I just saw on Twitter and Facebook where Coach Cal is now personally involved with his own Social Media company. It is called TimeSet. There was a press release this morning on his web site at www.coachcal.com. I urge everyone go there and read it. It is amazing how Coach Cal is always one step ahead of the competition. I downloaded the app and it is amazing. It offers the same features as Facebook and the others, but its main focus is about the future. It allows an individual to set up goals and things he wants to do in the future. We will be able to track Coach Cal and his every movement, and what his plans are now, and well into the future on TimeSet. I urge everyone to download the app TimeSet on their phone, and lets help Coach Cal make his new company a huge success.
Talk about a recruiting advantage! In the age where social media is so big with young kids, having his own social media company, where he can track recruits and they can track him is huge !!! What will he think of next ?
Talk about a recruiting advantage! In the age where social media is so big with young kids, having his own social media company, where he can track recruits and they can track him is huge !!! What will he think of next ?