Bump this thread when Indiana sucks

Captain's Log. Stardate 02012020. Despite all of their feabilien efforts to recapture any resemblance of a respectable basketball program, the suckage at Indiana University continues. Picard out.
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Today was the second greatest day in Indiana basketball since the last time Bob Knight was in assembly hall. Think about that for a minute.
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Think how bad it was when Gillespie was here and how you cant even think about enduring anything like that again. Theyve been in that for decades now.

I'd assume a large portion of ppl arent fans anymore
It’s truly amazing that IU has been down this loooonnnngggg. It almost defies logic!
It’s truly amazing that IU has been down this loooonnnngggg. It almost defies logic!
IU had a highly dysfunctional unlikable, mean-spirited bully of a coach for decades who failed to adapt through the years. When he did (unceremoniously) leave, he left behind him generational dysfunction in both the school administration and the fans that still exists today.

They may never recover.

Bottom line: IU sucks.
IU had a highly dysfunctional unlikable, mean-spirited bully of a coach for decades who failed to adapt through the years. When he did (unceremoniously) leave, he left behind him generational dysfunction in both the school administration and the fans that still exists today.

They may never recover.

Bottom line: IU sucks.
I hope the inbred trash never recover
Hoosiers currently tied for 10th place in the Big 10 at 5-7. It’s about where they’ve been for the better part of 30 years now.
There are very few things (in terms of sports) I relish more than IU of them is IU consistently sucking!

Iowa rolls in to Btown next....I'm sure they're really scared. [eyeroll]
And the suck keeps sucking....In the immortal words of the rap poet Lil John..."Waaaaat shaaaaat."