Cal is miserable lol. Pissed too. Watch post game

One thing I thought was funny is he didn't know who they played next, what day the game was or if it was at home or on the road. 🤣🤣
For the longest time I thought that was his own special brand of coach-speak, but in the last couple seasons I came to realize he really didn't know. And since he decided it wasn't important to scout the opponents, it was always a last-minute scramble as to whether he had to pack a bag for an SEC road trip!
That game will live in UK lore forever. It had it all man, 3's, dunks, behind the back passes, everything. It had the backstory of the billboard. People were losing their shit. Now that kid is getting 6.5 mins at arkansas. Bonkers.
It really is crazy when you think about it. Putting up the billboard across from the NCAA office in Indianapolis was choice BBN magic. We even had the huge hinged-elbow Z fathead rolling in the student section. He became a phenomenon.