As a long time Louisville fan I would like to apologize for idiots like Zipp. People like that embarrass the program and fans like myself. The other day some "fans" started a thread about kicking a UK fan out of our bowl game. They were talking about how they threatened physical harm against UK fans, etc. I'm a season ticket holder at both Yum and PJ. I told them that I ever see them in the act that I'll contact security to have them removed. As far as I am concerned if you buy a ticket you can wear and cheer for whoever you want to.
The stuff that's going on between fans because of this rivalry is getting to the point that it's disturbing....and I have to admit, it's mostly coming from the trash in our fan base.
Gotta call BS. a loisoville fan would never post this.
But for real don't let it stop you. Keep it up.