COA IN SEC, certainly a lot of factors entered into it but the final result is totally as expected

I graduated in Dec 64, and I don't think I ever saw anyone using mj at UK, or anywhere for that matter, of course I didn't go the frat route or drink, and EE was pretty time consuming. I did find time to play most of the intramurals though, won the Independent flag football league a couple of times, we had an all state QB from NJ that transferred from a football scholarship at Colorado to a baseball scholarship at UK. A real character, would try to throw the ball through you if close, and several of our players would dodge the short passes, LOL.

And no wonder there are so many fat cats now, $5,000 a year for food, LOL. Of course I starved my way through one semester, was skinny to start with and lost 17 pounds, I bore a great resemblance to those Bataan March POWs, LOL. Usually made it home every couple of weekends so my mom could do all my laundry and I could fill up on home cooking.

Yeah, those scholarship players all really have it rough, probably a lot more flunking out with all that play money.