Can't wait for the 'cancel my subscription' nonsense re: SI swimsuit

Originally posted by GhostVol:

At my last physical, my doctor (woman) told me after looking at my PSA exam results:

"You'll never have to worry about prostate cancer. Or even an enlarged prostate"

Sex with women is good for your health. I highly recommend it!

That's not the whole quote though........the whole quote paints a different picture......

"The HIV test was negative this time. Here's your prescription for Zithromax. You'll have to take it for 60 days to allow the gonorrhea to clear up before having sex again.....for risk of transmission to your partner. On a positive note, you'll never have to worry about prostate cancer. Or even an enlarged prostate. But please be careful, with the women you choose there are conditions that you could get that will literally cause you penis to die and rot off your body........there aren't any antiobiotics for that."
Originally posted by We-Todd-Did:

Originally posted by Big_Blue79:

Originally posted by We-Todd-Did:

Originally posted by -LEK-:

Lie. This crappery is all over facebook. Buzzfeed even did a video about how fat is smoking hot. Guys like a little more cushion to hold at night........ All crap. Like the dude above, this needs to stop.
Wait, what part here is the lie? Was this Time's perfect body in 1955? I think she's smoking hot, but would need more pictures to judge... many more pictures.
I'll admit I'm incorrect in calling this picture a lie just because I'm not familiar with it. What I was referring to is social media being blasted with pictures of actually obese women claiming this is what was the definition of beauty, etc. for some time period. Bull. I keep seeing the plus size model above and some really big heavily tattooed girl who signed a modeling contract with captions about being real women, too much for most men, etc. Wrong. Women can be bigger and be hot, but they are hot in spite of their size, not because of their size. We need to call a spade a spade and deal with a health issue, not celebrate it.
Moderate here. The buzzfeed thing WAAAAAY misrepresents the ideal of the golden age of Hollywood. WAAAYY off. That chick would have seen ZERO screen time because her waist is not small enough among other things.

However, I know lots of guys who have a pretty wide range of what is considered attractive. It is the whole package that matters...figure, face, dress, and minute details matter. Curvy like Sofia Vergarra or Christina Hendricks? Check. Curvy like Roseanne Barr or Rosie O'Donnell? Puke.

There is definitely a "movement" to undo years of media bias toward a more narrow range of acceptable body types but some of it misses an important point: Figure is a part of the whole package and just because you are a particular body type (looking at you toothless crack HO and/or Walmart lingerie shoppers) does not in any way guarantee that you are beautiful. Physical beauty will continue to matter and a lot of it is EFFORT. It takes more effort for some women/men to look good but it is worth it. If that includes dieting to get to an attractive weight then so be it. That part applies to men as well of course.

This post was edited on 2/6 12:54 PM by backbeatcat
So when does Muscle and Fitness get rid of the bodybuilders are start putting the guys that look like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on the cover? "You don't have to be ripped to be considered good looking."

I love the kid gloves PC bullshat we have to use today. The person who used the NBA as an example was dead on.
Critically speaking: That plus size is too plus. The girl in the first post could add 20 pounds of curves in the hips/butt section and look better IMO.

The problem with these SI fraggs is they have no clue about ultimate feminine beauty. Usually they use skinny ass coat hangers with a pretty face and boobs, but with flat asses like a teenage boy. The have to shoot angle shots for enhancement. We're talking swimsuits. Not runway clothing BS. Let's have some curves and a little more meat for god's sake!

Then there's Kate Upton, who's hip bone structure prevents her from looking good from below the boobs no matter what she weighs.

Oh yeah, ... anybody who doesn't agree with me is an idiot.

This post was edited on 2/6 8:59 PM by IdaCat
I am still waiting on the SI issue that has UNC'S Shame. Untill I see that issue, I won't look at a SI magazine.
This thread has real potential. Theres a bunch of dudes on a message board posting about girls that are supposed "plus size" in a sports illustrated laughing at you while they choke down another doughnut. They are showing themselves off to millions and making them $ while you call some of them fat chicks lol. how many of you would have a problem doing the same thing if you have ever actually showed yourself in public? There are some here I can honestly picture and its George costanza from from the brad paisley music video. Do you like the 12 year old boy look? I'm not saying Duce or Duce and a half big but I'll be straight up honest if I had a chance with 99.9% of the girls in sports illustrated swimsuit edition I'd be stirring some guts real quick and your lying to yourself if you wouldn't either.

Its funny all the naughty teacher alerts and 1 out of a million maybe on the same level as these chicks, yet most agree they would hit it and quit it in a second. Grow a pair or take the pair off that back of your pick em up truck and have them surgically attached.

BTW, Tyra Banks is considered a plus size model. Crazy right? I mean she's so damn fat and ugly! I know some jackass on here will say no way they would touch her, because of one reason or another but I for one would have no problem with her, I would in a second.
Lastly, I think they plan on sending the unc afam si edition out when they get more football phones to send out with your yearly subscription.
Originally posted by CatDaddy4daWin:
there's nothing 'fat' about that girl. I soo wish it was required to post pics of your old lady so we can all get a good laugh. There's a difference between fat girls and this... go to Walmart and you'll see what I'm saying.
Spandex as well. When they walk, it looks like they are full of jello. If they let a fart, it would look like a rat running down their leg.
Strand me with a fat woman on a desert island, that skinny bitch is going to be dead while I am still boykin the fat gal.
Originally posted by JasonSpear:
Originally posted by Beavis606:
Here she is in other ad campaigns. Just because you'd ride it doesn't mean she isn't a cow.
those pics are just awful. No place for that in the Swimsuit Issue. No one wants to see some fat chick in a swimsuit, let alone a bikini.
To be fair to SI, it is an ad. I don't think they are promoting her as one of their models.
Originally posted by CatDaddy4daWin:
there's nothing 'fat' about that girl. I soo wish it was required to post pics of your old lady so we can all get a good laugh. There's a difference between fat girls and this... go to Walmart and you'll see what I'm saying.
This. The size 16 girl is too big for my personal taste; but not "fat". She carries her weight very well. That makes all the difference. Especially if you saw her on the street instead of on a page opposite a size 0 photoshopped model.

The size 12 girl is smokin hot. I don't even see how that's debatable.

I agree. Every poster giving overly harsh critiques of obviously attractive women should be forced to post pics of their wives/girlfriend. Bet that would really be interesting.
Our board seems to be filled with Ryan goslings or dare I say brad Pitts lol. If you wouldn't stir some guts on a plus size si magazine model if you had the chance your completely lying to yourself or give up your boat because your completely in shallow water. I understand everyone is different and has different tastes but if you could add that to your resume you know you would in a second, now the chicks in the video I posted above, not so much
There is zero wrong with a girl that has some meat on her bones. Keep holding out for all the "dimes" and you will be with palmala and her five friends every night.