As he should have been. The twins earned that with the hard work and overall success they had here at Kentucky. Maybe if we sub Ulis into the last few minutes of the Wisconsin game we win. Maybe not. We will never know. The twins gave us their all and when kids do that for you, win or lose, you play them until its over. This year, it will be Ulis with the ball in his hands Towards the end of the game. We have 3 pgs pretty much in our starting lineup, but at the end of the game, it will be Ulis leading. If we lose, I'm sure some fans will argue we might have won if Murray or Briscoe was playing the pg spot. It never fails. You live and die with your best 5 on the floor. With Cal, that's what I Love so much about him. He gets that better than any coach we have had, if not ever. That might sound silly and you would think every coach would think this way, but as we have all witnessed in the past, some actually don't play their best 5. Love the twins and all the success they led us to. I'm not about to let one loss taint my view on their UK career. That would be a shame.