CI Wrestling Thread #56

How many people would Jade be trying to fight if she came away from a match looking like this?

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I heard post mania Smackdown for Black

Penta and Rey tagging

Theory as a face will be tough to do because he has such a punchable looking face. He’s like the WWE Sammy Guevara, for me at least.

I’ve always hated the idea of a part-timer taking spots, especially major PPV spots, at the expense of talent who are putting in the work around the clock to keep the business going. But like with Sting on his retirement tour, Cena is on the hook for much more dates than is typical for what a WWE part timer typically does. Plus you know it’s a legend retiring, he deserves a major spot like that AND its going to do good business. So that’s all good by me.

Now would I have Cena WIN the title? I most certainly would not, but I’m like 99.9% sure he will.
I agree about all of the cena stuff and believe that he will win the title. I just have been underwhelmed by it. That said, I didn't watch wrestling other than casually from about 2005-2015 so I missed his prime run. Based on his body of work, he is an all timer but to me, I didn't watch during his run so I don't hype him as much.
I have a feeling that Liv morgan will swell up once she retires but man alive she's something else right now. She just strikes me as someone who would turn into a big gal who sits around smoking cigarettes.
I agree about all of the cena stuff and believe that he will win the title. I just have been underwhelmed by it. That said, I didn't watch wrestling other than casually from about 2005-2015 so I missed his prime run. Based on his body of work, he is an all timer but to me, I didn't watch during his run so I don't hype him as much.
Yup agree I was out around that time too so this is my sentiment as well.
Really sad news - I saw a wrestler died in the middle of a match the other day. From what I read someone said he had a heart attack and ambulance arrived 45 minutes later.
Really sad news - I saw a wrestler died in the middle of a match the other day. From what I read someone said he had a heart attack and ambulance arrived 45 minutes later.
Sounds like something that will happen to Flair as I'm sure he has about half a dozen more "retirement matches" left in his mind. In all serious, I hate it for the guy and his family though.
Speedball did a vlog on his AEW debut. Said a match vs. Kenny is what he’s been chasing for 10 years. The name of his finisher, the Ultimate Weapon (didn’t use it Wednesday), was actually inspired by Omega.

Omega’s finisher - the One Winged Angel - is named after the main antagonist and final boss of Final Fantasy VII - Sephiroth, the One Winged Angel. The Ultimate Weapon is the weapon that is used to deliver the final blow to the One Winged Angel in the final battle of FF7.

Speedball did a vlog on his AEW debut. Said a match vs. Kenny is what he’s been chasing for 10 years. The name of his finisher, the Ultimate Weapon (didn’t use it Wednesday), was actually inspired by Omega.

Omega’s finisher - the One Winged Angel - is named after the main antagonist and final boss of Final Fantasy VII - Sephiroth, the One Winged Angel. The Ultimate Weapon is the weapon that is used to deliver the final blow to the One Winged Angel in the final battle of FF7.

See that’s just too much “fluff” for me - sure there’s an audience for that but it’s not me.

I’m also under the assumption simulating pro wrestling as a video game is how we got to the point where wrestlers are kicking out of finishers 6 times a match.
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See that’s just too much “fluff” for me - sure there’s an audience for that but it’s not me.

I’m also under the assumption simulating pro wrestling as a video game is how we got to the point where wrestlers are kicking out of finishers 6 times a match.
Naming a wrestling move after a video game isn’t simulating a video game…
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I work remote, live on central time and usually eat lunch late.

Decided to check out a little bit of the early Raw on my lunch. Holy shit the heel heat for Cena in Brussels.
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Weird. Did theory get dinged up there somehow?
They called it a cross body but if you watch closely, they didn’t hit chest to chest. Jey turns ever so slightly and hit him with the shoulder for his signature spear. It just wasn’t very fluid and Michael Cole mistakenly called it a cross body. It was a very poorly done spear.
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They called it a cross body but if you watch closely, they didn’t hit chest to chest. Jey turns ever so slightly and hit him with the shoulder for his signature spear. It just wasn’t very fluid and Michael Cole mistakenly called it a cross body. It was a very poorly done spear.
If Jey botches a move at WM I believe Gunther will go so stiff on him he might go back to the tag division.
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Don't like the Raw title buildup. One week Gunther is wrestling Tozawa then another week Jey is going against Theory or hanging out with Alpha Academy. None is this is making me believe that title is important. Penta's build has been fantastic however. Everything he's done has gotten over and stayed over.

I'll definitely miss Cena's promos the most. That was a memorable 25 minutes. You don't get anywhere close to that type of fan involvement if it's face vs face. One of them had to sell out.
Wrestlers are such an odd group of people because to me it just seems weird. I understand CM Punk saying that, but there isn't any difference in wrestlers and actors. I'm sure an actor would think it was weird to be referred to by a fan as one of their characters.
Well their wrestler name is their entire marketing and personality claim, not their real name. Wrestlers have their name for years. Actors release a couple movies a year.

There’s 2 things you can call CM punk. There’s 50 things you could call Tom Hanks.
A lot of actors use stage names as well. And musicians. Chappel roan asks fans not to use her real name. If you go to a movie premier and ask Tom Mapother or Regina Kirk for an autograph you’ll probably get an odd look
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I want to see Cena beat all of them up.

Speaking of Cena he's getting some sort of Lifetime Achievement Award the night before Wrestlemania.
The event, which will be limited to 20 fans total, will include having a meal with Cena "during his last WrestleMania ever hearing speeches and seeing the real John receive a lifetime achievement award."
The lunch, listed as taking place on a "five-star restaurant" on the Vegas strip is a low price of $25,000 per person.

Finally, as if WWE didn't have enough events going on Wrestlemania weekend now there's this.

If Jey botches a move at WM I believe Gunther will go so stiff on him he might go back to the tag division.
They can't strap up Jey for real, can they? Has there been anyone this bad an in ring performer win the belt since Hogan?

And I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton of guys, but he is pretty darn bad in the ring. At least IMHO.
They can't strap up Jey for real, can they? Has there been anyone this bad an in ring performer win the belt since Hogan?

And I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton of guys, but he is pretty darn bad in the ring. At least IMHO.

Off the top of my head and including the world heavyweight title (big gold belt):

Mark Henry

I’m OK with giving Jey a month or two reign with the Raw title because there’s no denying he’s super over/moving tons of merch and he did a lot of heavy lifting for 4 years n the Bloodline saga. I am OK with a reward and short reign.

I should note, I am not a workrate fan who wants a 5 star match to consider a story to be good. I judge more on how entertaining a program is as a whole and whether I feel compelled to see more. For example, I’d rather watch Booker T and Austin fight in a grocery store than watch a 45 minute 7-star Meltzer banger in the Tokyo Dome.

For my type of fandom, a Jey reign is fine as long as it doesn’t last years.
Off the top of my head and including the world heavyweight title (big gold belt):

Mark Henry

I’m OK with giving Jey a month or two reign with the Raw title because there’s no denying he’s super over/moving tons of merch and he did a lot of heavy lifting for 4 years n the Bloodline saga. I am OK with a reward and short reign.

I should note, I am not a workrate fan who wants a 5 star match to consider a story to be good. I judge more on how entertaining a program is as a whole and whether I feel compelled to see more. For example, I’d rather watch Booker T and Austin fight in a grocery store than watch a 45 minute 7-star Meltzer banger in the Tokyo Dome.

For my type of fandom, a Jey reign is fine as long as it doesn’t last years.
I tend to agree. I think in 2025, other than a select few names, the in ring product or the reputation as a ring worker isn't nearly as important as it used to be. The emphasis now is on charisma, story telling, and crowd appeal with a premium placed also on more high risk/high reward moves (a splash through the table from the turnbuckle, a powerbomb off of a 10 foot ladder through another ladder, etc). I think Jey is actually what WWE looks for and prefers today where it used to be someone like Bret Hart (I'm not saying Jey is better) who was arguably the best in ring worker ever. Fans don't appreciate that like they used to with a few exceptions (AJ Styles for example) and as a result people get title runs today that never would have sniffed them back in the 80s and 90s.
Off the top of my head and including the world heavyweight title (big gold belt):

Mark Henry

I’m OK with giving Jey a month or two reign with the Raw title because there’s no denying he’s super over/moving tons of merch and he did a lot of heavy lifting for 4 years n the Bloodline saga. I am OK with a reward and short reign.

I should note, I am not a workrate fan who wants a 5 star match to consider a story to be good. I judge more on how entertaining a program is as a whole and whether I feel compelled to see more. For example, I’d rather watch Booker T and Austin fight in a grocery store than watch a 45 minute 7-star Meltzer banger in the Tokyo Dome.

For my type of fandom, a Jey reign is fine as long as it doesn’t last years.
Don’t hinder the jinder!
I want to see Cena beat all of them up.

Speaking of Cena he's getting some sort of Lifetime Achievement Award the night before Wrestlemania.
The event, which will be limited to 20 fans total, will include having a meal with Cena "during his last WrestleMania ever hearing speeches and seeing the real John receive a lifetime achievement award."
The lunch, listed as taking place on a "five-star restaurant" on the Vegas strip is a low price of $25,000 per person.

Finally, as if WWE didn't have enough events going on Wrestlemania weekend now there's this.

Isn’t mcafee doing something that week too?
Cena has and will have all the heat he wants without Truth involved, so it's not really needed. Only way I see it happening though is if it's say, summer and Truth randomly comes out, Cena gives him an AA, puts him in the STF, and Punk's music hits starting their program for SummerSlam.

I think Jey wins and holds the title until SummerSlam. Current creative has shown they're willing to give someone new a chance for a few months. Right now it's as if Triple H is saying Gunther/Jey isn't main eventing shit without saying it though.
I want to see Cena beat all of them up.

Speaking of Cena he's getting some sort of Lifetime Achievement Award the night before Wrestlemania.
The event, which will be limited to 20 fans total, will include having a meal with Cena "during his last WrestleMania ever hearing speeches and seeing the real John receive a lifetime achievement award."
The lunch, listed as taking place on a "five-star restaurant" on the Vegas strip is a low price of $25,000 per person.

Finally, as if WWE didn't have enough events going on Wrestlemania weekend now there's this.

Fućk that guy. The comedian, not John Cena that is. Unless it’s kayfabe, then I guess fućk John Cena too is what I’m supposed to say 😂