CI Wrestling Thread #54: The Showcase of the Immortals

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I actually like Reigns (Khal Drogo). However, there is a way to book him winning without resorting to the Rock coming out for cheap pop.

I would have had Bryan stay in until the last four with Reigns, Kane and Show (if you must). Show hits Drogo with the KO punch but he falls through the middle rope and out of the ring. Then Bryan goes off on the two olds, hitting his moves and getting the crowd pumped. He eliminates Kane or Big Show and it looks like he's about to win when HHH comes out. Hunter distracts Bryan and he's eliminated.

Now it's Drogo and one of the olds with HHH on the outside. Boom. Light's go out and Sting's music hits. Light's come back on and Sting is standing behind HHH who he hits with the Scorpion Death Drop. Kane/Show looks to go out of the ring through the middle rope only to be hit by Bryan (who's been on the floor the whole time). Kane Show staggers and is hit with the Superman Punch and goes out. Drogo wins. Bryan, Drogo and Sting all celebrate in the ring.
I like the Reigns/Rock heel turn idea but the poor guy needs months of promo work.
Shoulda been Bryan or Orton with the win but I'm guessing they already have Orton/Rollins planned for WM.
This post was edited on 1/26 2:39 PM by JLRCat
I enjoyed the show too.

They title match was awesome there is no doubt about that.

Even the rest of the under-card was good.

Honestly there were probably 2 ways to go with Bryan.

1 - He should have stayed gone until February.


2 - He should have been in the final 2. Let him and Reigns clear the ring and then let them have a "10 minute match" back and forth. In this case maybe if the fans see Bryan put up a fight, but Reigns wins they will at least respect it if they have a good back and forth.

So it looks like WM is shaping up as

Reigns - Lesnar

HHH - Sting

Orton - Rollins

Cena - Rusev

Undertaker - Wyatt (a lot of chatter about this one if Taker can go)

What else is out there?

Sheamus - Bryan?

Tag Team titles?

IC title?

Paige- Nikki for the diva's title?

Andre the Giant Battle Royal

Also look like RAW will be live on Thursday Night on Syfy. EDIT- K-Mac beat me to that

This post was edited on 1/26 2:57 PM by Kentucky Bandit
^ Might get a Bella Vs Bella title match at Mania but I doubt it.

I still think we get Bryan Vs Rollins somehow which would be a very good match.
Royal Rumble was a very good PPV until the actual ending. The 3 way match was awesome on so many levels. The Rumble was good until they crapped all over the ending.

I still would like to see Rollins cash in before WrestleMania and we get Reigns Vs Rollins. Throw in Ambrose, maybe as special referee and you have a potentially good match.

Add that to:





Random Diva match

Find something for Bryan, Ziggler, Orton to do and you have a decent Mania
Its times like these that you kind of wish there was no wrestling sites or dirt sheets to leak pushes or the intentions of management.

Although I do think you will see that Philly was an exaggeration and that Reigns will be okay, there are some fatal flaws in what they did and many on here called it for awhile.

1. If Daniel Bryan was never going to win the rumble and you know the crowd will hijack the product like they did just last year, why do you not hold him off til closer to WrestleMania? Wouldn't that have been common sense? To not do that, shows the arrogance on their part.

2. You need to play it close to the chest with your intentions six months in advance. That should be about two to three people max know that..not even the talent. This way you don't have fans knowing something is going to happen six months in advance.

3. At least have better booking. The fans aren't dumb anymore. They knew damn well there is zero chance Big Show or Kane is going to WM. Have it be Ambrose, Rusev, Ziggler or Ambrose, Wyatt, and Reigns. Find some screwy finish that saves face for the Ambrose/Ziggler character.

4. Take the cuffs off Reigns and let him shoot. Let him cater to his actual fans and tell his haters to blow it out their ass like Rick Vaughn did in Major League II to Randy Quaid's character at the end of Major League II so it might turn some of them to him for the witty side which is unlike Cena. I know Reigns can do this. I've spoken to him enough to know what he's like and what is his actual words and when he's having to recite something.

Above all else, STAY THE COURSE with what your plans are. Do not let a group of fans hijack and derail a story you want to tell. That' would be like Christopher Nolan letting comic book fans dictate what he wanted to do with one of his films.
Originally posted by JLRCat:
I like the Reigns/Rock heel turn idea but the poor guy needs months of promo work.
If it's true that Vince has been writing Roman's lines word for word since he came back from his injury...

I mean, have you listened to those promos? Could Dwayne Johnson make those promos work?
Did WWE not win last night? Besides those knee jerk reactions to drop the network, anyone who follows wrestling is chattering about the RR, good or bad, and that has to be good.

Now factor in that there is no live show until Thursday and the fans will be happy with just about anything since they are used to a next day fix after PPV.

Whoever mentioned it I think you are right about Bryan-Sheamus at WM 31. Vince didn't get it last year, it will be interesting to see if they go with that whether the crowd will crap all over it.
Sheamus is one of those guys I can't believe has any fans.

On the cool side, I was sent my media credential form for WrestleMania, HOF, and Fan Axxess. I hope I get all of those. I even filled out to get two so I can bring the wife. I already bought two tickets to the event (very high up) so don't know what to do with those.

Crazy thing, Premium VIP axxess tickets for Reigns, Hogan, Sting, Cena, etc all individual sessions already sold out on the presale. Crazy. Don't know about regular VIP though.
Originally posted by Blind Karl Hess:
Originally posted by JLRCat:
I like the Reigns/Rock heel turn idea but the poor guy needs months of promo work.
If it's true that Vince has been writing Roman's lines word for word since he came back from his injury...

I mean, have you listened to those promos? Could Dwayne Johnson make those promos work?
Sheamus fan.
Originally posted by JLRCat:
Sheamus fan.
Me too. I think he's a square peg in a round hole as a white meat babyface, but he puts on amazing wrestling matches. He's one of the best they have from bell to bell.
I don't mind Sheamus, he is like a glue guy in sports. Doesn't stand out, doesn't do anything to ever be considered to carry the team, just gets in the game, does his job, and can always be counted on.
Glad I didn't pay for the royal rumble last night since they are giving it away free tonight.
Did I just see WWE is going to show the title match and the Rumble tonight??
Someone pitched an idea to have Sheamus come back as a heel and
Attack DB. Like you all forgot about me when I was hurt, so I am taking
Your guy out.

Probably better than anything Vince will come up with
Originally posted by K-mac18:
Did I just see WWE is going to show the title match and the Rumble tonight??
Just finished airing the title match.

The pops that crowd made during the last 5 minutes of that thing are some of the loudest I've ever heard. Unlimited props to Brock Lesnar, John Cena and Seth Rollins. Brock Lesnar is unbelievable.

But go ahead and chant for refunds.
Originally posted by kyfan606:
That championship match was pretty damn good.
Good luck topping that match, rest of 2015. Now if you didn't watch the Rumble, stop. If there were ever a time to quit while you are ahead, this is the one.
Hard to take anything away from that title match from all 3 guys. Unreal. Brock is seriously dangerous for other guys health though.

Brock is the top face on the show right now. In unison that crowd popped for him and it was bigger than a Yes! chant for DB. Unreal at this point they can't go back from that.

How and what they do will be fun to me, I don't want to but I will give them the benefit of the doubt because every move does not need a knee jerk reaction. Some of what they are doing will take until WM to make sense completely. They deserve that!!
Those sit down interviews tonight with Rollins and Lesnar were awesome.
It's like WWE threw it together at the last minute but still turned out nicely.
So Bray Wyatt eliminated Bryan! Well there is your feud! I mean that was actually perfect and should have really got Bray some freaking heat, how the hell did it not, but yet it got them to boo Reigns as the winner?

Bray was perfectly booked to come out of this as a solid heel.

Not sure why this isn't getting more attention.

100% lock that Lesnar will introduce himself to Reigns tonight.
Originally posted by krazykats:

So Bray Wyatt eliminated Bryan! Well there is your feud! I mean that was actually perfect and should have really got Bray some freaking heat, how the hell did it not, but yet it got them to boo Reigns as the winner?
1) It came way too early in the Rumble. If it was the second to last elimination or so it would have gotten heel heat instead of given the crowd time to fume and plan their chants or whatever smarky shitheads do

2) They've already had a feud that was terrible.
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