I thought Mormons celebrated the Sabbath on Saturday? Participation in, or even watching sports on the Sabbath is forbidden in many religious denominations. It is considered unholy to get that excited, and hateful in the case of some people, on the Sabbath.
I am a Christian myself, and I disagree. Sports are one of the few things uniting people instead of dividing right now. I'm more of a Bill Walton type when it comes to athletics. I see all of the beautiful aspects of it, to the extent that the actual winning and losing becomes almost secondary to me. The pain I will feel when we lose will be due to the fact that I will never get to see the particular group of great young men and women play again.
For when the One Great Scorer comes
To mark against your name,
He writes - not that you won or lost -
But HOW you played the Game.
― Grantland Rice