Book Recommendation Thread

Originally posted by LordEgg:
blood meridian by cormac mccarthy.

batavia's graveyard by Mike Dash

1066 - david howarth. absolutely one of the best fast read books on a singular topic ever written.

under the banner of heaven - john krakauer
Blood Meridian is a must read. I would say anything by McCarthy is a must, actually. The minimalist style of "The Road" must be read to be appreciated.
Reading older book right now. Cornbread Mafia. Interesting ish.

This post was edited on 2/14 12:40 PM by Desperado_1955

The Holographic Universe - sort of a combination of metaphysics and quantum physics that provides a plausible explanation for. . . well everything.

This post was edited on 2/14 12:27 PM by Deeeefense
Just finished "The Hit" by David Baldacci, which was very good.

Now reading "Columbine". It is very good.
I think just about any Kentuckian would be intrigued by "Cornbread Mafia" and "Bluegrass Conspiracy"; they were excellent. This is the last book I had a hard time putting down. The author has a new book coming out soon that starts off with the riot in downtown Louisville from last year.

Originally posted by DSmith21:
I have not liked Stephen King in a while but this one was good. Its a crime novel rather than horror.

This post was edited on 2/6 12:02 PM by DSmith21
A great and entertaining read. With that said, King has NEVER disappointed.

Last year I finally finished his "Dark Tower" opus as well as his newest classic "Cellular" (you will never look at your cell phone the same again after readfing this one), which I would rank up there with his finest, "The Stand".
Also currently reading Hunter S. Thompson's "Curse of Lono" for the 2nd time.

While not nearly as "Far Out" and with much less "Bad Craziness", this is a fantastic Gonzo read.

Looking forward to the film adaptation...someday soon.
Originally posted by VernHatton52:
A Song of Ice and Fire, shit's legit!
I'm re-reading the series right now. I didn't think i'd ever put this much time into reading a series that i've already read once (the 5 books are about 5,700 pages combined, IIRC). But i'm enjoying it just as much again this time around. Clash and Storm are my two favorite books of all time.
Just finishing up The Name of the Wind the 1st of the trilogy Kingkiller Chronicles and its good if you like fantasy.
Originally posted by Chuckinden:

Now reading "Columbine". It is very good.
Me too, it is very much more in depth than the other Columbine book I read several years ago. Not finished yet, but Eric Harris was one messed up and evil young man, while his partner, Dylan Klebold, was a really depressed kid that was sort of looking for a way to kill himself.