CMS said today, "I'm calling........"


Dec 31, 2009
treated with ambivalence
Heard him say a few minutes ago that he is calling upon the leaders to take over this team.
Serious question, who would he possibly be speaking of?
If you have seen a leader emerge please fill in the blank, some of us would like to know.
What about sideline leadership? When a player fails to score a TD due to showboating and is rewarded with the next two carries, that isn’t on the players.
Agreed...when dudes see players getting away with mess like Rose just makes guys think everybody can short cut....and they'll do so. That was a pitiful job Stoops/Gran did by not making an example of an easy coaching decision.

I don't know what Stoops is referring to specifically.....but it would seem easier if the demands on the team just mostly come from staff. It's great to have players that hold up each other....but it sort of always start on the coaches leading that way.
They need leaders on defense especially the secondary. Alot of those guys just going through the motions. I know rain inflated our state but no way we physically declined this much in one year with the same players
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If Saban was the coach at UK, would Rose have gotten the next 2 carries?......😂 can be a ‘players coach’ and still not put up with BS from players, bet Stoops lost a little respect in the locker room with that decision....
I thought he was paid millions of dollars a year to be the leader of this team, have I missed something? The only people on the defensive side of the ball that I would think would be a leader would be Paschal and Square, they seem to be the only two that don't take plays off and give it there all every game. But both are not that vocal, they are the type to lead by example, which seems like the others are not following. On the offensive side fo the ball I guess our OL needs to put the fear of God in the rest of the offense.
I thought he was paid millions of dollars a year to be the leader of this team, have I missed something? The only people on the defensive side of the ball that I would think would be a leader would be Paschal and Square, they seem to be the only two that don't take plays off and give it there all every game. But both are not that vocal, they are the type to lead by example, which seems like the others are not following. On the offensive side fo the ball I guess our OL needs to put the fear of God in the rest of the offense.
I so want to make a comment on his leading this team , but I'm not goung there.
Y’all do realize that All Coaches say the same thing. Y’all do realize that teams Have to Have leaders from within the team right? This is comical reading some of this. You’ve heard of Captain’s in teams right? He’s call out his leaders to start leading. Teams have to have that to be successful. Every team especially really good teams have players that are the leaders and the ones that set the tone in every practice, game, meetings, and film.
If Saban was the coach at UK, would Rose have gotten the next 2 carries?......😂 can be a ‘players coach’ and still not put up with BS from players, bet Stoops lost a little respect in the locker room with that decision....
No. He should have watched somebody else get those carries...maybe for the rest of the game. My in game coaching argument would have been: "What the Hell were you thinking? Go sit on the bench". You celebrate after the play; not during the play. JMO

What about sideline leadership? When a player fails to score a TD due to showboating and is rewarded with the next two carries, that isn’t on the players.
If Coach Stoops had sat Rose down for the rest of the half as punishment for his antics and even if we had lost the game because of it, I would not have said a negative word about it. I swear.
If Coach Stoops had sat Rose down for the rest of the half as punishment for his antics and even if we had lost the game because of it, I would not have said a negative word about it. I swear.

I literally felt embarrassment for Rose, and felt my face getting red, and not from anger as much as sheer embarrassment.

Lots of us older folk with very rural traditions in sports can still feel the coaches grip on our face mask, and the relief we felt the grip was not around our neck!

Or the swift kick to our arse!

But them was the old days . . . .
What about sideline leadership? When a player fails to score a TD due to showboating and is rewarded with the next two carries, that isn’t on the players.

posted this on the premium;

IMHO I’m old school and I’m really tired of any player jumping up and down or some other celebration of them making a play-somebody makes a play every play-and the team losing. How about not doing anything and celebrating with “your brothers” when the game is over and you won. Try celebrating a victory with your team instead of trying to make your celebration scene as good as the play you just made. I guess in a nutshell act like an adult instead of a 3rd grader!
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What about sideline leadership? When a player fails to score a TD due to showboating and is rewarded with the next two carries, that isn’t on the players.

This is exactly why UK will never be more than a middle of the pack SEC team under Stoops. He doesn’t have the leadership, discipline, or organizational skills needed to make the next leap.
Landon Young will step up and take that role more than any. Watch for a big game from him and the OL this weekend against MSU. If it rains we will try to stuff it down their throat and that will play right into a motivated OL unit with Drake and the others.
I don’t like the thought of AJ Rose trying to hold onto a wet ball. He seems to fumble a lot anyway.
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Leadership from the locker room is a invaluable asset that's super important. Ofcourse it differs from year to year because of graduation. Being held accountable by coaches is totally different than by your teammates. Prime example was Wesley Woodyard, he held his team to the grind stone, while he was there. Also Josh Allen was a leader in the locker room, everyone noticed his work ethic. I think that's what CMS was referring to.
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Agreed...when dudes see players getting away with mess like Rose just makes guys think everybody can short cut....and they'll do so. That was a pitiful job Stoops/Gran did by not making an example of an easy coaching decision.

I don't know what Stoops is referring to specifically.....but it would seem easier if the demands on the team just mostly come from staff. It's great to have players that hold up each other....but it sort of always start on the coaches leading that way.
next thing you know, they will punt the ball in the stands, or throw trashcans at opposing players, or twist an ankle or two, or pre-game fight, or get lots of targeting calls, or only have 10 men on the field (multiple times) or ....
What about sideline leadership? When a player fails to score a TD due to showboating and is rewarded with the next two carries, that isn’t on the players.

Yeah, they should have cut one of his legs off so he couldn't do that again.

I will take a 70 yard run to the three yard line any day of the week. One reason Stoops and Co can recruit better than anyone has before is the way they treat their players. They let him know he let them down, and probably no one felt worse than he did about it. So, if Rod gets hurt should they just play a frosh from now on?
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No. He should have watched somebody else get those carries...maybe for the rest of the game. My in game coaching argument would have been: "What the Hell were you thinking? Go sit on the bench". You celebrate after the play; not during the play. JMO


Is that you, someone was just asking about you. Hope you are doing well.
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posted this on the premium;

IMHO I’m old school and I’m really tired of any player jumping up and down or some other celebration of them making a play-somebody makes a play every play-and the team losing. How about not doing anything and celebrating with “your brothers” when the game is over and you won. Try celebrating a victory with your team instead of trying to make your celebration scene as good as the play you just made. I guess in a nutshell act like an adult instead of a 3rd grader!

I agree, but have you noticed even the great players on Bama's team etc doing the same thing? Even when the opponent is badly overmatched.
I literally felt embarrassment for Rose, and felt my face getting red, and not from anger as much as sheer embarrassment.

Lots of us older folk with very rural traditions in sports can still feel the coaches grip on our face mask, and the relief we felt the grip was not around our neck!

Or the swift kick to our arse!

But them was the old days . . . .

You are right, those were the old days, and they are never going to return. And if you want to have a winning team you had better not be too hard on celebrations and such or you won't have many celebrations.

Man, I never realized how much I was missing out on after scoring a TD back in the day, I could have taken my helmet off (legal in those days) and danced a jig.
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