CI Wrestling Thread #54: The Showcase of the Immortals

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Originally posted by HeismanCatNole85:

Originally posted by Kentucky Bandit:
That Rumble had Vince McMahon written all over it.

Horriblely laid out & gave away the ending away too soon.

But enjoy Vince's "chosen one." That always works out so well.
They had no choice and it still didn't work. If Bryan or Ambrose or Ziggler is one of the final ones, they go even more nuts. They booed Reigns as soon as he came in cause these smarks read spoilers and cry cause someone isn't from ROH. They did the right thing by getting Bryan out early (should have been Rusev) but there was no pleasing Philly. They were the stereotypical d-bags. Chanted "CM Punk" "Daniel Bryan" "Bullshit"..worst fans. Roman will literally not deal with that worse of a crowd at WrestleMania or any PPV not in the northeast.

its a damn shame these dickheads ruined a cool moment for a guy. They have now hijacked two RRs in a row.
So were you upset that fans booed Batista last year when he won?

This is the real problem. Vince McMahon does not care what the fans want - he does whatever he wants and then crams it down your throat. Nothing is organic anymore with that company.

I don't think fans dislike Reigns, but Vince hand picked him and said this is the next guy. Then they proceed to turn Reigns into the next John Cena. Fans are growing tired of it.

Also it sucks when the most over guy in the company - Daniel Bryan - gets treated and booked the way he does. You add those two things together and you get an upset fan base.'

Even the Rock knows..


And finally to add to my point BIG SHOW and KANE WERE IN THE FINAL FOUR OF THE ROYAL RUMBLE IN 2015!!! REALLY?
Why are people blaming the Philly crowd?

They dropped the ball yet again in the Rumble winner, and they deserve to know it. Vince needs to get off his fetish kick and booking to his desires, and not the crowd's.

The Attitude Era was all about what the crowd wanted, yet now we've regressed to only making Vince happy.
Originally posted by Blueblood22:
The Attitude Era was all about what the crowd wanted


I mean, I get it. We all loved Stone Cold and Stone Cold always won, and he should have. But there were also abortions during that time. Like, real ones. Terri Runnels.

I don't mind fans expressing displeasure with the product, though I feel apathy would get the point across better, especially financially. What I don't like is when that anger is taken out on the performer. That's all.
Can't blame the fans, the whole rumble was done absolutely horrible!!

I don't know much, but the best way to save face when your booking against a crowd is injury or cheating. It's easy and fans eat it up. In a rumble it's even easier because there are so many involved!!

Having Bryan lose but get a minor injury would have best the best case scenario. I wasn't watching at that point and I don't know who eliminated him or that it even matters now. I do know that, his specific booking in this could have easily made it easier at the end for fans to be happy. That was awful and easily, very easily overcome.

Then you have Kane and Big Show as the final 3? WTF, the final 4 was fine, and had it come down to Ambrose/Reigns and they battle to several close eliminations that could have easily got Reigns over.

My thinking is they may want Reigns to go heel. They knew what they were giving that crowd and they know by now what reaction is coming! Maybe it was intentional because Lesnar is no longer a dreaded heel. That guy is PHE-nominal!!! No way to book him as a heel now, so that could work except Rollins and his briefcase are hovering over everything.

If Rollins cashes in at any point in the next 2 months this is a bad PPV. If he doesn't and it is truly Brock vs Reigns then the foundation for a heel turn was laid tonight. Now......

If Brock is distracted by Sting, and at the next PPV Sting takes that belt and it's Sting vs Reigns, watch out!!!! Maybe Bryan interferes in a Sting/Brock match and we get Brock/Bryan and Sting/Reigns.

They have plenty of avenues to go, and I rambled for a bit but seriously this show wasn't as bad, or doesn't have to be as bad as people think right now.
Originally posted by krazykats:
Then you have Kane and Big Show as the final 3? WTF, the final 4 was fine, and had it come down to Ambrose/Reigns and they battle to several close eliminations that could have easily got Reigns over.
I definitely agree with this. God bless Big Show and Kane for being longstanding, loyal company men, but those guys acting as obstacles to a dude winning a wrestling match in 2015, they might as well have been these two fellas.


Replacing either one of them with Ambrose would have helped the finish because the heat would have been better and there would have been a fraction more unpredictability.

Again, up until, Bryan got eliminated, it felt like the show was specifically catered towards a more knowledgeable and therefore more difficult to please crowd. And up until that point, it couldn't have gone any better. But then the gong went off. Felt like a different person was booking. Reeked of Vince, as most bad WWE decisions anymore do. But what do I know? I'm just one of those damned millennials Vince was talking about with my pogs and my headphones and my snap bracelets and rap music and disrespect for elders, even if they're staring at me.

Calling it now: 100% lock that the title match at WM will not be Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns one on one. It will either have more people added to it or will be a singles match featuring Roman Reigns and somebody other than Brock Lesnar.
I bought WWE Network for this?

I like Kahl Drogo...I mean Jason Mamoa...I mean Roman Reigns, but the booking for this match was doomed from the start. For a minute, I thought we'd see someone come in an take Axel's spot because he didn't check in to the match. When you have to bring out Rock to give your baby face some pop, you're doing it wrong. Unless, that is, if they had brought out HHH to interfere.

Also, when's Titus O'Neil getting a push?
Originally posted by Blueblood22:
Why are people blaming the Philly crowd?

They dropped the ball yet again in the Rumble winner, and they deserve to know it. Vince needs to get off his fetish kick and booking to his desires, and not the crowd's.

The Attitude Era was all about what the crowd wanted, yet now we've regressed to only making Vince happy.
The Philly crowd is the epitome of smarky impossible to please crowds. There is no one that comes close to it. They cheer all heels and have a chubby for all small indie guys. They were the most stereotypical and deplorable crowd with their hijacking. Chanting "CM Punk" and "Daniel Bryan" ten minutes after he had already been eliminated? Pitiful. That is like going to a play and chanting "Jennifer Lawrence" because you don't like the actress or that your favorite character in the play didn't win. Its one of the reasons why I wasn't big on ECW and knew WWE was making a mistake by putting this event there.

I assure you that Reigns will not have these issues in Memphis or Santa Clara...not even close especially in Santa Clara where most of Reigns family lives/from.

Also, to the one post asking if I was bothered by Batista getting booed. Personally I didn't care about last year especially with Batista being a part timer. Honestly, if there wasn't any internet for marks to read then you wouldn't get these type of incidents.

This post was edited on 1/26 7:15 AM by HeismanCatNole85
Enjoyed the Rumble.


I don't care, but when did the Bellas become friends again?

I'll be patient, but I didn't like the final 4 in the Rumble. Felt like it wasted a very good Bray Wyatt performance.

I don't personally like Rusev, but why did they make him Santino?

Don't really mind Reigns winning, I think I've decided I can handle him as long as his Shield brethren are also treated well.

The Bryan elimination WAS anti-climatic.

The triple-threat WAS awesome. IMO you HAVE to hold performers back to some extent so that matches like this are special, otherwise how do you always raise the bar?

Question for Heisman about his ECW opinion for context. How old are you? I ask because there are a few of us here in our mid 40s. I'd guess that we all like ECW because we saw it as fresh and different at a time when the product had grown stale and we were in our 20s and needed ECW as fans. The "ECW fan attitude" fit what we felt at the time. Some of us grew out of it. Not saying you're wrong and not calling you out at all. Just trying to put your ECW feelings in perspective.
I was a teen when ECW was doing its thing and enjoyed it at times so I'll back off the comment on ECW. It was more written out of anger due to my disliking of that type of crowd. I hate hijacking. I think it's beyond disrespectful and find the antics to be just obnoxious and epitomizes the worst type of fan. Like you can't enjoy a show because you don't get your darling to get the rub and no other outcome is acceptable? It's the equivalent of a child throwing a tantrum and it takes away the ability for others to enjoy it when that type of group wants to make it about themselves.

Who blocks busses in 2015 when it comes to an outcome in a wrestling event? Who does that? That group was just going to be as smarmy as possible with cheering all heels, chanting "CM Punk", "Daniel Bryan" ten minutes after he was eliminated , etc. They had their kind made up before they went to the arena which makes WWE extremely ignorant for having Bryan in the rumble to begin with if they wanted Reigns to win it.

I apologize for earlier. I just hate those types of fans. They're like the group who can never enjoy a comic book movie because it didn't replicate the comic 100% of has turned their back on a band because its too 'mainstream' now.

This post was edited on 1/26 5:15 AM by HeismanCatNole85
Really enjoyed the Rumble. After a couple of minutes to calm down from my Bootista 2.0 take, I could stomach the Reigns win a little better. They've got to get the Big Slow and Kane out of the main picture though.

Title match was 5 star in my book. Had our entire RR party, including my wife, marking out. Rollins stuff off the top rope was just unreal. BKH had talked about it in the past, but wow that was awesome.

All in all not a bad little PPV. Cena lost. Bray Wyatt looks like he's ready to get another push. There's fresh blood in the main event of WM. I understand being upset, but Daniel Bryan won the strap not even ten months ago. That was completely organic and awesome. Some fans you just can't please.
I agree that fans shouldn't block busses, but (Devil's advocate here) isn't that what marks used to do? Completely buy in and go after the heels? Could you argue that WWE is working these people so well that they have them acting like marks from the 50s and 60s?

I also agree that "overly smart fans" are the worst. They just want to chant, they just want to complain, they never like anything. The show is pretty much just "The Rocky Horror Wrestling Show" to them.

At the same time, WWE could have booked Reigns to win in a way that would have sat well with everyone and done it without turning him heel. Hell, just tone down the Superman part of his push. Let him be a touch mortal, avoid Cena 2.0 or Samoan Cena and you're fine. Honestly, I think that's what has fans ticked. Not that Reigns is being pushed, but how he's being pushed. We know how the Superman pushes play out. We don't like that.
Meh....really not sure what the uproar is about as we all knew what was gonna happen. That reaction would have happened at any arena.
Vince can only blame himself.

1. They never really resolved The Shield breakup effectively because of Reigns injury.
2.Orton shoulda been in the Rumble.
3.Bryan should have been held back.
4.Final three shoulda been Ambrose,Reigns and a surprise entrant Rollins.

The Rock being brought in was way too transparent.
pretty much every twitter wrestling fan, both dedicated and casual, reacted to the Rumble the exact same way as the Philly crowd. And I think that booking would get crapped on in any arena in the country, in the exact same fashion.

Bryan ain't just over in indy outposts, and Reigns isnt despised in just the old ECW bingo hall.

hey, it is Vince & Steph & HHH's company, they are gonna do what they think is best for ratings, merch sales, network subs. And I can see the logic, they have been jamming Cena down the throats of fans for 10 years now, and he did whatever they asked. But he aint getting any younger, time to create a new Cena, a new Rock, a new Hogan to be the face of the company for the next decade. So why screw with what has always worked in the past, make him always having to overcome impossible odds, always have hand raised at the end of the show, always have the strap (after WM), or be chasing to get it back.

And as pointed out, this ain't a surprise, it has been known since 13 months ago, the Dec PPV where everyone and anyone backstage was telling Punk "Make Reigns look strong, make Reigns look strong!!!" Good ole JR predicted Reigns winning the WM main event this time last year also.

if Reigns at the top of the company ruins your day, then you just might want to think of a new entertainment outlet - cause that is what WWE is gonna be until oh about 2025.
Originally posted by Lexie's Dad:

The triple-threat WAS awesome. IMO you HAVE to hold performers back to some extent so that matches like this are special, otherwise how do you always raise the bar?

Question for Heisman about his ECW opinion for context. How old are you?

Well if they allowed the midcarders to play more of a role during the weekly shows and allow them to learn to carry shows, what would happen is the prime time guys aren't apart of the everyday shows and it makes the appearances special which is what/why we love Brock so much. Granted he is awesome, he is/was very undisciplined as well and hurt people he didn't mean to by not respecting the sport(or whatever you call this). That is also why Hogan was so loved he simply wasn't on every show(plus they were recorded then so he could be even though it was the same match several times).

Your right about ECW, add to that they landed a few names that really added to the element like Terry Funk and it had it's place in wrestling significance!
Originally posted by Blind Karl Hess:
Originally posted by Blueblood22:
The Attitude Era was all about what the crowd wanted


I mean, I get it. We all loved Stone Cold and Stone Cold always won, and he should have. But there were also abortions during that time. Like, real ones. Terri Runnels.

I don't mind fans expressing displeasure with the product, though I feel apathy would get the point across better, especially financially. What I don't like is when that anger is taken out on the performer. That's all.
Well, besides all that garbage
There was definitely a lot of bad to go with the good. But that boom happened because Vince stopped being stubborn, and let the crowd push who they wanted. I mean, hell, the Godfather and Road Dogg were the IC champion at times. Neither was a great wrestler, but they were entertaining and the crowd loved them.

Now it's all what Vince wants. They have four guys who are more over and ready than Reigns, in Bryan, Ambrose, Ziggler, and Rollins. Ambrose, I don't even know what they're doing with him. We all thought SurSer was Ziggler's big moment, but since then he's lost the IC title twice, been "fired", and now his momentum has been killed...again.

They're apparently pushing Wyatt so hard to feed him to the Taker, even though his momentum was killed after his program with Cena and it still hasn't recovered even after all this. Ridiculous they let Wyatt go over Ambrose nearly every single time, book him to look maybe the strongest in the Rumble, only to feed him to 50 year old Undertaker who got destroyed last year by Brock and looked like he could barely go anymore. Maybe they'll surprise me and have him defeat Taker, but I can't see them letting Taker lose twice in a row at WM.
Originally posted by Lexie's Dad:
I agree that fans shouldn't block busses, but (Devil's advocate here) isn't that what marks used to do? Completely buy in and go after the heels? Could you argue that WWE is working these people so well that they have them acting like marks from the 50s and 60s?
I've had this conversation with other wrestling fans of our ilk. Some of them call it kayfabe 2.0. It's like Philly and similar towns are the new Greensboro Coliseum/Omni and we're the new raging marks trying to jump the cage to get the Horsemen off of Dusty after they broke his ankle. Now I don't believe we're a large enough demographic to be worth working. But clearly it happens when they go to venues like this.

RE: Fans booing Dave Batista last year

That was okay. Part of the reason it was okay is that as soon as that music hit and Batista walked through that curtain, he went full fledged heel. Because Dave Batista *gets it*. What I didn't appreciate (and I could hear LD doing this from his house) was booing Rey Mysterio for not being Daniel Bryan. And then booing the rest of the match until Roman Reigns of all people almost brought them back. To me it's a disservice to the guys in the ring.

But there has to be a middle ground, both with the fans and with Roman Reigns. I was really disappointed with how they handled the finish of the PPV. The Rumble was an abject disaster that either outright made its wrestlers look bad or, in trying to make its wrestlers look good, tried way too hard and made them look bad instead. Except for Diamond Dallas Page. He was great. But was it handled so badly that the WWE Facebook poll with thousands of votes had three times as many thumbs down as up? Really? Did you see that title match that you thought Cena was going to win and he didn't? A show with that match on it doesn't suck and is average at worst.

The thing it's on WWE to do is come up with another organic top-level babyface so that there won't be as much gnashing of teeth when Daniel Bryan doesn't win stuff. Over time, I think that guy will eventually be Seth Rollins. If you think he's great now (and he is), wait until the fans start cheering for him.

Also, if any of you guys are canceling your network, can I have it? Money's really tight in the BKH household these days.
The point of Ambrose, Bryan, Wyatt and Rollins being over more is actually a sign of Reigns going heel more than it is a bad thing to push him over those guys. A face chasing a heel is always a better sale than vice versa, and with those four you have plenty of time to feud Reigns with the current faces before flipping Rollins and letting go of the authority angle.

I think a path is paved here and the fans just didn't see it coming because we all had a different idea of what would happen last night. Lesnar becoming face and Reigns a heel, seems like the best thing here.
Gonna be dissapointing when Lesnar scoots outta WWE and we never get to see that Bryan match.
Originally posted by Blind Karl Hess:

What I didn't appreciate (and I could hear LD doing this from his house) was booing Rey Mysterio for not being Daniel Bryan.

I think Lesnar-Reigns is a fresh match. I don't know how good it can be. That's my only beef with Reigns, I just don't know if he can have matches with guys that would be as good as Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, or Wyatt. I think he can have good matches with those guys, but I think that the WM match with Reigns and Lesnar will need someone to fill a 3rd slot to give it a chance to be as good as last night's title match.

Serious question: If Brock is leaving, did WWE make him look TOO strong last night?
That triple threat match was perfectly executed. Brock Lesnar. Man if they could only keep that guy.
#CancelWWENetwork is the number one trending thing on Twitter right now...and apparently people are doing it in masses after the show last night. Bet WWE doesn't run a graphic on that one.

Much like last year I will see what WWE does going forward. They don't have the Elimination Chamber this year and right now the Feburary PPV main event is scheduled to be a tag match with Cena/Reigns vs. Rollins/Show maybe.

Guess they did an angle on the post show that is going to build to a Cena/Rusev match at WM 31 so of course he can be the first one to beat him.

Hopefully things will change.
I see Philly smarks have riled up the masses. This is a classic example of projecting something and then having people follow based on the reaction. It is downright comical. Ten years of Cena winning everything including the Royal Rumble two years ago (crowd cheered), MITB (two years ago) and title after title and you don't cancel your network membership but as soon as they try to create someone fresh for the main event scene...we get this reaction? I must have missed the part where Reigns winning somehow means Daniel Bryan never gets to wrestle again or another title reign.

I hated ADR and could not stand that he won the rumble or got a title shot but I didn't just quit watching WWE and these people won't either. They are as emotional and reactive as teenage girls. They will bitch and moan but will continue to watch as always and you'll see. They're not the ones spending the most money anyways and I'm sure as soon as a match happens that they really want to see, they will get the Network again. This is really just an example of the inflated sense of self importance that the worst group of wrestling fans have.

WWE put on a damn good PPV and because the smarks read the dirt sheets six months ago, they shat all over someone new just because it wasn't Daniel Bryan.

I also, disagree with the notion that this happens in any arena in the country. No way! Philly and maybe Chicago but this doesn't happen in L.A., Nashville, Dallas, etc. You'll see at the RAW shows that this was a Philly reaction and then sheep following.
It won't be AS bad but it's still going to be there. Daniel Bryan has Vince by the nuts.
I think that the crowd could have lived with Reigns winning if things would have played out differently. I'm not going to fantasy book, but I think these things would have helped:

Daniel Bryan having a longer/better run in the rumble;Show and Kane not being booked so strong;Rusev not being Santino;Ambrose, Wyatt, or Ziggler making it down to the Final 4;A surprise like Cesaro having a long, strong run.
Kofi was wasted this year. Did anyone fail to call his spot when Rose came down?

And I STILL enjoyed the rumble match.

I'm looking forward to watching the "24" episode that debuts tonight after RAW. That looks sorta sweet.
Originally posted by HeismanCatNole85:
I see Philly smarks have riled up the masses.
Nole I am really starting to worry about you. This has nothing to do with the crowd last night.

This has everything to do with the fact Vince McMahon is not listing to his audience and is instead going to try to force something down our throats. The older wrestling fans - the ones who have the money - are not going to sit through another "John Cena" type champion for 10-15 years. They have had enough of it.

Like I said before if WWE stuck with their plan to have Reigns win this was going to happen. He is not ready. Yes he had some great moments in the Shield and the fans were starting to get behind him. The second Vince began this "super hero" push of Reigns the fans have rejected it.

I mean WWE knew what was coming. They tried getting Bryan out of there sooner. Didn't work. They brought in the Rock for the sole purpose of trying to put Reigns over. Didn't work.

That #cancelwwenetwork has been trending since the end of the Rumble.
Also it looks like there will not be a live RAW from Hartford, CT because of the weather.

I wonder what they will do? Can they find somewhere else to put it on?
Waited til today to comment on RR.

The championship match was outstanding. Seth Rollins won me over last night, and that took work.

Philly was Philly, and will always be Philly. You want a crowd that would have appreciated RR? Hold the next one in North Charleston, SC. 1 out of every 15 fans in attendance would be a smark. Ain't enough of them here to hijack a show.

I'm done with the Diva division. No AJ, no care.

Bray Wyatt was strong. Rusev got screwed. Mizdow is beyond over now...I thought Goldust was the best performer to take a crappy gimmick and make it work. Mizdow just surpassed him. Dean Ambrose filled DB's role last night, but that Philly crowd couldn't care less.

If they aren't going to use Titus, let the man go. Same with R-Truth. Truth would make a hell of a heel (again). Would love to see him in an angle with Ziggler...there would be some crazy bumps!
I really like reading HeismanCats's stuff....pretty obvious he's got a soft spot for Reigns after that interview. It's pretty simple though, Reigns was unlucky with the surgery so they had to trash his whole build toward the Rumble. We all talked about how they were gonna rush it anyway and this is what happens.

Add to that the fact that the other two guys from The Shield are better than him .

Also fans are still expecting a long title run from Daniel Bryan. Pretty simple.
Nole your too invested in Bryan/Reigns as the reason for the crowd reaction. That crowd was given possibly the best title match of the year BEfORE the rumble!!! Then the guy they wanted to win didn't, not only did he not win his showing was stupidly booked! I mean ANYTHING would have been better than what they did. They left him nowhere, no reason to feud with the person that threw him out, no reason for him to be involved in anything moving forward and on top of that they gave the most bogus BS final 3 they could because of the Authority angle they can't see past!

I mean it's like NWO, only corporate driven........which we have seen before with Vince replacing HHH. It can be fun, it can be enticing and it can be done right......only it isn't.

That's why the fans are crapping on it, not just because of Bryan.

If I fantasy booked this thing (and there are several in this thread better than me at it) I gurantee I could have came up with something smoother/easier to follow for the fans to have enjoyed than that. But it wasn't a bad winner and I don't think anyone is mad about the winner honestly.

Now if WWE was smart they would run with the heat they created and have Reigns come out dogging fans for booing him and just trashing everything can related.

Just for fun, and I have thought this all day, and everyone in this thread will most likely roll eyes because of my voiced opinion on the matter, BUT.....

They should have had a final 2 with 1 more entrant to go, and those 2 be Bryan/Reigns, and #30 is Cena........ Crowd goes nuts because that final 3 is bonkers and could go every which way. As soon as Cena hits that ring all 3 are looking at each other, Reigns goes after Cena but Cena gets the best of him quickly and instead of throwing him out he turns his attention to Bryan and destroys him, tosses him out and is immediately booed to hell(heel turn baby!!!!) as Reigns is coming to, he realizes what is happened......Cena/Reigns duel and Reigns wins.

Then you have a stale baby face ultimate heel turn for Cena, with ridiculous heat!!! And you have the ultimate babyfaces protected and Reigns given a standing O for eliminating Cena the new heel of the company.

Originally posted by Kentucky Bandit:

Originally posted by HeismanCatNole85:
I see Philly smarks have riled up the masses.
Nole I am really starting to worry about you. This has nothing to do with the crowd last night.

This has everything to do with the fact Vince McMahon is not listing to his audience and is instead going to try to force something down our throats. The older wrestling fans - the ones who have the money - are not going to sit through another "John Cena" type champion for 10-15 years. They have had enough of it.

Like I said before if WWE stuck with their plan to have Reigns win this was going to happen. He is not ready. Yes he had some great moments in the Shield and the fans were starting to get behind him. The second Vince began this "super hero" push of Reigns the fans have rejected it.

I mean WWE knew what was coming. They tried getting Bryan out of there sooner. Didn't work. They brought in the Rock for the sole purpose of trying to put Reigns over. Didn't work.

That #cancelwwenetwork has been trending since the end of the Rumble.
No need to worry about me. I think the IWC is a vocal minority and merch sales don't back up them being the ones that spend the most money anymore. They aren't the majority at these house shows either. That is not a normal reaction at tons of events.

Here is what I don't understand about the "being shoved down our throats" argument. Where has anyone ever said that Reigns will be booked exactly like Cena was? There is zero chance we see another wrestler stay atop for a decade like we have Cena. We didn't see it with Hart, didn't see it with HBK, Austin, or even The Rock. Hogan and Cena is it and there are way too many guys now to ever have a guy like that again anytime soon, at least.

I also, have an issue with someone fresh getting put in the main event scene only to be shat on and then we wonder why we have been stuck with Cena this long. We can have multiple top stars. That's one of the things that made The Attitude Era so much fun. A lot of guys to root for. Bryan didn't need the rub. He's established. He had his epic moment. Orton is over, Cena is over, Rollins is over now...Reigns needed the moment and if we got a decent crowd, that would have been a fun moment last night (granted they screwed up with the booking at the end but not like they had much choice considering that crowd was pissed regardless).

I'm like BKH, why is it a complaint of "If I'm not going to get my way on this storyline with my favorite guy winning then I'm going to hijack and ruin it) If Reigns didn't win, I'd have enjoyed the show. I thought it was an awesome PPV. I loved the title match, liked the rumble, and can enjoy watching multiple stories.

If we can sit through The Miz and ADR being champs then I don't see how anyone can complain this much. Those two guys were awful.
Huge fan of Rollins now. 3 way title match was the best match I've seen in years.

I like krazy's idea but Reigns being a heel would just be kind of lost in the shuffle considering Rollins is becoming the top heel. I thought Lesnar was a heel but now, I don't know what he is. There's too many heels right now. The only big strong face is Cena and the others are like small guys in Bryan and Ziggler which WWE will never make the face of their company.

I'm down with Reigns being a heel but only after Lesnar is gone. How hilarious is it going to be when these same fans who booed the shat out of Reigns will cheer him when he's a heel?

This post was edited on 1/26 11:46 AM by HeismanCatNole85

This post was edited on 1/26 2:22 PM by HeismanCatNole85
Raw is cancelled for tonight, going to run some sort of best of program this evening.

The Smackdown is cancelled for Tuesday as well. Going to try to do the show live on Thursday night.
bumpy start for The Road To WrestleMania

Maybe Vince/HHH will realize right now with the fans Reigns is Rock 1997. So book him now as you did Rock back then. Embrace the hate. Bathe in the boos and online anger. Then maybe after a while, when fans have seen him pay his dues properly and he is more competent on the stick & in the ring you can turn him into Rock 1998-2000.
Originally posted by K-mac18:
Raw is cancelled for tonight, going to run some sort of best of program this evening.

The Smackdown is cancelled for Tuesday as well. Going to try to do the show live on Thursday night.
See Noles, even God hated the Rumble...
^^^ That is funny

So now WWE has decided they are going to do Raw live on Thursday Night from Hartford and will air on SyFy.

There will still be some sort of best of Raw for tonight, probably won't involve CM Punk.
Originally posted by JHB4UK:
bumpy start for The Road To WrestleMania

Maybe Vince/HHH will realize right now with the fans Reigns is Rock 1997. So book him now as you did Rock back then. Embrace the hate. Bathe in the boos and online anger. Then maybe after a while, when fans have seen him pay his dues properly and he is more competent on the stick & in the ring you can turn him into Rock 1998-2000.
Rack this x1000

They have a ton of options from where they are as to what to do going forward but this is best case scenario.

Let Sting/Cena/Brock/Authority play out while a hell Reigns goes thru multiple angles with the rest of the guys like Wyatt, Bryan, Ziggler and last of all Rollins when he is face. Best case scenario for a long haul of great and easy booking
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