Cal v. K?


May 26, 2005
I know Coach K has been around since dirt but does anyone have any idea the amount of dough K's players has made versus Cal's players? (I know that K's player's may have been playing some when the bucks weren't as high or guranteed. (I think it may be the case anyway.) I'd be interested to see the comparison as only this forum seems to be able to do with accuracy... :)
Not sure anyone really does "coach" earnings... It is usually by school. Duke/K players have been at or near the top of the NBA in earnings for a long time, IIRC. Kentucky I think recently passed, thanks in part to non-Cal players (Rondo, Bogans, etc). I would think Cal will certainly catch or pass given the recruiting and crazy turnover rates that Cal has had at UK, if he hasn't already.

If you are talking all time, rather than current salaries, I cannot imagine Cal can get near K yet... He just hasn't been coaching long enough. Derrick Rose doesn't hurt, though.
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Wonder if the Ashley Madison cheaters are any former duke players or coaches? :flushed:
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