

Dec 30, 2002
Rex, KY
Nothing new really, just my thoughts.

Cal won’t change. His arrogance, and him thinking his way is best won’t permit it. He truly is so stubborn he’d rather lose his way instead of admitting it is the wrong way.

We’ve all seen it and many said it for years. Cal needs true elite talent and several of them to overcome his lack of basic coaching ability. I mean basic elementary coaching ability. The lack of adjustments. The lack of drawing up basic plays. The lack of inbounds plays. Teams FT shooting in crucial moments.

His time at UK is two tales, Pre Wisconsin getting elite of the elite and Post Wisconsin not so much. I am convinced that Wisconsin was a turning point for Cal as a coach and as a person. I think it took something from him. I believe it did the fan base as well. It did me. I’ll never get over it.

Cal is at a crossroads now with the fan base and even the basketball world. Everyone sees his lack of just basic coaching ability and it’s ugly. The so many close calls. The so many games we should not have lost have all now come home to roost because of last season and this season ending debacle.

It’s going to get really ugly when you combine all that and the potential issues with Sharpe, Wagner etc. Ugly. Does Cal have it in him to change and grow and learn? I think it’s awful late in his coaching life to do so and I believe he is simply too arrogant to do so. I wish he’d move on before it gets to a point that there is no feel good memories left regarding his time at UK.
Why should he change? What's the incentive? There's no checks and balances in a lifetime contract. He was given a win win contract, that's on the AD.
99% of people employed have to go to work and try to at least be productive. Cal no longer does. He's home walking his dogs this morning while his players are the laughing stock of college basketball, all of none of their own doings. Everyone loses but Cal
Why should he change? What's the incentive? There's no checks and balances in a lifetime contract. He was given a win win contract, that's on the AD.
99% of people employed have to go to work and try to at least be productive. Cal no longer does. He's home walking his dogs this morning while his players are the laughing stock of college basketball, all of none of their own doings. Everyone loses but Cal
Barnhart can go to for giving that contract. A contract like that is not for blue bloods. It’s for teams desperate to hang in to a coach. If a coach wants to leave UK, let them.
If 9-16 wasn't a come to Jesus moment for Cal (and seemingly it wasn't because he and a huge portion of the fanbase were willing to give him a free COVID pass for that disaster), then a 1st round loss to a school no one has ever heard of sure better be.

It's time for him to come to the fanbase hat in hand and say I'm going to fix this. This thing is broken and I'm going to fix it. Stick with me, hang with me BBN, we've got this. He needs to do that with humility. And then actually act on it.

But I don't think he will. I think he'll continue his arrogance and talking down to the fans. Act like we're the ones that don't know what we're talking about, because IT'S ABOUT THESE KIDS man. It's about the name on the back of the jersey, not the front.

We'll see what happens. Good post @jedwar. Always enjoy your perspective.
If 9-16 wasn't a come to Jesus moment for Cal (and seemingly it wasn't because he and a huge portion of the fanbase were willing to give him a free COVID pass for that disaster), then a 1st round loss to a school no one has ever heard of sure better be.

It's time for him to come to the fanbase hat in hand and say I'm going to fix this. This thing is broken and I'm going to fix it. Stick with me, hang with me BBN, we've got this. He needs to do that with humility. And then actually act on it.

But I don't think he will. I think he'll continue his arrogance and talking down to the fans. Act like we're the ones that don't know what we're talking about, because IT'S ABOUT THESE KIDS man. It's about the name on the back of the jersey, not the front.

We'll see what happens. Good post @jedwar. Always enjoy your perspective.
Great post!!! I don’t expect anything like this to happen but rather the same BS coach speak from him. Would love to hear the Rupp crowd pour down a chorus of boos the next game at Rupp when he is announced as coach. Cheer the team on, boo the shit out of him. The message will be loud and clear and one he cannot ignore.
Barnhart can go too for giving that contract. A contract like that is not for blue bloods. It’s for teams desperate to hang on to a coach. If a coach wants to leave UK, let them.
I said this yesterday. His contract must’ve been written up by one of these nut huggers on this board. The ones that say how awful we’ll be when Cal’s gone. Well look at us now.
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Why should he change? What's the incentive? There's no checks and balances in a lifetime contract. He was given a win win contract, that's on the AD.
99% of people employed have to go to work and try to at least be productive. Cal no longer does. He's home walking his dogs this morning while his players are the laughing stock of college basketball, all of none of their own doings. Everyone loses but Cal
That’s the worst part about this whole situation. He’s become complacent with the lifetime contract. We thought everything had been changed with the staff, roster, and the style of offense. He reverted back to his old ways of slowing down the offense, playing certain players too long, not utilizing our depth with guys like Collins, not using timeouts to help the team get focused and on the same page. There’s no reason why he should change when he’s set for the rest of his tenure. I absolutely hate that.
If 9-16 wasn't a come to Jesus moment for Cal (and seemingly it wasn't because he and a huge portion of the fanbase were willing to give him a free COVID pass for that disaster), then a 1st round loss to a school no one has ever heard of sure better be.

It's time for him to come to the fanbase hat in hand and say I'm going to fix this. This thing is broken and I'm going to fix it. Stick with me, hang with me BBN, we've got this. He needs to do that with humility. And then actually act on it.

But I don't think he will. I think he'll continue his arrogance and talking down to the fans. Act like we're the ones that don't know what we're talking about, because IT'S ABOUT THESE KIDS man. It's about the name on the back of the jersey, not the front.

We'll see what happens. Good post @jedwar. Always enjoy your perspective.
The next time I see him walking his dogs I am going to slow down and tell him I saw a peacock up ahead and he should run. The other day I pulled over and exchanged pleasantries. No more.
Everyone has made just points about Coach Cal, his personality, his coaching, but we truly are at a crossroads.
I see a stage in Coach Cal's career like Denny Crum, Bobby Knight and others like them, damn good coaches who refused to change with the game.
Coach Crum was slow to go with the 3 point shot, good players passed on UL; Coach Knight could not accept you could not treat players like he had always did.

First thing Coach Cal needs to do is get his fat ass in shape. He looks sloppy and overweight on the sidelines. UK is class, look and act like we are.
Stop letting players and their parents dictate their playing career; ala Sharpe.
Run a modern offense and develop your bench. Am I alone in thinking players see how they get stuck on the bench and stay there?

If your starters are not having a good game like the other night, you got to try something, anything.
I would hope Coach Cal would look into the mirror and come to face what needs to be done at UK to be a powerhouse again.
To have last season as the worst in UK history to follow it up with one of the biggest upsets in NCAA history and lose in the 1st round?
To live in Louisville and see the suck fest with Kenny Payne going on and then to lose like we did; it is gut wrenching for this UK fan.

As a coach of AAU ball several years ago, after every game we would ask the players these questions and as a coaching staff we listened:
1. What did we do in this game that we need to stop doing?
2. What didn't we do in this game we need to start doing?
3. What did we do in this game we need to keep doing?

This really sucks today for me. My plans on going to Indy are out the window, I have to attend a funeral for a nephew, I have to be around my ultra liberal woke lawyer sister who will not keep her mouth shut, my workers are all UL fans and you can imagine how this is going over, it is rainy, cold, and I do not drink. WTF?
Maybe Cal should take up medical cannabis to take the edge off the jackassery....

Nothing new really, just my thoughts.

Cal won’t change. His arrogance, and him thinking his way is best won’t permit it. He truly is so stubborn he’d rather lose his way instead of admitting it is the wrong way.

We’ve all seen it and many said it for years. Cal needs true elite talent and several of them to overcome his lack of basic coaching ability. I mean basic elementary coaching ability. The lack of adjustments. The lack of drawing up basic plays. The lack of inbounds plays. Teams FT shooting in crucial moments.

His time at UK is two tales, Pre Wisconsin getting elite of the elite and Post Wisconsin not so much. I am convinced that Wisconsin was a turning point for Cal as a coach and as a person. I think it took something from him. I believe it did the fan base as well. It did me. I’ll never get over it.

Cal is at a crossroads now with the fan base and even the basketball world. Everyone sees his lack of just basic coaching ability and it’s ugly. The so many close calls. The so many games we should not have lost have all now come home to roost because of last season and this season ending debacle.

It’s going to get really ugly when you combine all that and the potential issues with Sharpe, Wagner etc. Ugly. Does Cal have it in him to change and grow and learn? I think it’s awful late in his coaching life to do so and I believe he is simply too arrogant to do so. I wish he’d move on before it gets to a point that there is no feel good memories left regarding his time at UK.
Excellent post.I agree 100%
Maybe Cal should take up medical cannabis to take the edge off the jackassery....

Good idea but Coach Cal eating some weed, I am not sure that is a good thing for him. He doesn't need to gain any additional weight and eating weed, getting the munchies, BAM, he will look like the Pillsbury doughboy before long.
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Wonderful post.

It’s kind of crazy. From 2009-15, I thought we had the smartest coach in all the land. He would always get the recruits. He would always put the best team on the floor. It felt like he always adapted his offense to fit their skillsets (LOL). He had learned his NCAA lessons and would stay away from the Josh Shelbys and DeAndre Aytons. We would bring in high character kids like Brandon Knight and MKG and KAT and Bam/Fox. The refs hated him, opposing fans hated him…and he thrived on it. We did too.

Now that we look back…Cal feels like college basketball’s version of 1990’s Jim Carrey. You knew who Jim was from In Living Color and then he runs off Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber and Batman. He becomes becomes a mega star. Then he follows it up with a lackluster 2000’s with movies like Bruce Almighty and Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Kind of faded away. This is what we’re seeing with Cal and it’s sad.
Wonderful post.

It’s kind of crazy. From 2009-15, I thought we had the smartest coach in all the land. He would always get the recruits. He would always put the best team on the floor. It felt like he always adapted his offense to fit their skillsets (LOL). He had learned his NCAA lessons and would stay away from the Josh Shelbys and DeAndre Aytons. We would bring in high character kids like Brandon Knight and MKG and KAT and Bam/Fox. The refs hated him, opposing fans hated him…and he thrived on it. We did too.

Now that we look back…Cal feels like college basketball’s version of 1990’s Jim Carrey. You knew who Jim was from In Living Color and then he runs off Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber and Batman. He becomes becomes a mega star. Then he follows it up with a lackluster 2000’s with movies like Bruce Almighty and Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Kind of faded away. This is what we’re seeing with Cal and it’s sad.
And Jim Carey turned into one of the least likable humans on the planet . Exactly where Cal is headed . His treatment of Ky born players disgust me .
If 9-16 wasn't a come to Jesus moment for Cal (and seemingly it wasn't because he and a huge portion of the fanbase were willing to give him a free COVID pass for that disaster), then a 1st round loss to a school no one has ever heard of sure better be.

It's time for him to come to the fanbase hat in hand and say I'm going to fix this. This thing is broken and I'm going to fix it. Stick with me, hang with me BBN, we've got this. He needs to do that with humility. And then actually act on it.

But I don't think he will. I think he'll continue his arrogance and talking down to the fans. Act like we're the ones that don't know what we're talking about, because IT'S ABOUT THESE KIDS man. It's about the name on the back of the jersey, not the front.

We'll see what happens. Good post @jedwar. Always enjoy your perspective.
Absolutely right. A little humility would go a long way toward keep the BBN appeased and on his side.
Nothing new really, just my thoughts.

Cal won’t change. His arrogance, and him thinking his way is best won’t permit it. He truly is so stubborn he’d rather lose his way instead of admitting it is the wrong way.

We’ve all seen it and many said it for years. Cal needs true elite talent and several of them to overcome his lack of basic coaching ability. I mean basic elementary coaching ability. The lack of adjustments. The lack of drawing up basic plays. The lack of inbounds plays. Teams FT shooting in crucial moments.

His time at UK is two tales, Pre Wisconsin getting elite of the elite and Post Wisconsin not so much. I am convinced that Wisconsin was a turning point for Cal as a coach and as a person. I think it took something from him. I believe it did the fan base as well. It did me. I’ll never get over it.

Cal is at a crossroads now with the fan base and even the basketball world. Everyone sees his lack of just basic coaching ability and it’s ugly. The so many close calls. The so many games we should not have lost have all now come home to roost because of last season and this season ending debacle.

It’s going to get really ugly when you combine all that and the potential issues with Sharpe, Wagner etc. Ugly. Does Cal have it in him to change and grow and learn? I think it’s awful late in his coaching life to do so and I believe he is simply too arrogant to do so. I wish he’d move on before it gets to a point that there is no feel good memories left regarding his time at UK.
Well done. Cal won't change. Doesn't even think he needs to at all. Unless there is another AD type player out there that he can get, another title isn't happening.

His failures at UK far out way his successes imo. Way too much talent has been thru UK in his time to only have 1 title. The last 2 season proved he can't do it anymore. No innovation. No adjustments. No willingness to adapt and change. Just leave. Just go. But he won't.

K's last year. Cal wants to have the top spot in the coaches heiarchy. Even though he isn't. He thinks he is. He's not walking away from UK with Williams and K gone.
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And Jim Carey turned into one of the least likable humans on the planet . Exactly where Cal is headed . His treatment of Ky born players disgust me .

What KY born players? Miller, Willis & Hawkins all played key roles at UK in their tenure here. Hood was not good and he let him stick around for some reason and Allen is who he is as well and he will let him stick around and make a ton of NIL Money until he graduates. I also think we need to move on from calling these adults "KIDS" as they are all making 6 figures now to play here. They are all hired guns, whether they are from KY or Arizona.

OP, 100% agree with your post and very well said as always. He is not going to change and it is best for all parties for him to move on and we should have let him leave in 2019 if UCLA (really) wanted him IMO.
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Nothing new really, just my thoughts.

Cal won’t change. His arrogance, and him thinking his way is best won’t permit it. He truly is so stubborn he’d rather lose his way instead of admitting it is the wrong way.

We’ve all seen it and many said it for years. Cal needs true elite talent and several of them to overcome his lack of basic coaching ability. I mean basic elementary coaching ability. The lack of adjustments. The lack of drawing up basic plays. The lack of inbounds plays. Teams FT shooting in crucial moments.

His time at UK is two tales, Pre Wisconsin getting elite of the elite and Post Wisconsin not so much. I am convinced that Wisconsin was a turning point for Cal as a coach and as a person. I think it took something from him. I believe it did the fan base as well. It did me. I’ll never get over it.

Cal is at a crossroads now with the fan base and even the basketball world. Everyone sees his lack of just basic coaching ability and it’s ugly. The so many close calls. The so many games we should not have lost have all now come home to roost because of last season and this season ending debacle.

It’s going to get really ugly when you combine all that and the potential issues with Sharpe, Wagner etc. Ugly. Does Cal have it in him to change and grow and learn? I think it’s awful late in his coaching life to do so and I believe he is simply too arrogant to do so. I wish he’d move on before it gets to a point that there is no feel good memories left regarding his time at UK.
You know I watched Jim Larrañaga last night talk about the new defense he implemented last year he called the "Scramble". And dang it sure looked like it those Miami guys were everywhere. Jim is 72 years old and he's willing to change when needed. Cal isn't capable of that. Our defense has gotten really bad the last few years and I'll leave it Jonathan Givony to describe the offense. What I'm getting at is that we're terrible on each side of the ball and Cal won't do a damned thing to fix it. He just gets more obstinate and fusses at the fans. I'm sick of it.
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Didn’t Memphis fans warn us how this thing would play out? If you go back and watch the last 5 minutes of the 2008 Memphis/Kansas title game, he was doing the same shit even back then (stall ball, no timeouts called to draw up a play, no OOB plays, same defense no matter what, playing rotations that were not working, missed free throws, players panicking and not loose etc. etc.). Fast forward 15 years and he’s obviously a GD stubborn moron.
Barnhart can go to for giving that contract. A contract like that is not for blue bloods. It’s for teams desperate to hang in to a coach. If a coach wants to leave UK, let them.
I agree with your OP. But I question this one. How so?
As you well know this is not a "lifetime" contract at all and allows for him to be moved into the "office" in years 6-10. The amount of the salary are the same or slightly less than what he was getting prior. We had just come off an E8 loss to Auburn and just a few seasons past the 2015 mega team.
Certainly viewing the contract through the lens of today vs in early 2019 when it was inked looks bad. If anyone had a crystal ball back then to see ahead to today they chose not to use it. Cal was still stuck in 1-n-done recruiting hell. I think we see with this team how he has changed his rebuilding strategy. I am over him. We should move on....and that 10 year contract, now 7 year is not a major hurdle at all. JMHO
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I agree with your OP. But I question this one. How so?
As you well know this is not a "lifetime" contract at all and allows for him to be moved into the "office" in years 6-10. The amount of the salary are the same or slightly less than what he was getting prior. We had just come off an E8 loss to Auburn and just a few seasons past the 2015 mega team.
Certainly viewing the contract through the lens of today vs in early 2019 when it was inked looks bad. If anyone had a crystal ball back then to see ahead to today they chose not to use it. Cal was still stuck in 1-n-done recruiting hell. I think we see with this team how he has changed his rebuilding strategy. I am over him. We should move on....and that 10 year contract, now 7 year is not a major hurdle at all. JMHO

The truth of the matter is unless Calipari just leaves, we are probably stuck with him the next 2 seasons. Then I think Barnhart has some power to say Cal you either go to the admin role or we have to let you go. I just do not think Barnie has the balls to move sooner than spring of 2024. The sad thing is if we somehow turn it around make a Final Four next year or 2024 I can see Cal and Barnie throwing a parade and him staying longer.

If we 100% knew we could get a title next year or 2024, we would all stomach Calipari longer but a Final Four? I look at the same as Tubby if he had made it in 2005 if it meant him staying longer.
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Nothing new really, just my thoughts.

Cal won’t change. His arrogance, and him thinking his way is best won’t permit it. He truly is so stubborn he’d rather lose his way instead of admitting it is the wrong way.

We’ve all seen it and many said it for years. Cal needs true elite talent and several of them to overcome his lack of basic coaching ability. I mean basic elementary coaching ability. The lack of adjustments. The lack of drawing up basic plays. The lack of inbounds plays. Teams FT shooting in crucial moments.

His time at UK is two tales, Pre Wisconsin getting elite of the elite and Post Wisconsin not so much. I am convinced that Wisconsin was a turning point for Cal as a coach and as a person. I think it took something from him. I believe it did the fan base as well. It did me. I’ll never get over it.

Cal is at a crossroads now with the fan base and even the basketball world. Everyone sees his lack of just basic coaching ability and it’s ugly. The so many close calls. The so many games we should not have lost have all now come home to roost because of last season and this season ending debacle.

It’s going to get really ugly when you combine all that and the potential issues with Sharpe, Wagner etc. Ugly. Does Cal have it in him to change and grow and learn? I think it’s awful late in his coaching life to do so and I believe he is simply too arrogant to do so. I wish he’d move on before it gets to a point that there is no feel good memories left regarding his time at UK.
I agree with your OP. But I question this one. How so?
As you well know this is not a "lifetime" contract at all and allows for him to be moved into the "office" in years 6-10. The amount of the salary are the same or slightly less than what he was getting prior. We had just come off an E8 loss to Auburn and just a few seasons past the 2015 mega team.
Certainly viewing the contract through the lens of today vs in early 2019 when it was inked looks bad. If anyone had a crystal ball back then to see ahead to today they chose not to use it. Cal was still stuck in 1-n-done recruiting hell. I think we see with this team how he has changed his rebuilding strategy. I am over him. We should move on....and that 10 year contract, now 7 year is not a major hurdle at all. JMHO
Today vs. 2019 is certainly a different view. I still maintain that if a coach wants to play the leverage game and flirt with leaving, let them. Excellent post by you and very insightful.
The truth of the matter is unless Calipari just leaves, we are probably stuck with him the next 2 seasons. Then I think Barnhart has some power to say Cal you either go to the admin role or we have to let you go. I just do not think Barnie has the balls to move sooner than spring of 2024. The sad thing is if we somehow turn it around make a Final Four next year or 2024 I can see Cal and Barnie throwing a parade and him staying longer.

If we 100% knew we could get a title next year or 2024, we would all stomach Calipari longer but a Final Four? I look at the same as Tubby if he had made it in 2005 if it meant him staying longer.
Winning certainly heals all wounds. I just don't see Cal making major changes. That said...he has very quickly pivoted to a "Portal" method because the 1-n-d thing is not viable any longer...... BECAUSE of the Portal. A veteran of actual NCAA play in the hand is worth 2 McD's in the bush.

He still refuses to run inbounds plays for some unexplained reason....though...he did slightly "tweak" his normal toss it over the head of a big guy non-play. At the same time we seem to always get stung defending inbounds plays several times over the season. Likely because of not practicing those situations.
I agree with your OP. But I question this one. How so?
As you well know this is not a "lifetime" contract at all and allows for him to be moved into the "office" in years 6-10. The amount of the salary are the same or slightly less than what he was getting prior. We had just come off an E8 loss to Auburn and just a few seasons past the 2015 mega team.
Certainly viewing the contract through the lens of today vs in early 2019 when it was inked looks bad. If anyone had a crystal ball back then to see ahead to today they chose not to use it. Cal was still stuck in 1-n-done recruiting hell. I think we see with this team how he has changed his rebuilding strategy. I am over him. We should move on....and that 10 year contract, now 7 year is not a major hurdle at all. JMHO
Is he a fool and look like an idiot too for saying Mitch should go?
Winning certainly heals all wounds. I just don't see Cal making major changes. That said...he has very quickly pivoted to a "Portal" method because the 1-n-d thing is not viable any longer...... BECAUSE of the Portal. A veteran of actual NCAA play in the hand is worth 2 McD's in the bush.

He still refuses to run inbounds plays for some unexplained reason....though...he did slightly "tweak" his normal toss it over the head of a big guy non-play. At the same time we seem to always get stung defending inbounds plays several times over the season. Likely because of not practicing those situations.

If he could actually sign the top freshmen like he used to I would have rather had them than some of the transfers we got (not Oscar obviously as he was awesome). I wish he could have signed a stud freshmen top 5 guy out of HS to play the 4 next to Oscar to help him out.
I'm the farthest thing there is from a Cal defender. I would be fine if he left tomorrow. But, to all of the people saying Cal is too stubborn to change, I hope you're just referring to his offense and coaching philosophy. Because last summer we actually saw him go out and do exactly what a lot of us thought he needed to do. He hired several new assistants, he changed his recruiting philosophy a bit by going to the transfer portal and getting some experienced talent and a relied a little less on the on-and-done and he made an effort to create a little more up tempo team. He still has some warts and isn't perfect, but to say he's too stubborn to change about all things is just not accurate.
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I'm the farthest thing there is from a Cal defender. I would be fine if he left tomorrow. But, to all of the people saying Cal is too stubborn to change, I hope you're just referring to his offense and coaching philosophy. Because last summer we actually saw him go out and do exactly what a lot of us thought he needed to do. He hired several new assistants, he changed his recruiting philosophy a bit by going to the transfer portal and getting some experienced talent and a relied a little less on the on-and-done and he made an effort to create a little more up tempo team. He still has some warts and isn't perfect, but to say he's too stubborn to change about all things is just not accurate.
I agree with you. He has shown that he can pivot away from 1-n-d. He did clean house too with the staff. But he must change his O and coaching philosophy too but I don't know that he is capable of doing that. Where you get talent is one you spent your career coaching them....that is much harder to change. The style of play gets changed by the younger coaches. Pitino was young when he used the 3 and press to change the game. Denny was old and stuck in his style of play and that killed his later years.

Its not like Cal is running the winged T backfield.....he just doesnt seem to be able to get guys who can shoot and worse yet seems to ruin their ability to shoot.

As for 2 bigs clogging the paint and being old school.....the Zags don't seem to have a problem with two big slow unathletic guys.
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Is he a fool and look like an idiot too for saying Mitch should go?

Lookie. Its the "Checkboard Man Bad" guy. I missed the part where he said we should fire MB? And unlike you, his reason is not because he hates the uniforms.
Lookie. Its the "Checkboard Man Bad" guy. I missed the part where he said we should fire MB? And unlike you, his reason is not because he hates the uniforms.
He only led off his post saying Mitch can go. Didn't figure you had the balls to call out a mod who dare differs from your opinion. Look at you still putting words that were never said when your argument fell apart living in Mister Rogers Neighborhood of Make-Believe. Is he also racist too? Might want to take a reading comprehension course and a pair of new glasses!
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He only led off his post saying Mitch can go. Didn't figure you had the balls to call out a mod who dare differs from your opinion. Look at you still putting words that were never said when your argument fell apart living in Mister Rogers Neighborhood of Make-Believe. Is he also racist too? Might want to take a reading comprehension course and a pair of new glasses!
Are you trolling me to derail his Cal-centric OP...which makes no mention of MB. I'll leave that to you.
Are you trolling me to derail his Cal-centric OP...which makes no mention of MB. I'll leave that to you.
Barnhart can go to for giving that contract. A contract like that is not for blue bloods. It’s for teams desperate to hang in to a coach. If a coach wants to leave UK, let them.
Just so long as we know you're consistent in who you go after..

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