Card fan: "We're being emotionally raped"

[QUOTE="gossie21, post: 5976703, member: 3504

Pitino getting the keys to the Restaurant and being told to lock up when he's done. But this was the only time it ever happened. [/QUOTE]

Don't forget the whopping ass lie Rick told, while under oath in a federal trail no less, when he was questioned about staying after hours, etc. When he was asked why he did this (and after the Porcini's owners had testified that it had never happened before), Rick's reply was because he wanted to "finish his drink".

The age of consent in Kentucky is 16. Those boys were too young to buy cigarettes or go to an R rated movie, but they were old enough to have sex. The whole story is tawdry enough, it doesn't require any exaggeration.
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That's true... let's compare:

  • After hours restaurant sex with asst looking on
  • 15 second leg dribble
  • 3 stack insurance payoff
  • Cincinnati health care road trip
  • Equipment manager cemetery proposal
  • Hush money funneled via Sypher bonuses
  • Entrapment
  • Salacious trial with 15 second leg dribble admission
  • Prison term for victim
  • Multiple bizarre but entertaining press conferences
  • Tell all book
  • Strip shows in the dorm
  • Side deals
  • Tink's
  • All in the family entertainment
  • Embassy suites guardian/recruit 2 for 1's
  • Squirtin' (to the ceiling)
  • 3 finger Elvis
  • Multiple bizarre but entertaining press conferences
  • Tell all book
I have to say, that's pretty close. I'd have to give it to Syphergate. IMO the leg dribble admission from the coach pushes it over the top.
god if hookergate goes to trial...can you imagine what we don't know.
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This is all I have to say to Louisville fans...

Why are UL fans beotching? I mean we are the ones who have to share air with those child humping troglodytes .....

I've never asked Trump for anything....... but I'll get on my knees and beg.... Please all mighty hotel maker.... Build a wall around Louisville????!?!?!?! pleaaaaaassssseeeee!!!