Critically speaking: That plus size is too plus. The girl in the first post could add 20 pounds of curves in the hips/butt section and look better IMO.
The problem with these SI fraggs is they have no clue about ultimate feminine beauty. Usually they use skinny ass coat hangers with a pretty face and boobs, but with flat asses like a teenage boy. The have to shoot angle shots for enhancement. We're talking swimsuits. Not runway clothing BS. Let's have some curves and a little more meat for god's sake!
Then there's Kate Upton, who's hip bone structure prevents her from looking good from below the boobs no matter what she weighs.
Oh yeah, ... anybody who doesn't agree with me is an idiot.
This post was edited on 2/6 8:59 PM by IdaCat
The problem with these SI fraggs is they have no clue about ultimate feminine beauty. Usually they use skinny ass coat hangers with a pretty face and boobs, but with flat asses like a teenage boy. The have to shoot angle shots for enhancement. We're talking swimsuits. Not runway clothing BS. Let's have some curves and a little more meat for god's sake!
Then there's Kate Upton, who's hip bone structure prevents her from looking good from below the boobs no matter what she weighs.
Oh yeah, ... anybody who doesn't agree with me is an idiot.
This post was edited on 2/6 8:59 PM by IdaCat