

Mar 30, 2007
Anyone watch this series on HBO? I just finished it last night.

Overall, it was fantastically done and really worth your time (only 5 episodes). I was little irritated that all of the "Russians" were speaking English (I'm used to Narcos I guess), but after about 15 minutes I understood why. With the information being communicated, I would have pulled my hair out if I had to read subtitles the whole time.

Makes you really hate the old Soviet Union even more than you already did, but it's amazing how many people willingly (or were told to) gave their lives to clean up and mitigate further disaster for something that their state government could have 100% prevented.
Yeah, it was great. Loved the last episode of flashing back while explaining nuclear fission and how badly the Russians suck at safety tests and switches.

Very well acted, too.
It illustrated how the wrong group of people made the important decisions in that country. Saving money shouldn’t be a factor if you’re going to harness nuclear power. Plenty of mistakes were made by numerous people to cause that disaster, it’s like they didn’t fully respect nuclear fission.
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The Soviet Union's nuclear program, similar to their political ideology, was built on a foundation of lies and secrecy. The RBMK reactors were built to save money and the safety tests conducted at Leningrad were already documented to have failed once with flaws in the rod control design, completely covered up by the state.

The positive void coefficient still exists with the RBMK design, though the retrofitted post-Chernobyl reactors dramatically reduces the possibility of a lower-power meltdown. 10 RBMK reactors still exists across Russia.

All in all a great miniseries with visual effects that really make life in the former Soviet Union (Ukraine/Belarus) very realistic and the acting was good. Did not enjoy the dogs being shot and had to fast-forward through that part. And a :rolleyes: as to the "official casualty count" of 31.
I think I speak for all Americans in regards to the Chernobyl catastrophe when I say, "BETTER YOU THAN US, BETTER YOU THAN US."*

*Sam Kinison stand-up act, c. mid-1986
We had three mile island that was a partial meltdown in reactor 2, a valve was stuck open but the instrumentation told the workers it was closed. I’m sure that nuclear plants are safer today but I would still not want to live anywhere near one.
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In a lot of ways, it was one of the scarier shows/movies I've seen. Great show, great acting. Really gave you that sense of dread and just how effed up Russia was to it's people.

..but couldn't help but laugh at the British accents littered about. I always find that funny.. to an American, a Brit can pass for literally any race or nationality of any time.
The Soviet Union's nuclear program, similar to their political ideology, was built on a foundation of lies and secrecy. The RBMK reactors were built to save money and the safety tests conducted at Leningrad were already documented to have failed once with flaws in the rod control design, completely covered up by the state.

The positive void coefficient still exists with the RBMK design, though the retrofitted post-Chernobyl reactors dramatically reduces the possibility of a lower-power meltdown. 10 RBMK reactors still exists across Russia.

All in all a great miniseries with visual effects that really make life in the former Soviet Union (Ukraine/Belarus) very realistic and the acting was good. Did not enjoy the dogs being shot and had to fast-forward through that part. And a :rolleyes: as to the "official casualty count" of 31.

Agree about the part with the dogs. I get it, but I didn't want to see that.
What also blows my mind.. is that mainland Russia is seemingly 3x the width of the U.S. (from Maine to Cali). That's crazy to me, when you think of how empty central U.S. is.. how much empty land there has to be throughout Russia with less than HALF the population
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We discussed this series over lunch yesterday. I was over in Germany when the reactor blew. Once everybody in the West found out, we took numerous precautions. No swimming. Limit outside activities. No pets outdoors, etc.. I recall we performed measurements with a device similar to the one displayed below and received very abnormal radioactive readings when scanning grass and tree leaves. At the time, we were located over 1,600 km away from the disaster zone.

Crazy stuff.

The Soviets had a lot of disasters where they could have been almost world ending had it not been for one person.

Legasov was a chemist but also one of the smartest scientists in the country and the damage could have been unmitigated much longer if someone else had been chosen to lead the committee. -Recognized incoming missile alert was a false alarm and refused to obey orders to launch a retaliation strike against the US. -The lone vote against firing a nuclear tipped torpedo against a US Ship. The captain's orders required all 3 officers to agree to launch such a strike. Arkhipov was the one "No" vote. He also served as the executive officer on the K19 submarine that suffered a near meltdown.
Yep really enjoyed the series. Was a great way to see into what really happened. The dog scenes were difficult to watch but I can understand why they were needed. Also showed that alot of the people that were working to take care of the disaster had no real knowledge of why they were doing what they were. The scene where the miners needed fans to stay cool and they were not given the fans so they started mining like their fathers did naked was amusing. Hey they were at least wearing their hats. The acting was spot on and like many said before it shows just how big of liars and how secret the USSR was. I totally agree that this disaster was just the first domino is the collapse of the USSR as they were known at that time.
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I just read that Russia is coming out with their own series counter to the HBO series that they are pissed off about (for obvious reasons).

The article said that the plot of the Russian show would deal with their theory that a CIA operative was one of the workers in the control room and sabotaged the reactor.

Hilarious. You really can't make this shit up.
I can see a cia operative being sent in to shut the reactor down but to do it to the extent that happened is ridiculous. Of course that would be par for the course. Still wonder how much about the cold war that we still do not know. Also wonder if there was ever anything else that was done that has not been completed that is still sitting there waiting for the right people to start it up again to try to become the superpower that they once were.
The plant workers didn’t even know the plant had design flaws, the KGB kept it secret. A CIA operative wouldn’t have known either, that’s nonsense. I haven’t read what has the former soviets so upset about the HBO series, I’m sure their version cast Russia as the victim. They must be following Kansas, Arizona and LSU.
I just read that Russia is coming out with their own series counter to the HBO series that they are pissed off about (for obvious reasons).

The article said that the plot of the Russian show would deal with their theory that a CIA operative was one of the workers in the control room and sabotaged the reactor.

Hilarious. You really can't make this shit up.

So foreign interference, huh? Yes, I know a few idiots who would believe it.
I thought the English accents were great. The different accents signaled the social class of the character and added to the storytelling. Russian accents/language wouldn’t add as much.
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I thought the English accents were great. The different accents signaled the social class of the character and added to the storytelling. Russian accents/language wouldn’t add as much.

Saw an interview with the series creator, and he was asked about this. He said they thought of getting all Russian actors at first, but there aren't enough good ones for all the speaking parts in the show.

Then they were going to have English actors speak with Russian accents, but decided that would be dumb because Russians don't speak English, so they ended up just having everyone speak with their own accents and allow the good acting performances help the audience forget about the language and accents altogether.

I'd say it worked.
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Skarsgård was great in this. Wow.

I wonder what the US could have done to help if they had been in a position to do so.

And while I know nothing really happened during the Cold War that directly affected me or most people in the US, that time during the 80s was still frightening. I was for some reason a big news watcher for my age, and was convinced that we were all going to die.
Saw an interview with the series creator, and he was asked about this. He said they thought of getting all Russian actors at first, but there aren't enough good ones for all the speaking parts in the show.

Then they were going to have English actors speak with Russian accents, but decided that would be dumb because Russians don't speak English, so they ended up just having everyone speak with their own accents and allow the good acting performances help the audience forget about the language and accents altogether.

I'd say it worked.

Can't believe he was busy.
There is a hour documentary on AHC right now, 287 on DTV. It repeats at 3 am and again at 4 pm tomorrow, for those interested in period footage.
Skarsgård was great in this. Wow.

I wonder what the US could have done to help if they had been in a position to do so.

And while I know nothing really happened during the Cold War that directly affected me or most people in the US, that time during the 80s was still frightening. I was for some reason a big news watcher for my age, and was convinced that we were all going to die.
Me too. Kept me awake many nights in the 80s.

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Here is what I dont get,

People on this thread saying it was too hard to watch the soldiers putting the dogs down, but said nothing about seeing people's faces melting off and their skin sloughing off.

Some of the characters were dying a very painful and gruesome looking death. But yet that part was fine, it was the dogs getting shot that was tough.

That makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm just saying

Here is IMDB description:
  • Characters are depicted suffering the painful after-effects of acute radiation syndrome, with blackened, swollen lips and eyes and leathery white skin covered in bleeding sores. Very graphic and gory
  • very unpleasant to watch.
  • A character's hand is severely burned with chunks of flesh missing, while he screams in agony.
  • Men begin to vomit blood and get radiation burns on their faces, blood patches also soak through their white uniforms as their skin ruptures. One's face is completely covered in blood from high radiation exposure and presumed dead.
  • Multiple men and women are seen vomiting, on stretchers, with radiation burns and wounds in a crowded building, there's crying and panic.
  • A man is seen with bad radiation burns to the face and dazed.
Interesting note on the documentary, Russia aka the former Soviet Union or whatever you prefer doesn’t own Chernobyl anymore. A collection of countries owns it and they foot the bill for maintaining it and building a new structure in 2010 to cover the failing/hastily built Russian sarcophagus.
Interesting note on the documentary, Russia aka the former Soviet Union or whatever you prefer doesn’t own Chernobyl anymore. A collection of countries owns it and they foot the bill for maintaining it and building a new structure in 2010 to cover the failing/hastily built Russian sarcophagus.

Yeah I'm pretty sure Putin doesn't want to annex that part of Ukraine.