Back to Hurley he wears the exact same suit, shirt, socks and underwear for every game. His wife hand washes his dragonfly undies daily. He also eats 8 M&M’s before each game but none can be the opponents team colors. COW take notes!!!
One time Del Preston was in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for 3,000 brown M&Ms to fill a brand glass, or Ozzy Osbourne wouldn't go on stage and perform. Jeff Beck told him that there was a sweet shop on the edge of town, which was closed. So, Del Preston, Keith Moon, of the Rolling Stones, and David Crosby, of Crosby, Stills, and Nash, broke into the sweet shop. Instead of a guard dog, they have a blood, great big Bengal tiger. Preston took out the tiger with a can of mace. The shop owner and his son was a different story altogether. Del Preston beat them to death with their own shoes. Preston got the M&Ms, Ozzy went on stage, and did a great job.

Well, turning to a substantive point with respect to this thread ... the grammar and punctuation police report that in the title of the thread the OP got the first apostrophe right, but whiffed on the second one. That 50% grade, on the curve, is about a "B" in this course on this board. :cool: