Bronny still hanging around…

nobody cares bfd GIF
LeBron would probably have whichever GM drafted Bronny without permission murdered by Rich Paul's mafia.

bronny…… it’s such a ridiculous name I refuse to use it. I always say Lebron’s kid. I mean screwing your kids name that bad deserves its own picking children’s names for idiots book.

The power Lebron has over the NBA is scary. That league is gone forever unless they can get enough foreign dominant players. Personally I think that’s somehow the goal.
didnt think he was a great prospect but thought someone wouldve taken to try and get lebron on the team
It’s been guaranteed that he’s gonna go 55 to the Lakers, it’s sad his daddy had to guarantee him a roster spot. Kid isn’t close to a NBA second round pick yet. Hes’snot even NCAA starter material.
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It’s been selected that he’s gonna go 55 to the Lakers, it’s sad his daddy had to guarantee him a roster spot. He’s even too good for a two way deal. What a joke. Kid isn’t close to a NBA second round pick yet.
Brad Calipari got an on bench coaching gig at a power 5 SEC school without ever coaching a single game. At least Lebrons kid has some experience.
There was never any chance that he’d go in the first round. Anyone who believed that was deluding themselves. For cripes sake, he was only like the 8th man (with horrendous shooting percentages) for a crappy 18-loss college team.

But he still might get taken tonight …even if only to please his daddy. Not nearly as much risk in doing something crazy in the second round where the money ain’t guaranteed.
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Brad Calipari got an on bench coaching gig at a power 5 SEC school without ever coaching a single game. At least Lebrons kid has some experience.
Yeah but he’s never been an actual assistant, he started out low and then at least went to other schools to get some resume experience. NBA slots and salary are a lot l more rare than college coaching gigs. If Bronny was regular kid somewhere else he wouldn’t have been a McDonalds AA, nor would he even be on NBA radars. Both had nepotism but the fact LeBron got Bronny drafted to his own team is far more egregious IMO.
There was never any chance that he’d go in the first round. Anyone who believed that was deluding themselves. For cripes sake, he was only like the 8th man (with horrendous shooting percentages) for a crappy 18-loss college team.

But he still might get taken tonight …even if only to please his daddy. Not nearly as much risk in doing something crazy in the second round where the money ain’t guaranteed.
See that is for a usual player, Rich Paul and daddy made it so Bronny gets a guaranteed deal and roster spot. They wouldn’t even accept a 2 way deal, which is a joke that a team would accommodate that for a 40 year old LeBron.
There are 2 types of leaders of a family. Ones that want to get something done for their own family or ones that cry about someone else getting something done for theirs.
Yeah but he’s never been an actual assistant, he started out low and then at least went to other schools to get some resume experience. NBA slots and salary are a lot l more rare than college coaching gigs. If Bronny was regular kid somewhere else he wouldn’t have been a McDonalds AA, nor would he even be on NBA radars. Both had nepotism but the fact LeBron got Bronny drafted to his own team is far more egregious IMO.
I disagree only out of qualifications. Bronny, while not good ,has played basketball at USC. Brad has never coached a player to my knowledge at any level. He was director of player development at Vandy. That is not a on court coaching position. He helped guys with their problems. He couldn’t work with players even if he was great at it. Zero, not one second of coaching experience and you are a teacher at an SEC level school. That’s worse IMO.
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I didn’t expect Bronny to be drafted last night. But if AJ Johnson could go 23rd after a terribly disappointing season in the NBL, nothing is truly out of the question.
There was never any chance that he’d go in the first round. Anyone who believed that was deluding themselves. For cripes sake, he was only like the 8th man (with horrendous shooting percentages) for a crappy 18-loss college team.

But he still might get taken tonight …even if only to please his daddy. Not nearly as much risk in doing something crazy in the second round where the money ain’t guaranteed.
Shouldn't that second round pick and the money that goes with it go to a more deserving, less wealthy player than Bronnie????

He doesn't need the money and he certainly is not the best player available.

What happened to Lebron and his stand on social justice????

The LeBrons and Cals (and their families) of this world are the poster boys of privilege who cry the loudest about social injustice in America, IMO.
There was never any chance that he’d go in the first round. Anyone who believed that was deluding themselves. For cripes sake, he was only like the 8th man (with horrendous shooting percentages) for a crappy 18-loss college team.

But he still might get taken tonight …even if only to please his daddy. Not nearly as much risk in doing something crazy in the second round where the money ain’t guaranteed.
Oh Lakers are definitely taking him tonight. Then it will be talked about for hours tomorrow on all of the sports shows.

You’ll get ridiculous headlines like
“Are the Lakers now title contenders with Bronny and his dad?”
I disagree only out of qualifications. Bronny, while not good ,has played basketball at USC. Brad has never coached a player to my knowledge at any level. He was director of player development at Vandy. That is not a on court coaching position. He helped guys with their problems. He couldn’t work with players even if he was great at it. Zero, not one second of coaching experience and you are a teacher at an SEC level school. That’s worse IMO.
Agree to disagree but it’s cool 😎.
didnt think he was a great prospect but thought someone wouldve taken to try and get lebron on the team
I’m a Lakers fan. LeBron isn’t a Top 10 player anymore and may play 2-3 more years tops. Not worth wasting a first round pick on someone who couldn’t average 5 points for a non-NCAA tournament team.
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Really impressive stats for a freshman at USC. Certainly deserving of a 2nd round pick. :rolleyes:


Brad Calipari got an on bench coaching gig at a power 5 SEC school without ever coaching a single game. At least Lebrons kid has some experience.
That's common as you can't measure coaching intellect as everyone gets their first gig somehow but pro sports as a player is a physical aspect. You're supposed to be one of the absolute best players in the world. To get a roster spot in the NBA, you're supposed to be one of the 450 best players in the world. A 6-foot-2 guard with heart problems and who couldn't average more than 5 ppg for a horrible team has done nothing to warrant an NBA roster spot but is going to be drafted there to appease his daddy.
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bronny…… it’s such a ridiculous name I refuse to use it. I always say Lebron’s kid. I mean screwing your kids name that bad deserves its own picking children’s names for idiots book.

The power Lebron has over the NBA is scary. That league is gone forever unless they can get enough foreign dominant players. Personally I think that’s somehow the goal.
His actual name isn’t bronny
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The fact that some of you are so are up about this is hilarious. As if James is the only person in the world to get somewhere because of nepotism or who they know.
We're used to it in the corporate world. You don't usually see it in the world of pro sports because that's supposed to be a meritocracy of physical gifts. Yeah, you'll see some CEO's clown kid get a bogus executive job because you can stash away nepotism in that world. You can't hide someone being 6-foot-2 and not good in the world of pro basketball.
bronny…… it’s such a ridiculous name I refuse to use it. I always say Lebron’s kid. I mean screwing your kids name that bad deserves its own picking children’s names for idiots book.

The power Lebron has over the NBA is scary. That league is gone forever unless they can get enough foreign dominant players. Personally I think that’s somehow the goal.

Bronny is a nickname, retard.
His name is LeBron, just like dad.