Burkes 3 star, rated #172 overall. Comparable front court recruits and their freshman (or first year) production. PPG/RPG

At this point I’d take a 3 star fligher over any more of the 5 star McDonald’s power forwards we’ve had.

Collins, ware, Jeffries, etc were misses.
I’m probably just drawing a blank, but who was Jeffries?
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LOL. This is quite a talent evaluation that compares the kid to players as totally dissimilar as Bobby Perry, Eloy Vargas and Josh Harrelson -- who have nothing in common with each other or with Burks. I guess the point is simply that they were all three-stars ranked in roughly the same range. Like Kenneth Faried, for example. Or Damian Lillard.
For every Damian Lillard there are 10,000 Snozell Jeffersons
I hope the kid becomes Kevin Durant. I just think he's more likely to have little to no impact this year. But I'll be ecstatic if our 8th man becomes a 1st round pick after 1 year.

I used to get REALLY excited about these lower ranked guys. This is how you build a program for the long haul, I would say. Get these guys that will be take 3-4 years to really put it all together, get a few of them every year. One day we'll look up and have 4-5 veterans that are juniors and seniors to go along with our elite freshmen.

No one wants to be here 3 or 4 years. Guys want to go to the league. And if they aren't going to the league, they're looking to move onto something else.
LOL. This is quite a talent evaluation that compares the kid to players as totally dissimilar as Bobby Perry, Eloy Vargas and Josh Harrelson -- who have nothing in common with each other or with Burks. I guess the point is simply that they were all three-stars ranked in roughly the same range. Like Kenneth Faried, for example. Or Damian Lillard.
LOL right back at you, amigo.

It's awesome that out of all the 3 stars you picked for your example, you picked guys representing the 2 or 3% that end up being NBA-level players, as opposed to the 97 to 98% who do not.
LOL right back at you, amigo.

It's awesome that out of all the 3 stars you picked for your example, you picked guys representing the 2 or 3% that end up being NBA-level players, as opposed to the 97 to 98% who do not.
I don’t expect anybody to know the specific answer to this, but I wonder how many of those lower ranked guys became good college basketball players – which is all that matters? My guess is quite a few.

Not only that, I expect more of those guys eventually became more impactful players for their college team than the 5-star freshmen (e.g., the 3-star was a better college basketball player as a Junior than the 5-star was as a freshman).
Curious? How many 5 stars on that U Conn championship team?
The problem is the only thing Cal can sell is “I’ll get you to the league”. No one comes here to develop over several years, if that’s what you want there are better options. Guys like brooks and Poythress actually regress and see their draft stock fall while they’re here. So yeah, it would be cool if we were taking kids that want to be here a long time and developing a veteran core but that isn’t what this is. We’re plugging a raw 18 year old with a history of jumping teams into a spot where we would typically plug a vet transfer or elite pro prospect freshman. Nothing is changing, least of all the focus being on this NBA.
This guy is going to be a backup to Edwards.

Derek Willis and Dominique Hawkins were ranked in the 100s. They weren't asked to play much their FR/SO years, but I don't think it would have hurt the team for them to be out there in backup roles.
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Like him hope he's great 3 years from now. But that isn't the program cal has had or will have. He is not going to stock and develop veteran talent. This is a hail mary because he has not been doing his job.
I don't think anyone disagrees that this is a hail-mary attempt by Cal.
But that doesn't mean he can't or won't stick around and develop. And maybe it only takes him 2 years, but he's not a OAD talent.